Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1126

Release his hand, Yang Ping kept calm, changed a smiling face and said, "how\'s the group working recently? I heard you work overtime every day. Don\'t damage your body."

Zhu Xi was disappointed and thought something would happen, but she was also a proud person. She didn\'t continue to fantasize. She nodded and said, "there are really many things. There is no problem in terms of funds for winning the old city reconstruction project. At present, everything is normal, but..."

She explained the strange things happened in Biyuan group, and also mentioned that there were also abnormalities in the construction site of China Airlines Group, but it was not so obvious. She asked, "is it really evil?"

Zhu Xi is actually an atheist, but the recent events are on the desk one by one. It\'s difficult to doubt. I\'d like to hear Yang Ping\'s views.

Yang Ping\'s face was positive and said, "I\'ve read the planning book of China Airlines Group. There is a core in it, which is the village in the city. Personal opinion, don\'t develop it if it\'s not necessary."

Zhu Xi fretted and said, "but the directors of the company proposed giving priority to the development of urban villages."

With a flash of eyes, Yang Ping shook his head and said, "Zhu Xi, if you believe me, don\'t develop the village in the city. There are some things you can\'t bear. At least wait for a period of time and wait until things are handled. This can minimize the loss."

Zhu Xi was dignified and said she would consider it.

After chatting for a while, they both had something to do. They left. Before leaving, Yang Ping gave Zhu Xi a talisman, saying that she should wear it on her body and don\'t take it off even if she takes a bath, so as to protect her safety.

Zhu Xi thought there was another meaning. Her pretty face was slightly red and nodded heavily.

When Zhu Xi leaves.

Yang Ping breathed a sigh of relief and showed a worried expression. He secretly said that it seems that the directors of China Airlines Group have also been infiltrated. Idiots know that the villages in the city are very dangerous. How can they give priority to development? Isn\'t this looking for death?

I hope you don\'t use that symbol.

"Why, the old love is not over. I can see that Zhu Xi still likes you very much." the boss sat down on the ground, looked at Yang Ping with interest and said with a smile, "don\'t you men like three wives and four concubines? Why don\'t you take them together."

Yang Ping looked at the boss, shook his head and said, "I thought you returned home. Unexpectedly, you still stayed in Longcheng and opened a coffee shop."

The boss is a great beauty, a coquettish and peerless beauty, but he usually disguises it with Yirong technique and turns into a very ordinary woman. Only Yang Ping\'s perspective eye can see through Yirong technique and know that the boss is the former Nine Tailed Fox.

Nine Tailed Fox is the top spy of the island country, but it was abandoned by the organization and lived in seclusion in Longcheng.

Since the death of the black ox, the Nine Tailed Fox seems to have changed from being coquettish to being introverted, being a quiet little boss and living a peaceful life. Yang Ping felt that the tranquility of the Nine Tailed Fox was not pretended.

"You should be careful of the island countries. They will have a terrible big man these two days," Nine Tailed Fox warned.

Yang Ping smiled. What kind of big people have not seen and killed many giants? He didn\'t think so. "Thank you for your reminder, but the yin-yang technique of the island country, but so. You don\'t need to worry. I\'m just afraid they\'ll be in trouble if they come to you."

Seeing that Yang Ping didn\'t pay enough attention, Jiuwei fox hurriedly said, "Yang Ping, I know you are very strong now, but this person is definitely not an ordinary person. Although Sakura swordsman is very powerful, he is not at the same level as this person. He is the first strong under the emperor."

The first strong man under the emperor.

Yang Ping\'s eyebrows jumped and he thought it was very interesting. Unexpectedly, the island country was in chaos. My heart did not die. He continued to send experts to sneak into China. He didn\'t come to kill one by one. He had this confidence.


Yang Ping smiled.

Nine Tailed Fox mentioned this person\'s name and couldn\'t help showing fear. He said in a deep voice: "sunshine God, we all call him that, but we\'ve never seen a real person. He was at the same level as Baqi snake, but after Baqi snake invaded China and was suppressed, sunshine God was the first expert in the military."

Yang Ping paid more attention to this. If he was in the same realm as Baqi snake, his strength was more unfathomable over the years. It seems to be a trouble. It is preliminarily estimated that this person is a great saint.

"You should be careful. If you have any difficulties, you can come to me. I will arrive at the first time."

Yang Ping said seriously that the Nine Tailed Fox is a sensitive person. If she is seen through in Longcheng, she will not end well. She is a top intelligence officer. She knows too many things. Betraying the island country means death. The island country has a so-called sunshine God, and the purpose must include the nine Tailed Fox.

"Don\'t worry, as long as I don\'t release my breath, they can\'t find me."

The Nine Tailed Fox smiled.

When Yang Ping left, the Nine Tailed Fox looked faint and murmured, "the emperor\'s time is coming. He will certainly do crazy things. Yang Ping, don\'t underestimate the great God of sunshine. He is a totem in the organization."

Back to Tongde Medical Museum.

Here comes the guest.

A man, who is also beautiful and knows each other, is waiting at the door. Seeing Yang Ping coming back, he hurried forward and said, "Yang Ping, please save Wu Linlin. She was taken away."

Muyi smiled, his face was full of anxiety, and his eyes were full of tears. He was obviously worried about his companions. He was about to cry. He begged: "on our way back, we were caught by a group of people in black. Qin Bo was seriously injured, and we were dying."

Yang Ping frowned. Qin Bo was a saint. He was seriously injured. It seems that the sneak attacker was very powerful. He asked, "where is the sneak attack?"

Muyi smiled and reported an address. Yang Ping\'s heart beat slightly and said secretly, how could it be so coincidence? It\'s not just on the way to Mu laobieyuan. It\'s reasonable to say that there is a military God who dares to go wild.

After listening to the process of the sneak attack, Yang Ping understood that it was an organized and premeditated sneak attack. The other party\'s strength was far above Qinbo, but he pretended to be equal. In this way, the other party didn\'t want to expose his identity.

"Why did they catch Wu Linlin?" Yang Ping said strangely.

Muyi shook his head with a smile and said blankly, "I don\'t know, but when they took Wu Linlin, they seemed to mention some mountain and river map, saying that the mountain and river map was on Wu Linlin."

Mountain and river map.

Yang Ping narrowed her eyes and finally understood the other party\'s purpose. Moreover, she is not an ordinary thief. She may be a terrible force. Wu Linlin\'s identity in the capital is not simple. Who dares to do it?

Unless it was premeditated.

"Go and have a look."

Yang Ping sighed that Tongde medical school was not far away from the address where the sneak attack took place. He could come back in an instant. He specially arranged a powerful array to guard the medical school. It was useless for anyone to come, unless it was the emperor.

Falling flower bridge.

Immortal cloud view.

This is a very secret Taoist temple of Luohua bridge. It is not open to the outside world. It is hidden in the world. No one will doubt it here.

In the Taoist temple.

Wu Linlin was tied to the post, surrounded by all kinds of black totems, with ferocious expression and claws, like an evil ghost climbing up on the 18th floor of hell. Wu Linlin turned pale and frightened.

"Master, people have been brought here." a man with a green face and tusk mask bowed to a master\'s chair placed in front of him.

"Very good."

A dark shadow appeared in the Taishi chair. This person\'s breath was very obscure, bright and dark, and full of strange killing opportunities. Ordinary people would be demonized if they touched the cold breath in front of him.

"Sagu is dead."

The shadow resented: "it was killed by a boy named Yang Ping. My brother just left the devil\'s land. He thought he could enjoy the world, but he died like this. I want to pay. I want to kill all the people related to Yang Ping!"

Resentment filled the Taoist temple.