Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1127

The shadow was full of resentment and could not wash away the three rivers. It seemed that he was a collection of resentment. His words and deeds sent out strong resentment. Behind him was a thick black fog, which sometimes turned into an endless face of resentment and sometimes became as empty as death. These are the same kind he refined in the dark place and walked out of a path of resentment.

Saran is the holy realm, and the dark land is also the supreme existence.

"My brother can\'t die in vain. I\'ll not only kill all the people related to Yang Ping, but also torture him to let him know how stupid it is to kill my brother. Come on."

A cold voice came out of the black fog and shouted, "this woman is Yang Ping\'s companion. Peel her clean, suck her blood, eat her meat and draw her tendons. You can\'t let her die right away. When Yang Ping comes, let him see how miserable his companion died."

Wu Linlin looked at the black fog in fear and felt sad in her heart.

I didn\'t expect to be caught in Longcheng, and it seems that these people are extremely cruel aliens. They drink blood and eat meat. It\'s terrible.

Black atomized into a tentacle and grabbed Wu Linlin\'s head. At the same time, it was mixed with the roar of resentment, which made Wu Linlin dizzy. Soon, her eyes were dull. She was obediently slaughtered and was about to be swallowed up. At this moment, Yang Pinggang just felt the smell of resentment. In a moment, she moved with the strongest movement to Xianyun temple and was ready to kill her.


A golden light rose into the sky.

Then there was a sad cry from the Taoist temple. Saran roared, "it\'s impossible..."

Silence soon returned.

Yang Ping was shocked when he saw the golden light rising to the sky. That feeling was very familiar and hard to forget all his life. It seemed that he saw the invincible green mountain man at the end of the time tunnel. Yes, that\'s the breath.

Rushing into the Taoist temple, Yang Ping saw an amazing scene.

A red haired corpse, like an uncivilized human, with huge limbs like a mountain, lying on the ground without the breath of [email protected] ^^$

Wu Linlin sat on the ground, stunned and staring at the body. When Yang Ping approached, she cried out with a loud cry, hugged Yang Ping tightly, and her delicate body trembled. The golden light flashed by, didn\'t appear again, and the breath disappeared. Yang Ping was suspicious and stared at the body. I\'m afraid only the master of Tianzun level had such terrible attack power. There seemed to be no scars all over, but the spiritual world collapsed completely, and the vitality seemed to be swallowed up and turned into a corpse.

"I\'m afraid," cried Wu Linlin.

He left the Taoist temple and took Wu Linlin back to Tongde Medical Museum. Muyi smiled and was waiting anxiously. When he saw Wu Linlin coming back, he rushed up, hugged her and said painfully, "Linlin, I thought I would never see you again."

Wu Linlin cries more and doesn\'t want to leave Muyi\'s smiling arms.

Muyi smiled, although distressed, but very hard. He stroked Wu Linlin\'s hair and murmured, "Linlin, I swear no one will hurt you again."! $*!


Wu Linlin looked at Muyi and smiled. Her eyes were full of tenderness and moved. She said, "thank you for saving me."

Yang Ping was stunned and secretly said that although she didn\'t help, Muyi smiled as if she didn\'t help. How could she save people. Hiding his inner doubt, Yang Pinggang was about to speak and stared fiercely.

I wipe it, right.

Muyi smiles deeply and kisses Wu Linlin. Wu Linlin responded enthusiastically. The scene made Yang Ping\'s blood surging. In broad daylight, you two should pay attention to your image.

More importantly, Muyi is so beautiful and Wu Linlin is not bad. The two beauties kiss in front of Yang Ping, which is a little exciting.

Yang Ping coughs.

The two women hurried apart. Wu Linlin was shy and bowed her head. She buried her head in Muyi\'s smiling chest. She looked like a full little woman, and Muyi\'s smiling face was a mature expression, very calm.


Yang Ping had to admire the two women. At the same time, he secretly said that it was a pity that if the two women were known to be that kind of relationship, I don\'t know how many men would hang themselves. Remembering that Li Shoucheng and Lin Zicong are willing to take risks in Longcheng in order to pursue Muyi, they finally escape, but at least they come over.

I don\'t know if Li Shoucheng and Lin Zicong will spit blood after they know that the two women have a special relationship.

"We..." Muyi smiled and calmed down, a little embarrassed.

Yang Ping hurriedly said, "don\'t worry, I understand you very much."

Muyi smiled and showed his moving eyes.

In fact, in this world, there are many kinds of relationships, whether men and men, or women and women, some have gone beyond the body and found the real belonging in the heart.

Yang Ping can foresee that Muyi Xiaoxiao must be under great pressure. To know that Mulao has only one granddaughter and the only blood is that. It\'s possible that Mulao will be angry when he knows.

"Thank you."

Muyi didn\'t laugh at many jokes, but he could hear his thanks to Yang Ping and said, "I don\'t know how to express it, but Linlin is the most important woman in my life. Please keep it a secret for me. If my family knew it, they wouldn\'t forgive me."

"I see."

Seeing the two women leave, Muyi smiled and refused Yang Ping\'s escort, and made a bulletproof car to leave. After the two women were frightened, they would not go out casually. Moreover, the Mujia was half scared to death when they learned that the young lady almost had something wrong, so they hurried to send a strong escort to the capital.

Pearl hasn\'t woken up yet.

So is Phoenix.

Yang Ping didn\'t open a shop. He sat quietly in the consultation room and thought of the golden light in the Taoist temple. He said secretly, where did Wu Linlin\'s family come from and why was that smell so familiar?


When Yang Ping was thinking, he felt an absolute danger, no less than a sneak attack by a great saint. Just after turning back, the wooden door of Tongde Medical Museum was opened and a figure came in. In the weak light, he almost covered his face, leaving only dazzling light.

This person automatically bursts out a light, which can blind others.

Saint King!

Yang Ping\'s eyes narrowed and he found that the visitor was a highly gifted Saint Wang Qiang. Although he was still a saint, his power was extremely terrible. If he stabbed Ke, Ke Yidao would not be his opponent.

What a terrible talent.

Yang Ping looked at the visitor, and the other party was also looking at him.

The four eyes are opposite and stimulate a hot fire.

"You are Yang Ping."

The other party\'s tone is cold and aloof. It seems that he is used to controlling all heaven and earth, stepping on all roads and releasing an invincible breath.


Yang Ping responded coldly.

Although the other party left, he didn\'t go where Yang Ping was afraid. Today\'s Yang Ping is not as strong as before. He doesn\'t even know how strong he is. Anyway, it\'s like playing with saints. Yang Ping wants to know where his limit is. The expert in front of him is a good test object.

"Come with me."

The other side is tough.

Yang Ping ignored it and said faintly, "why?"


The man showed a strong killing opportunity. The Tongde Medical Museum was covered with a layer of cold ice. His field spread. Yang Ping\'s face changed slightly. His body seemed to be in the cold winter of the twelfth lunar month and could not move.

Cold attribute extreme field!

Yang Ping finally understands why the other party is confident. It is used as an ultimate attribute. He is the strongest master in the realm of saints.