Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1121

After receiving Yang Yuxin\'s call, Yang Ping hesitated for a moment. What appeared in her mind was the beautiful shadow of Zhu Xi. She asked Yang Yuxin to call because she was wondering if something had happened to Zhu Xi. But Yang Ping is not in the mood. Their relationship has come to an end. In fact, there is no need to contact again. One is not easy to explain to Mingzhu, and the other is that they don\'t know how to face Zhu Xi.

When we meet again, Yang Ping doesn\'t know what to say.

How many times you open and close, still in front of you.

After life and death, Yang Ping became more and more determined about the Pearl. Yang Ping found that she was really tired with Zhu Xi before. She had to pay every time, but what did she get in the end? Although the feelings don\'t ask for return, they break their hearts again and again. Make yourself look like a little resentful woman.

Yang Ping sighed and connected.

There came a voice that was not anxious, but with a little sadness. Yang Yuxin smiled bitterly and said, "I didn\'t expect you to answer the phone."

Yang Ping said with a smile, "assistant Yang, no, it should be called vice president Yang. I didn\'t expect vice president Yang to remember me because of his busy personnel."

Yang Yuxin smiled and scolded, "my vice president is always given by you. Without you, there will be no today for me. Yang Ping, to be honest, I thank you very much. If you don\'t have a girlfriend, I can consider you."

"No, I\'m not a masochist. It\'s estimated that I\'m not good enough to ask my boyfriend to go to heaven with your character. I can\'t meet you." Yang Ping refused half jokingly. I can\'t see the true and false, but Yang Yuxin was very disappointed.

I don\'t know why, there was a heartbeat silence at the other end of the phone, and then Yang Yuxin\'s helpless voice: "I just want to invite you to dinner. There\'s nothing else. If it\'s inconvenient for you, I\'ll try another day..."

"It\'s just a meal. Aren\'t you afraid you\'ll eat me." Yang Ping\'s heart moved. He knew that Yang Yuxin wouldn\'t invite him to dinner for no reason. Something must have happened, and he agreed.

"Why don\'t you wait?" Yang Yuxin hurriedly said.

Yang Ping looked at the night sky outside. NIMA, it\'s three or four o\'clock in the morning. Even if you want to eat, you have to go tomorrow. However, the drunken man doesn\'t care about the wine, so he said the address of a village in the city. It\'s a good 24-hour Restaurant. It tastes good, and it\'s very close to Tongde medical center, which is convenient to take care of the Pearl and Phoenix. Although he can catch up in an instant, he doesn\'t want to be too far away and feel insecure psychologically.

"OK, see you later." Yang Yuxin hung up and said happily.

Yang Ping looked at the stars in the night sky, thinking about the Phoenix and pearl in the room, and went in to see them. In one room, the Phoenix and the Pearl slept in one bed respectively. The Phoenix\'s body breath was disordered, which obviously needed time to cultivate. He also used the five element acupuncture method to remove the toxins in his body from time to time, which was promising to recover. However, the Pearl was very dangerous. Taoist Zun said that he could live in only three days, I don\'t know if it\'s true.

Upset, Yang Ping wants to go out and think about the possibility of trading with daozun. His worst choice is to trade with daozun, which is tantamount to seeking skin from a tiger. It\'s best to find a solution. Unfortunately, Sansheng flower can\'t be found. He has obtained one from Zhuge Qingyun for decades and still owes others a big favor. After contacting the realm of heaven, Yang Ping felt that none of these high-ranking figures was easy to provoke, and they were extremely self-centered and could not do business at a loss. Maybe Zhuge knows that he harbors evil intentions.

So Yang Ping doesn\'t believe that Taoist Zun will be kind.

With a long sigh, it was also because xuanjizi\'s phone was blocked. I didn\'t know what he was doing now. Yang Ping wanted to ask about Mingzhu\'s treatment, but the blocked phone gave Yang Ping the possibility of fantasy. For fear that xuanjizi said there was no cure and was sad in vain.

With a complex mood, I swept the pretty faces of two women in bed. One is as beautiful as a pearl and the other is as firm as a rock. Both have their own personality and their own path. But the future of the pearl is locked with itself and can no longer be separated.

The fate theory of Tiansha lone star reappeared in her mind. Yang Ping trembled slightly, clenched her fist and said secretly, "I don\'t believe in fate or reincarnation. I will cure you."

Sea blue restaurant.

It is the most advanced place in the city village. It has been reported by the three major project departments such as Biyuan group as the designated reception place.

I chose a position near the window.

Yang Ping sat down with a cigarette in his mouth and quietly looked at the night sky outside.

I don\'t know how long later, the cigarette spontaneous combustion came to an end. After it was hot, Yang Ping returned to his mind and found that Yang Yuxin hadn\'t arrived yet. He was surprised that an hour had passed. The truth is that it should have arrived. So I called and there was no answer.

Yang Ping had one more heart. He called again and turned it off directly.


Yang Ping\'s face was gloomy and said secretly that there would be no moths on the way. He released his powerful mental power. If he was stronger than before, he swept the road from Yang Yuxin in an instant, and scenes emerged in his mind. There were few vehicles in the early morning, and there were no pedestrians along the way. Suddenly, he was at a full intersection, just close to the road of the old city reconstruction and development site, but it was not a village in the city. Nothing has ever happened here before. Only there are many strange things in the village in the city.

But I overturned on the side of the road.

An Audi A4 overturned next to the construction site. It was Yang Yuxin\'s car.

A dark shadow flashed away.

Although he couldn\'t see it clearly, Yang Ping felt very familiar. He seemed to have seen it somewhere. However, what surprised him was that the dark breath hidden by the other party was very weak, but it really existed. If it had been before, Yang Ping might not have felt it, but now it is very clear.

Yang Ping\'s face was dignified. When he read it, he had left the restaurant. The next moment, he appeared at the scene of the car accident next to the construction site.

The smell of darkness filled the air.

Yang Ping seemed to see a dark creature with open teeth and claws smiling and frowning at him, hoping that the other party could not target himself. There is no Yang Yuxin in Audi. The car is turned to the ground, four wheels are facing up, the bumper is damaged, and a big hole is hit in the window glass. Generally, there are few separate big holes in the viscous glass, unless it is man-made damage and Juli.

Conclude that the accident was man-made.

Following the darkness, Yang Ping came to a dilapidated house on the construction site to be demolished. Under the dilapidated wall were knee high weeds and broken bricks. He crossed the yard and came to a two-story building. It used to be a villa and should be a place for rich families. However, no one could stop the torrent of development when the government demolished it, so he moved out long ago, leaving an empty shell.

Came to the window and saw a scene inside.

Yang Ping\'s face became cold.