Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1123

Weige\'s body has long been occupied by sagu and has done many outrageous things. Now that he died in Yang Ping\'s hands, the project manager is more or less sad. After all, he came from the same place. Watching the death of the same kind gives birth to the feeling of rabbit death and fox sorrow.

But these were doomed from the beginning.

They are destined to be cannon fodder in Longcheng. The project manager is very clear that if one Saint dies, there must be another, and even the great saint will be hard to survive. The project manager never told Yang Ping his real name, but didn\'t want to write his name on the tombstone of Longcheng.

That\'s the shame of the dark place.

"I hope we won\'t become enemies." feeling the complex mood of the project manager, Yang Ping mused, "in fact, I can feel that you are not the same kind as them, at least with different ideas."

The project manager said with a smile, "different identities and different purposes."

But the project manager sighed and said, "my friend is still in the club. Don\'t disturb me." after that, he turned to the door and looked at the back of the project manager. Yang Ping was silent for a long time and lost in thought.

This person is too special.

The reason why Yang Ping didn\'t do it was because he couldn\'t see through. Just as the project manager was curious about human beings, Yang Ping was also curious about them. He wanted to understand the dark place through the project manager and come up with a solution.

"Let\'s go."

Yang Ping left with Yang Yuxin. Instead of going to haizhilan restaurant, he came to KFC outside Yang Yuxin\'s residential area. There were few customers in the early morning. They sat by the bed and looked at the night sky. Yang Yuxin was in a complicated mood. She escaped from sagu\'s hands and was full of fear for dark creatures for the rest of her life. She didn\'t dare to go home. She had a sense of security only when Yang Ping was there.

"More and more beautiful." Yang Ping looked at Yang Yuxin and found that after being in the top position, his temperament has changed a lot and become capable, but he is more and more like Zhu Xi. More mature, less naive. In fact, Yang Ping still likes Yang Yuxin\'s former appearance. Although she is worldly and smooth on the surface, she is still a lovely girl in her bones.

"Thank you." Yang Yuxin showed shyness, a little different from before.

"You don\'t just say thank you when you come to me in the evening. If China Airlines Group has a problem and needs my help, just say it. You\'re welcome." Yang Ping asked with a [email protected] ^^$

Yang Yuxin\'s eyes were complex. She looked at Yang Ping\'s delicate face with bright eyes and felt sorry. What a good man, but it\'s a pity that Zhu Dong doesn\'t know how to cherish it. Now he misses it. Even if he is sad, what can he save. She knows that Yang Ping looks easy to talk and casual, but she is definitely a person with a clear distinction between love and hate. Once the feeling is broken, it is like a mirror, which is difficult to reunite.

With a sigh, Yang Yuxin was hurt. I don\'t know whether it was because of Zhu Xi\'s feelings or Yang Ping\'s departure. In fact, she doesn\'t know why she called Yang Ping. Is it just because of Zhu Xi\'s abnormal performance?

"Dong Zhu has changed a lot."

Yang Yuxin said suddenly.

Yang Ping\'s face was calm, nodded and said, "it\'s time to change. If it\'s still the same as before, it\'s difficult for China Airlines Group to grow up. She has great ambition in her heart, which ordinary people can\'t understand."! $*!

Yang Yuxin said again, "Yang Ping, is it really impossible for you and Dong Zhu?"

Yang Ping was stunned, then remembered the Pearl at home and said with a smile: "you won\'t gossip with me. I\'m very busy and don\'t have time to waste my time. By the way, did you come to me on behalf of Zhu Xi?"

Yang Yuxin was startled and hurriedly explained, "of course not. Dong Zhu has been very busy recently. How can he have time to deal with this kind of thing." when he spoke, he stared into Yang Ping\'s eyes and seemed to want to see something in his eyes, but unfortunately, Yang Ping\'s eyes were calm and flustered.

So it seems that Yang Ping came out from Zhu Xi and began a new relationship?

Yang Yuxin smiled bitterly in her heart and couldn\'t help asking, "Yang Ping, you\'re honest. Did you find a new object outside?"

Yang Ping frowned and looked at Yang Yuxin puzzled.

Yang Yuxin said reluctantly, "well, count my gossip and come to you this time. In fact, it\'s because Zhu Dong asked me to hand over something to you and said it might be useful to you." after that, he took out a box from his bag. It\'s a very ordinary gift box. Pink is Zhu Xi\'s favorite color, but it was deformed due to the traffic accident.

Yang Ping looked at the box and felt strange.

There was a wonderful feeling in the box. Yang Ping couldn\'t help but open it and saw a piece of yellowing animal skin curled up in the box. It may be because the animal skin had been for too long and sent out the breath of vicissitudes, and a sense of famine came to his face.

But I soon found something different. Animal skins seem to have been seen somewhere.

In Yang Ping\'s mind, he came up with the scene of fighting with the island expert Cherry Blossom swordsman. The thing that can hide the breath of the sage realm from the other party seems to be a piece of animal skin. Is there a certain connection between the two?

Recently, more and more experts have come to Longcheng, and there are many saints. Yang Ping speculates that someone has cracked the Longcheng defense array and put more experts in, making the situation of Longcheng more complex and changeable and becoming a city in troubled times. This is what Yang Ping is worried about.

When he got the animal skin, he couldn\'t understand it for the time being. Yang Ping said, "I\'ll take you home."


Yang Yuxin shouted hurriedly. Her eyes were panicked and hurriedly said, "I\'m not sleepy. I don\'t want to go home. Yang Ping, can you accompany me again? I was scared just now."

Yang Ping knew that Yang Yuxin had a psychological impact because of sagu\'s affairs. She flashed her eyes and said, "look at me..."

Five minutes later.

After hypnosis, Yang Yuxin calmed down and became a normal person. She no longer depended on Yang Ping. Instead, she wondered why she came to him late at night and shouted to go home to sleep. Yang Ping sent her to the door, smiled and waved.

Then the phone rang.

It\'s the old man\'s.

At the beginning of boredom, the old man\'s words always seemed shameless and obscene, but this time, Yang Ping didn\'t get angry as before. Instead, he felt the tired old man on the phone. He faintly heard the wind in the South China Sea and felt inexplicably sour.

"Sleeping trough, why didn\'t you tell me how long you kept such a big thing from me? Did you sleep with Mingzhu? She has pure Yin constitution. She gave you half of her life at the beginning, and it\'s estimated to be the whole life this time. Please ask for more blessings." the old man should know that Taoist Zun designed Yang Ping\'s plot, but he didn\'t care too much, because Taoist Zun designs people every day and is used to dying every day, For his master, there is no conspiracy, unlike his style.

"You can\'t say something nice. What do you do?" Yang Ping didn\'t have a good way.

The old man thought for a moment and said, "in fact, there\'s no way. The devil left two breath in her body to keep the Pearl. Otherwise, other people will think about it. The Pearl\'s constitution is a good medium. The emperor wants to get it. Do you say it\'s dangerous? Thanks to the devil\'s tone, but it\'s over this time."

"Get to the point!"

"Well, it\'s better to deal with daozun. He eats people and doesn\'t vomit bones. He certainly can\'t. But you said Zhu Xi gave you an animal skin. According to your description, I\'m sure Zhu Xi actually loves you very much."

"Don\'t talk nonsense." Yang Ping said angrily. He felt that the old man was making up again and was reluctant to give up the opportunity to integrate Jiuyang and Jiuyin.

"I\'m not kidding this time. Don\'t you know how valuable the things in your hand are? I tell you now, if Taoist Zun knew the mountain and river map in your hand, he would probably fight to snatch it. Do you understand?" the old man said seriously.

Yang Ping was startled, hurriedly looked around and coughed, "what the hell is the mountain and river map."

The old man didn\'t want to say more and said, "boy, you\'re lucky. The mountain and river map is a map, but it\'s divided into three parts. If you find it, you can go to a magical place. You can not only find a way to save the Pearl, but also find the first ancient martial arts in the world, the five element divine needle, okay?"

"Slightly understand."

The old man said with a smile: "every mountain and river map has its own energy. He thinks that the people who draw the mountain and river map are far better than your master and me, so the mountain and river map has a sense of anger. If you can expose the anger of the mountain and River Map, you can save the Pearl."

"But you must be careful. The mountain and river map is the best treasure. You must find a secret place to stimulate anger, or you will be in bad luck if you leak traces. OK, a beautiful woman called me first." the old man said impatiently.

Yang Ping felt uncomfortable. He knew that the old man was not with a beautiful woman, but in a life and death war somewhere in the South China Sea. He whispered, "old man, you hold it first. When I finish dealing with things here, I\'ll help you."

"Don\'t push. I\'m very happy. Go away. You never want to rob my beauty. I\'m afraid of you."

Hang up.

Yang Ping closed her eyes and swore to herself, "we must become the strongest."