Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1120

The young man called flowers as the medium, because the demon king\'s surname was flowers. When he was born, the cliffs were full of flowers, so he called flowers as the medium. The demon king\'s wife wanted a daughter at that time, because as a man, she would face strong competition in the demon gate. She hoped that her daughter could find an ordinary family and marry without having to live a life of licking blood at the edge of rivers and lakes, but she gave birth to a boy.

In those years, the demon king loved flowers as a medium and passed on what he had learned all his life to him. Flowers as a medium was also very talented. He lived in two divine talents and had strength overlooking his peers. He was the first of the younger generation of the demon family. Everyone felt that the position of the demon king must be passed on to flowers as a medium in the future, and he felt so himself.

But after the devil\'s daughter was born, everything was not fixed.

The talent of the princess of the magic gate is so strong that it can be said that she is the first and the son of destiny since the creation of the magic gate. If she was the queen who ordered the heroes to win the country in ancient times, her strength has been promoted faster than ever. Even the demon king is extremely shocked. She has created records. All the records created by the princess of the magic gate have been broken again and again, thus forming the phenomenon that the princess of the magic gate surpasses the flower as the medium.

Strangely, everyone thought that the flower as a medium was unwilling and the light was taken away by his sister, but the flower as a medium was very happy. Even for the promotion of his sister, he did not hesitate to break into the dark place and steal the dark holy flower. Others could not understand the idea of flower as a medium.


On the light boat, people have left and come slowly towards this side. Flowers are the medium, sitting on a rock, soaking their feet in the water, biting a Dogtail grass in their mouth, quietly looking at the night sky, full of light sadness. Where he exists, it seems that flowers will also be sad and lonely, like the surrounding environmental atmosphere.

The back of the flower as the medium is bleak, lonely, full of boundlessness, integrated with the night, regardless of each other.

The center of the eyebrow emits a faint light. It looks like a firefly in the dark night. It lights up his bearded face. His beard is too lush. He can hardly see the facial features with flowers as the medium. He only sees a pair of handsome and bright eyes as bright as stars in the dark night. In fact, flower as a medium is an incomparably handsome man, but he has always covered up his unparalleled appearance with a curly beard. He feels that only strong strength is the basis for settling down.

A figure appeared in the back, bowed and said, "little Lord."

The flower matchmaker didn\'t look back. His lonely look disappeared and said with a smile: "Mr. Ke, I haven\'t seen you for a long time. How are you recently."

Ke Yidao left the treasure house and didn\'t look for the treasure. Instead, he came to the agreed place to see the flower as the medium. Except for the young master and himself, Ke Yidao didn\'t let people know that the person he took refuge in was the flower as the medium. Qingqing and Shanbo visited Ke Yidao that day and wanted to win over. Unfortunately, they didn\'t know that Ke Yidao had long been subordinate to the young master.

"Thank you, little Lord. You are in good health." Ke Yidao came to the flower medium, sat down, followed his eyes and looked at the calm flowing river in Luoshui. "Is there a purpose for little Lord to come to Longcheng?"

The flower medium shook his head and sighed, "just come out to relax."

Ke Yidao understands the little Lord\'s mood very well. When he is in the devil\'s gate, all kinds of struggles emerge one after another. If he doesn\'t pay attention to it a little, he will fail. The result of failure is death. Especially when the princess of the magic door squeezed a chip, the little master seemed very passive.

At present, most of the experts are on the side of the demon gate princess.

Ke Yidao comforted: "little Lord, if you can bear what you can\'t bear, you can laugh to the end. Now is just the beginning, and there is no fixed number in the future. Moreover, no one can guess the devil\'s mind."

The flower matchmaker smiled lightly and said, "I\'m disappointed because I can\'t guess. If he said that the future position will be passed to my sister, I won\'t fight for anything, but born in the emperor\'s house, you have to fight for some things, and even I don\'t know why."

Ke Yidao looked distressed. In fact, he knew very well that flowers were a good medium. He was a very kind person. He did a lot of things that he couldn\'t help himself. So many subordinates followed him. If he didn\'t move forward, the people below might be swallowed up and there would be no residue left.

"Little Lord, I don\'t know what to say." Ke Yidao hesitated.

The flower matchmaker smiled and said, "Mr. Ke, if you have something to say, this is not a cliff in the South China Sea. Don\'t care. I hope Mr. Ke can give me some advice. At present, I don\'t know how to go on. Although my father seems to value me very much, he is bent on the road. Maybe the position of the devil will be passed on to my sister in the future."

Ke Yidao hurriedly said, "young Lord, don\'t lose heart. I found an interesting thing in Longcheng this time." so he told me about the two assassinations of Yang Ping and the ancient martial arts such as the magic hand taught by the princess of the magic gate.

The flower matchmaker smiled gently and said, "Mr. Ke, I don\'t know. My sister was married by her belly, but you don\'t know. If the expectation is not bad, my sister\'s fiance is xuanjizi\'s disciple."

Ke Yidao\'s face changed greatly and said in a lost voice, "I won\'t. is Yang Ping the princess\'s fiance?"

The flower as the medium smiled and said: "do you think my father came to Longcheng for nothing and saved Yang Ping several times. His main purpose is to see Yang Ping. Unfortunately, Xuanji Zi didn\'t tell his apprentice about his marriage for some reason. I think the mystery in it is worth considering."

Ke said in a trembling voice, "doesn\'t it mean that the purpose of the princess to come to Longcheng is to see her ideal husband?"

The flower medium shook his head and sighed, "I can\'t guess the powerful sister. She may have surpassed secular love for a long time. She has a high vision. I haven\'t seen Yang Ping you said. The rumors are good. I think I can at least contact her."

Ke Yidao was ridiculous and said, "it\'s not only good, young Lord. It\'s best to make friends with Yang Ping. If I become an enemy, the consequences will be unimaginable. My strength is improving every day, and he has a lot of secrets. Even Taoist Zun pays close attention to him all the time."

The flower as a medium finally showed his interest and said, "Taoist Zun\'s vision is very high. Ordinary people really despise it. Since even Taoist Zun pays attention to this person, I\'ll go and have a look if I have a chance."

"If it\'s all right, I\'ll leave first. The little Lord has orders to call me as soon as possible."

After Ke Yidao conveyed the news, he disappeared into the dark.

The flower as the medium murmured, "Yang Ping... What kind of person is she? My sister came all the way to see you and help you. This is the first person to see her care about a person so much."


Tongde Medical Museum.

The Pearl fell into a deep sleep.

Yang Ping left Mu Lao\'s other courtyard. Her heart was heavy. Mingzhu\'s death became more and more dignified, even deep into the bone marrow. There was no hope of salvation. Taoist Zun was right. The Pearl didn\'t die immediately, but if you want to save it, you don\'t need Sansheng flowers. Corpse flower, jiuzhuandan flower and Sansheng flower are all used to treat Mu Lao. There is little left.

There is still a little left of the other two main medicines, but the second of Sansheng flower can not be found in the world. One can be found and used on the Phoenix. Because of this, the Phoenix was almost sucked into the body and died.

After settling down with the Phoenix and pearl, Yang Ping sat in the consultation room in a daze, with mixed feelings in his heart. He didn\'t know what to do next.

Are you really going to ask the Taoist priest?

Thinking of Mingzhu\'s firm words before coma, Yang Ping can\'t ask for people. Even if he dies in war, he should have dignity. He is a real man. At this time, a phone rang. When Yang Ping looked, it was Yang Yuxin\'s number.