Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1122

Yang Yuxin was tied all over and sat on the table. A guy in a black robe who didn\'t show his face issued Jie Jie\'s cold laughter. He released a strong dark smell and was trying to invade Yang Yuxin.

"Tell me where that thing is, and I\'ll let you go, or you\'ll let you taste the big bird of the dark world." the shadow smiled, greedy and full of evil thoughts, gasped, "I like human women\'s bodies very much. Their structure is similar to ours, but their physical quality is very poor. They die at one time. I feel that you are a martial artist. Your physical quality is excellent and you can bear it at least once."

The shadow said more and more, stretched out his furry palm and wanted to untie Yang Yuxin\'s clothes.

Yang Yuxin\'s face changed dramatically and she struggled angrily. However, her strength was sealed. She couldn\'t use her strength. She could only show her expression of shame and anger. She was ready to commit suicide at any time. Even if she died, she didn\'t want to be invaded by a monster.

She was desperate. She didn\'t expect to kill a monster halfway. She could overturn Audi with one hand and even break through the window with one claw. This kind of brute force was appalling. The most terrible thing was that the other party could control the Qi in her body and make her lose the ability to resist.

Yang Yuxin doesn\'t even have the ability to commit suicide.

Just when she was in despair, a sigh came from the door: "it\'s really you."

The monster suddenly turned back and showed its face full of red hair. It looked like a human without complete evolution. It was covered with red fluff and had a chilling smell. To Yang Ping\'s surprise, it found itself, but did not run away immediately. Instead, it showed fierce eyes and jumped at Yang Ping.

With the movement ability like a wild beast, the wind came from his ears. In an instant, Yang Ping saw a sharp claw and grabbed his head. If he was caught, his head would open.

Unfortunately, the monster underestimated Yang Ping\'s strength and stood still. Only the momentum dispersed, and all the cold breath dissipated. It felt that it originated from the fear of the soul, sobbed and lay on the ground, revealing its poor eyes of prayer.

"Become a prototype."

Yang Ping said faintly and pulled Yang Yuxin up. She was scared out of her wits and was still trembling. She didn\'t want to let go when she grabbed Yang Ping\'s palm for fear of being attacked again.

Woo woo.

The monster\'s fluff falls, exposes human skin, and then becomes a human.

Yang Ping saw each other\'s appearance clearly and said, "it\'s really you. Didn\'t expect the evil spirit of the villages in the city to spread here? It seems that the situation is more serious than expected." Think of the words attached to the project manager. Under the monsters running out of the dark place, 19 masters, two saints, eight saints and nine saints with strong combat effectiveness, these monsters are gathered together, which is a very terrible force.

The monster that sneaked into Yang Yuxin was brother Wei of the black tiger gang. I met him once that day, but I didn\'t expect this person to be eroded, and I didn\'t find it at that time. Yang Ping\'s heart was heavy and couldn\'t be detected in front of him. It seems that the monster in the dark has improved his ability to invade human body. If it doesn\'t show up, he can\'t notice it at all.

"Let\'s talk."

Yang Ping motioned brother Wei not to be nervous and smiled.

Brother Wei was skeptical, but he didn\'t dare to sit down, but stood honestly beside him and said in a trembling voice, "Yang Shao, I didn\'t mean to, because I can\'t control my body. We\'ll do what the master asked us to do, otherwise it will be more tragic than death."


Yang Ping became interested and asked, "where is your master?"

Brother Wei showed hesitation.

Yang Ping said with a smile: "sorry, I usually don\'t like to force others. It doesn\'t matter if you don\'t say. Sit down."


Brother Wei knelt on the ground and was scared out of his wits. Other dark creatures may not know Yang Ping\'s horror, but at the moment when Yang Ping released his breath, brother Wei understood that in front of Yang Ping, any dark creature would be afraid, not because of the difference in strength, as if it were a level difference in blood. Yang Ping was a high emperor, while others were subjects.

"In the city."

Brother Wei said quickly.

"You..." Yang Ping looked at brother Wei, showing helplessness, shook his head and said, "look at you. If you don\'t want to say it, you don\'t have to say it. I didn\'t force you. By the way, how many people have you killed? How do you feel as a dark creature?"

Wei brother was pale with fear, but he dared not disobey. He answered honestly, "I didn\'t kill anyone, that is, I gave nine girls to my host, all the women in the club, Yang Shao, I really didn\'t kill anyone."

Yang Ping nodded and said seriously, "don\'t worry, I know you didn\'t kill people. All right, take me to your master and I\'m going to have a good talk with him. Peace is precious these days. Don\'t always fight and kill. Does it affect the peace of the two worlds?"

Brother Wei swallowed his mouth and didn\'t know how to answer, because Yang Ping clearly didn\'t threaten and even smiled, but brother Wei was more frightened in his heart and could only lead the way.

On the way.

Brother Wei drove and couldn\'t help but say, "Yang Shao, my master is very strong and really powerful. I saw him with my own eyes... It\'s terrible anyway. When he gets powerful, Yasheng in the Jianghu can eat it in one bite."

Yang Ping smiled and said, "you know Yasheng. It\'s really not easy."

Come to a club in the city center.

At more than three o\'clock in the morning, the LED lights of the club were still on, as if it were dawn. There were luxury cars parked at the door, but the surroundings were quiet and could not hear any sound, as if they had come to another world.

After getting off the bus, brother Wei hesitated and said, "Yang Shao, if it\'s all right, can I... Go first?"

Yang Ping smiled rather than smiled.

Weige was nervous and waited for his hair to fall.

Yang Ping closed his eyes, breathed the cold air of the night, entered his lungs, and his head was much clearer. Suddenly he said, "there is a dark creature in it, but it\'s a pity that its strength is not as strong as you. If I guessed wrong, you are the enemy."

Brother Wei\'s face changed slightly and said awkwardly, "Yang Shao, I don\'t know what you\'re talking about. The thing inside is really my master, and I really don\'t know. Yang Shao, with your ability, although it\'s very powerful, you still need to be careful."

Yang Yuxin didn\'t know what they were talking about. She always felt mysterious.

"You\'re a good actor."

Yang Ping sighed and said, "if it weren\'t for your special ability, I would really be cheated by you. Ordinary dark creatures don\'t have special ability. You can make Yang Yuxin lose Qi control ability. This ability actually needs the realm of saints. I wanted you to lead the way and kill another one. I didn\'t expect to see this."

Brother Wei\'s eyes flashed, and then he recovered his calmness. His breath was cold and integrated with the night. His bent back was tall and straight. He was no longer submissive and bowed to the paint, but showed a bloodthirsty evil nature.

Showing his teeth, brother Wei sighed, "Yang Ping, it really deserves its reputation."

"Thank you for your compliment. What should I call it?"

Yang Ping didn\'t wait for the other party to speak and said, "forget it, I\'m not interested in your name. I\'m going to die anyway. You should be under the eight saints. From a preliminary point of view, your strength should be in the middle of the saints. Right."

Brother Wei\'s eyes were cold and showed his kill.

"Then you die."

Weige suddenly launched an attack. A dark cloud appeared in the night sky above his head, enveloping the three people. There was a special force in the air, which could make the Qi force out of control. It was like a magnet, which could change the magnetic field of iron. The other side affects the pneumatic magnetic field through the energy magnetic field, and the two abilities are restrained. It\'s like positive and negative, positive and negative.

Yang Yuxin turned pale, feeling desperate and shocked.

Didn\'t the other party do their best before?

But what was even more shocking was that the battle had just begun and ended.

Before Yang Yuxin had time to experience the despairing pressure, brother Wei knelt on the ground, looked at Yang Ping strangely and said painfully: "you have... Trained to..."

Weige is dead.

Yang Ping\'s face was not at all happy. He looked up at the starry sky and murmured, "that\'s great."

"His name is sagu. He is one of the eight saints and saran\'s brother. Saran is an expert in the realm of great saints and has great strength." I don\'t know when the project manager came to the door and looked at Weige\'s body with complex eyes.