Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1130

"Old man, what you said is true?" Yang Ping asked again. His tone was not as proud as before. His vocal cords were trembling and his words were full of strong uncertainty.


Yang Ping\'s heart sank when the old man sighed. He rarely heard the old man\'s sigh. Every sigh means that something big has happened, saying: "I said earlier that you should stay away from the woman who loves you as far as possible, but you don\'t listen. Don\'t you find that the luck of the woman you are estranged from will come back, but the bad luck of the woman you are close to will come. After Zhu Xi leaves you, the company\'s performance will improve, especially his own strength."

Yang Ping\'s face looked ugly.

If Zhu Xi leaves herself, she will be happy. On the contrary, Mingzhu has been around for a while. Doesn\'t it mean that she will be destroyed? No, now Mingzhu seems to be in good health, not like an accident.

"Do you think the pearl is OK?" the old man seemed to see through Yang Ping\'s mind and scolded, "When will you listen to what I say? Karma is not the time when you don\'t report. Little rabbit, I don\'t know how to explain. Anyway, the disaster is coming, up to three days. If you can\'t find a solution within three days, you can only watch the Pearl leave you."

Yang Ping angrily said, "aren\'t you very good? What should I do?"

The old man was silent.

The silence of death made Yang Ping extremely depressed.

"Look carefully at the center of the Pearl\'s eyebrows. Is there a white spot? If so, it means that the spell of fate has been opened." the old man suddenly asked.

Yang Ping had been 100 meters away from the Pearl. When she heard that something would happen to the Pearl, she avoided it. For fear that she was worried, she returned to the Pearl and looked carefully. Sure enough, she found white spots in the center of her eyebrows. Although they were very weak, they were like stars in the night sky.

"What\'s the matter?" Mingzhu saw that Yang Ping\'s face was wrong and smiled around him. "Where do you think we\'ll go next? Many places in Longcheng haven\'t been to play."

"You wait first." Yang Ping hinted to be calm and not let Mingzhu see the flaw. "I\'ll talk to the old man about something."

After the distance was far enough, Yang Ping gasped, "come on and say the solution. I will not allow the Pearl to have problems." if it weren\'t for his own initiative and using the mountain and river map to treat the Pearl, the Pearl wouldn\'t be like this. It\'s all his fault.

Yang Ping was filled with remorse and bitterness. She held back her tears and dared not look at the Pearl in the distance. The Pearl was smiling at him, and Yang Ping had to keep smiling painfully.

"Find the man behind the scenes. Since you dare to give the mountain and river map to the Pearl, the plot behind the scenes must be big. If you didn\'t tell me, few people know the curse of the mountain and river map. In those years, the mountain and river map was divided into three, one was left in the Zhu family, one was under the heavenly tomb, and one was missing."

Yang Ping listened silently until the old man hung up the phone and the tears in his eyes dried up. Then he returned to Mingzhu.

"What\'s the matter?"

Pearl looked puzzled and asked, "I think you\'re in a bad mood. Are you tired today? Why don\'t you go back and have a rest."

Yang Ping shook his head and said with a smile, "how can I be tired to go shopping with you."

The Pearl smiled happily, snuggled gently in her arms and whispered, "Yang Ping, it\'s good to have you."

Touching Mingzhu\'s black hair, Yang Ping\'s nose was sour. He swore to himself that I would not let anything happen to you, Mingzhu, and I would not let you leave me. When he returned to Tongde Medical Museum, Yang Ping went to the room to see the Phoenix. She still didn\'t wake up, but it didn\'t prevent him from sitting around for half an hour, talking about his military career and his former life ideal.

"Time flies. Five years have passed in the twinkling of an eye. I remember the first time we met, you were a flower in the army. When I approached you, I didn\'t know how many soldiers wanted to beat me. It\'s a pity that they couldn\'t beat me."

"Phoenix, get better. The American Power Group will help my brothers revenge when I finish dealing with the dragon city. Their blood will not flow in vain. Let their bastards know that Chinese soldiers are always the most powerful. Isn\'t that your belief?"

"Have a good rest."

Walking out of the room, Yang Ping saw that Mingzhu was busy in the kitchen. He said that he had something to do when he went out. He left Tongde Medical Museum and walked out of the village in the city. The square was cold and said in a deep voice: "Yang Yuxin, who are you?"

The top floor of China Airlines building.

Zhu Xi rubbed her temples, tired for a long time, and finally felt hungry. Yu Yangping drank coffee on the Bank of Luoshui river. It was hard to tell. Obviously, there were many contradictions between the two before, but after they separated, they gave birth to a strange feeling.

Sitting opposite each other and chatting about her family, Zhu Xi feels not generally good. Zhu Xi is in a good mood today, smiling, which makes others feel like hell. Why is the cold president smiling happily early in the morning? Does he have a boyfriend?

Many people guess so.

But people who are really familiar with Zhu Xi know that other men can\'t enter Zhu Xi\'s heart. Only if they are more friendly with Yang Ping is the most likely. In fact, they don\'t have a deep image of Yang Ping. One is that Yang Ping doesn\'t directly participate in the company\'s management, and the other is that Yang Ping focuses more on Zhu Xi\'s relationship.


Zhu Xi shouted out, but there was no response. She picked up her landline and dialed the assistant\'s office, thinking of going to dinner with her at noon, but no one answered the phone. She couldn\'t help shaking her head and said, "Yuxin is too diligent. She works hard. After finishing the reconstruction project of the old city, give her a good reward. It\'s said that she doesn\'t have a boyfriend yet. If possible, help her introduce the young talents of Longcheng."

The assistant\'s office is empty.

Just as Zhu Xi was about to leave, she found a letter on the table, which said that Zhu Dong personally opened it.

"Does Yuxin like this?"

Zhu Xi tore open the envelope, thinking that Yang Yuxin was joking and wanted to surprise her. Yang Yuxin used to do this, especially when Zhu Xi was depressed, but when she opened the envelope, her pretty face changed wildly.

The bloody handwriting, like a resentful face, stared at her.

The letterhead fell on the ground and became invisible.


In front of Zhu Xi\'s eyes, a terrible broken face suddenly appeared, and then she opened her bloody mouth and rushed over. She was scared to scream, but she was caught off guard and had no time to flash. Seeing that the broken face was going to bite her, she suddenly screamed and roared with great resentment.

A flower in front of me.

Zhu Xi was still in shock. She covered her chest and gasped violently. When she looked down, she found that it was an illusion. The letterhead was still on the ground, written in a red pen.

I\'m sorry.

Zhu Xi calmed down and dialed Yang Yuxin\'s phone. It prompted that it was turned off, and then dialed another number. She found that she could not contact the other party. Realizing that Yang Yuxin might have a problem, she invited others to ask if she had seen Yang Yuxin this morning.

Everyone answered, No.

Zhu Xi panicked.

Yang Yuxin will not disappear for no reason. Was she kidnapped?

Zhu Xi became nervous and worried about Yang Yuxin.

Just out of the assistant office, Zhu Xi happened to see Yang Ping. Her eyes flashed with surprise, but she was soon replaced by panic. She came up and hurriedly said, "Yang Ping, Yuxin had an accident. Please help find it."

Yang Ping\'s face was gloomy and frighteningly dark.