Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1124

Back at Tongde medical school, he pondered over the mountain and river map. There was no sign of stimulation. Yang Ping was secretly anxious. The old man said that the mountain and river map could save the Pearl, but how did he feel that it was just a piece of animal skin. Yang Ping tried more than a dozen methods, but it was useless. He almost felt that the old man was fooling him.

He used to do such things.

Yang Ping relaxed his breath, holding the mountain and river map, lost in thought.

The moon is like water.

The bright moon fell through the clouds, and the white moonlight shrouded the sky over the village in the city. Tongde Medical Museum was suffused with a faint silver glow. The moonlight fell on the animal skin. Yang Ping found a different place. The mountain and river pictures jumped one character by one in the moonlight, like tadpole text, but soon disappeared.

"There\'s a problem."

When he came to the door and put the animal skin in the moonlight, Yang Ping finally saw the tadpole text on the animal skin. Just about to figure it out, the mountain and river map was shocked and hot, and then flew into the room and disappeared. Yang Ping was startled and hurried to catch up. She saw with her own eyes that the animal skin didn\'t enter the center of the Pearl\'s eyebrows.


No, then.

The mountain and river map is missing. Yang Ping is anxious. If something goes wrong, how can we save the Pearl. At the moment of his search, he found that the light in the center of the Pearl\'s eyebrows flashed, and then his delicate body emitted a hazy light, and then recovered his calm. At the same time, the Pearl\'s body changed greatly, and that kind of wasteland breath came out through the body. The whole person was like a fierce beast, frightening Yang Ping to be careful with his liver beating.

Fortunately, the Pearl\'s physical changes are developing in a good direction. Various physical indicators gradually return to normal. Yang Pingjin was surprised and happy. For a time, he stood by the bed and was stunned.

The Pearl sleeps.

It\'s really a deep sleep this time. It\'s like old wood. After the integration of three modernizations, his body recovers to the peak, and there\'s no problem living for another 20 years. Yang Ping felt his pulse uneasily and finally let go of his heart. He almost cried.

The pearl is really good.

Although something as valuable as the mountain and river map will have a chain reaction when it enters the Pearl\'s body, Yang Ping couldn\'t care too much and said softly, "it\'s okay, it\'s okay..."

Leave the room.

Yang Ping sat outside and knew that Zhu Xi would make great efforts this time. If it weren\'t for the mountain and river map, I\'m afraid the Pearl would die. From the old man\'s mouth, he learned that the mountain and river map is a treasure coveted by the God, so he was willing to give it to him. It can be seen that Zhu Xi is not a cold-blooded and ruthless person.

The relationship between the two people is complex. Yang Ping has mixed feelings in her heart. To tell the truth, Zhu Xi was not taken seriously at first, but just regarded as a task. However, after contact, the distressing stubbornness behind Zhu Xi\'s indifference gradually melted Yang Ping\'s heart and gave birth to a strong desire for protection.

But after all, they are not suitable.

It\'s hard to look back.

But Zhu Xi is willing to give him the most precious thing and save the Pearl\'s life. It\'s not a kind of willingness.

Yang Ping hopes to personally say thank you to Zhu Xi.

That\'s it.

But really?

Yang Ping was not sure of his inner thoughts. He kept telling himself that the Pearl was around, everything was there, and he couldn\'t think of anything else. No matter what Zhu Xi does, it\'s the past tense.

To solve the problem of pearl, Yang Ping was physically and mentally tired, just wanted to have a good rest, leaned on the sofa and slept in the past unconsciously.


The light in the top office of China Airlines building was on all night. I don\'t know what night it was. In short, the people who worked hard for China Airlines Group were not the employees who wanted to be promoted, but their chairman Zhu Xi.

Zhu Xi focuses her life on her work. She is busy and distressing.

But the results are remarkable.

China Airlines Group is one of the three major groups in the old city development, but it is also the weakest group. It is several grades different from Biyuan group in terms of group capital and influence. However, due to unremitting efforts, the other two group projects have more or less had problems, bloody coffins and strange tombs, which made the two groups suffer a lot and once slowed down the project progress, But China Airlines Group has been safe and sound.

The first ray of sunshine in the morning penetrates the glass, and the small flowers on the desk bloom with youthful color. This is that Yang Yuxin can put it in front of Zhu Xi to remind Zhu Xi to pay attention to her body. The sun fell on Zhu Xi\'s face. Working overtime all night did not bring fatigue to Zhu Xi. She looked very energetic.

Few people find that Zhu Xi has changed and has more energy and fighting spirit than before. Even if she works overtime for three consecutive days, Zhu Xi will not be sleepy, because she is also a martial artist and a martial artist with excellent talent.

Zhu Xi put down her mouse and looked out of the window. The morning sun was bright and warm.

"Dong Zhu, your breakfast."

Yang Yuxin brought breakfast from outside, put it on the table and said painfully, "please pay attention to your health. China Airlines Group can\'t live without you."

Zhu Xi smiled and said, "don\'t worry, I\'m fine."

After breakfast, Zhu Xi wanted to continue working, but Yang Yuxin didn\'t leave immediately, but stayed. Zhu Xi said curiously, "what\'s up? Is there something for me?"

Yang Yuxin smiled bitterly and hesitated to say something about Yang Ping.

"Here you are?"

Zhu Xi asked casually.

Yang Yuxin nodded hurriedly and said, "it\'s going well."

"What did he say?"

Zhu Xi didn\'t look up. Her eyes fell on the screen and asked faintly.

"He said thank you."

Yang Yuxin smiled awkwardly and didn\'t know how to answer. She was afraid to say something wrong to stimulate Zhu Xi, and wouldn\'t say that there were women around Yang Ping. In this way, it may have a deep blow to Zhu Xi. Yang Yuxin knew that Zhu Xi still had Yang Ping\'s position in her mind, but she didn\'t show it.

Zhu Xi said, "you\'re welcome."

"If it\'s all right, I\'ll go out first."

Zhu Xi didn\'t respond and stared at the screen. Yang Yuxin couldn\'t bear to talk, but footsteps came from the door. He quickly shut up and turned to leave. He was able to walk loudly in the corridor unscrupulously. Only Zhu Xi\'s father, Zhu Yan.

Sure enough, Zhu Yan calmly walked into the office, slapped the table and shouted, "Zhu Xi, what\'s the matter with you? Why don\'t you go to Yang Ping to help me with treatment? I can\'t wait."

Yang Yuxin just walked to the door, shook her head and said in secret that Zhu Yan didn\'t understand his daughter\'s mood. He didn\'t know that the relationship between his daughter and Yang Ping was completely because of himself?

Without Zhu Yan, Zhu Xi and Yang Ping would not be what they are now.

It\'s lucky that Zhu Xi didn\'t die. Yang Ping showed mercy and didn\'t kill him directly. But Zhu Yan was more painful than dead. He thought he was completely incapacitated and became a useless man. The pain of falling from the cloud to the ground is not unbearable for ordinary people, so Zhu Yan vented all his resentment on Zhu Xi.

"Why not!"

Zhu Yan shouted at her, her hair messy and embarrassed, and said in a cold voice, "how did I raise a daughter like you, why don\'t you die..."

Zhu Xi was in great pain. She looked at the hysterical Zhu Yan coldly. Although she knew that he was not her own father, she still had feelings after raising herself for more than 20 years. If Zhu Yan didn\'t mind, she was willing to provide for the elderly.

But Zhu Yan\'s performance disappointed her very much.

Forced again and again, reduced to what it is now.

thank you.

Zhu Xi thought of Yang Ping\'s words, gave her most important thing to Yang Ping and got a thank you. She suddenly wanted to laugh, laugh at her amorous and stupid.

"You roar slowly and I\'ll go out."

Zhu Xi didn\'t want to quarrel with Zhu Yan. When she walked out of the office, there was Zhu Yan\'s cry of resentment and the sound of falling things behind her. The computer bookshelf fell to the ground, and the sound of ping-pong continued.

Clenching her fist, Zhu Xi walked out of the door of China Airlines building, her eyes red.

She took a deep breath, tried to suppress her inner sadness, drove away from the square, unconsciously wandered around the city, unknowingly came to the Bank of Luoshui River, lay on the railing, looked at the calm flowing Luoshui, and two lines of clear tears fell from her cheeks.

Why did this happen?


Zhu Xi roared at Luo Shui and shouted angrily.

There are some old people who exercise early and some office workers who walk in a hurry. Zhu Xi just wants to vent her anger and grievances and return to work. Don\'t want to show weakness in front of others.

But there is no denying the fact.

She was lovelorn.

Zhu Xi was lying on the railing. The more she thought about it, the more angry she was. She didn\'t know anyone around her. She wanted to vent her anger, so she shouted at the Luoshui River: "Yang Ping, you\'re an asshole! Why don\'t you leave without saying goodbye? Why don\'t you tell me!"

"Sorry, I wanted to tell you."

Suddenly, a familiar voice came. Zhu Xijiao trembled and didn\'t dare to turn around. She saw Yang Ping standing beside with an innocent face and wanted to jump into the river shyly.