Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1125

Zhu Xi didn\'t dare to turn around. When she heard the familiar voice, she could hardly believe it. Her heart pounded. She was secretly angry. Why didn\'t she appear early or late? She just spoke after venting at Luoshui. Was it intentional?

That voice is very magnetic. It belongs to Yang Ping alone. Zhu Xi will never forget it in her dreams.

Now she just wants to find a hole to drill down. She has no face to see anyone.

What should I do?

Zhu Xi was flustered, bowed her head and walked away. She passed a figure and was held by a hand. Then she slowly looked up and said in a trembling voice: "you... Don\'t mess around, or I\'ll call the police..."

Yang Ping thought that Zhu Xi was lovely at this time. At least the shame on her pretty face showed her inner innocence. She smiled and said, "why did you call the police? I didn\'t do anything to you. Did you scold me just now?"

Zhu Xi was ashamed and said, "let me go."

Yang Ping let go of her arm and looked at Zhu Xi. She found that she really changed a lot. Her energy and spirit can\'t deceive people. Traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to watching, hearing and asking. From Zhu Xi, we can see that she has cultivated and reached the level of five grades. This is a great thing. It\'s only a few days. She has changed from an ordinary person to the level of five grades. You should know that when you came to Longcheng, the realm of five grades is equal to the most powerful in Longcheng.

More importantly, Zhu Xi grew up.

Yang Ping looked in front of Zhu Xi and found that she was wearing a tight dress this year, highlighting the perfect curve even more. Although she had seen a real-life version before, the temptation of wearing clothes exploded.

Zhu Xi felt Yang Ping\'s hot eyes and was even more flustered. She hurriedly said, "what do you... What do you want? There are still very important things in our company. Go back first."

Yang Ping said with a smile, "there\'s always time for a cup of coffee."

Zhu Xi hesitated. In fact, she didn\'t really want to go. They quarreled, blushed, opened and closed. I don\'t know how many times, but the feeling of this meeting is very different. It seems that they know how to cherish it after they really lost it. In short, Zhu Xi found that he didn\'t think Yang Ping was good-looking before, but he hated him. But now it seems that Yang Ping is actually pretty. He is a very beautiful type, especially his eyes are very clear and bright. It\'s not that other men are full of strong desire after seeing her.

Fate cafe is built on the Bank of Luoshui river. In the morning or evening, it is bathed in light, breathing the air with the smell of Luoshui water and grass, and the whole person can relax. It\'s early morning. The sun is bright and the soft light falls on the table. Small flowers are planted under the walls of the cafe. Life is in full bloom in midsummer. It seems that you want to compete with God for some time.

Zhu Xi held the coffee, calmed down and looked up at Yang Ping. His eyes floated from Luoshui to the distance, emitting a faint sadness. The temperament of this man is very destructive to girls, and the men with stories are always competitive.

As time passed, neither of them spoke, but sat on a stool, bathed in the gentle sunshine. In Yang Ping\'s eyes is the vast sky, and Zhu Xi\'s pupils sometimes appear his figure and falling flowers floating on the water.

Watching the falling flowers go into the water and drift with the waves.

Feeling something in her heart, Zhu Xi sighed. At the moment, aren\'t they falling flowers and running water? Falling flowers are intentional and running water is ruthless. Zhu Xi felt that her communication was not bad. She controlled a group. She was eloquent and eloquent at the meeting, but she didn\'t know how to speak to Yang Ping for a moment.

The water in Luoshui is sparkling, showing scenes since they knew each other.

From disgust to hatred, then to the easing of contradictions, and then to the emergence of new contradictions, the two almost walked together for some time. However, fate seems to like to tease the two, intervene at the most critical time, and then can\'t go back.

"How have you been lately..."

When they saw the awkward atmosphere, they asked at the same time. They looked at each other and smiled. They were a little embarrassed. Yang Ping said, "say it first."

Zhu Xi shook her head and said, "you\'d better say it first."

They refused for a long time. Yang Ping said helplessly, "let\'s go on like this. It\'s estimated that it\'s gone all morning. Aren\'t you very busy?"

Zhu Xi nodded and said awkwardly, "that..." she wanted to say something in her mind. Please, didn\'t she even have an opening speech? Where did she go before? She wanted to be calm and aloof, but she found that many words choked in her throat, but she couldn\'t say it, so she clenched her teeth and vomited out one sentence.

"I heard you found the other half."

After Zhu Xi said that, the little hand under the table clung tightly and scolded himself as a fool. What are you doing if you have nothing to say? Doesn\'t it make it clear that you care about other people\'s private life? Isn\'t it a sign to each other? Although you are separated, you still care about him very much?

She has an impulse to hit the wall.

"No, I didn\'t mean to inquire about your private life. I think you have such a bad temper and are not good to girls, so absolutely no girl will like you. Just ask casually and you can\'t answer. Really, you can ignore my previous questions..."

Gradually, Zhu Xi also felt her words incoherent.

When she was angry, Zhu Xi caught a glimpse of Yang Ping\'s smiling expression. She was angry for no reason. She secretly said that this guy must be reading her joke, otherwise how could he laugh so happy? So she got angry and poured coffee on Yang Ping. She angrily said, "why do you laugh? You think I still care about you. I can see that you\'re here to show off your strength, right?"

Yang Ping was stunned. She looked at the coffee on her chest, and then looked at Zhu Xi\'s angry expression. Her eyes were full of tears and could fall at any time. Her strong and stubborn eyes came to her mind. She was not angry.

The waiter seemed to quarrel all the way. Thinking they were going to fight, he hurried to tell the boss.

At this time, the owner of fate Cafe hurried over and wanted to persuade him. Suddenly, he was stunned, his eyes were strange, and said with a bitter smile: "I didn\'t expect it was you."

Yang Ping saw the boss\'s face clearly and said with a wry smile, "you\'re right. Please change me a cup of coffee. The lady\'s hands and feet are inflexible. She knocked over." Zhu Xi was said to be red faced, bit her lips and didn\'t speak.

"You\'re still as excited as before. You\'re always angry. I thought you\'d become mature. I didn\'t expect..." Yang Ping shook her head and smiled. "When will the eldest lady change her temper, otherwise no man dare to ask you."

Seeing Zhu Xi getting angry again, Yang Ping stopped quickly.

The boss brought coffee himself and asked, "can we sit together?"

Yang Pinggang was about to speak. Zhu Xi said coldly, "don\'t you see it\'s not suitable."

The boss shrugged and said, "you talk first."

With that, the boss turned and left.


Zhu Xi took out her paper towel, pretended to be indifferent, got up and came to Yang Ping. She bit her lips and said stiffly, "I\'m sorry, I didn\'t hold my temper just now, but you provoked me first. I didn\'t mess around." she wiped Yang Ping\'s body and pretended not to care.

Yang Ping grabbed Zhu Xi\'s slender hand.

Zhu Xijiao\'s body trembled slightly, but she didn\'t take it away. Zhu Xi looked at Yang Ping\'s eyes and stopped talking. At the same time, her heart beat faster and her head was a little short of oxygen. It was really difficult to breathe at this time.

What should I do?

Feeling Yang Ping\'s warm hands, Zhu Xi felt like in a dream.


At the moment of holding Zhu Xi\'s palm, Yang Ping\'s face was dignified, extremely dignified, because he felt the shadow of death.