Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1119

Pearl is not dead.

Yang Ping calmed down and explored carefully. She found that Mingzhu was still breathing. She didn\'t lose her life because of the hidden power consumption of the sword of Hades, but her state was not optimistic. But as long as Mingzhu still has one breath, Yang Ping will try to save her.

Taoist Zun got up, and the people trembled. The military God frowned and stopped talking, but daozun didn\'t seem to give him face and walked to Yang Ping.

Yang Ping turned pale and stared at Taoist Zun, showing his determination to die together. As long as Taoist Zun dared to move around, the golden needle of his spiritual world would give a full blow, which could at least threaten Taoist Zun. You know, if you want to hurt the status and strength of daozun today, it is at least possible to reach the realm of Tianzun. It is extremely rare that Yang Ping can do this. He can be regarded as several people throughout the ages.

Taoist Zun looked calm and said, "I can help you save her, but you need to do something for me."

The military God finally turned pale and shouted, "Yang Ping, don\'t listen to him. It\'s a conspiracy."

No one knows the essence of Tao Zun better than the military God. He is a kind of cold-blooded and ruthless person. He will never help the victim for no reason, and his plot must be great. You know, the price paid for helping the Pearl to continue his life is absolutely great, and the reward must be very high. The reason why Tao Zun is willing to pay is ten times or a hundred times. Other favors are bullshit. The military God is worried that Yang Ping will be fooled.

Yang Ping\'s heart moved, but her vigilance remained, and said coldly, "how can I trust you?"

Taoist Zun smiled, looked at the Pearl\'s pale face with deep meaning, shook his head and said, "to tell you the truth, in this world, no one can help you except me. Even your master doesn\'t believe it. Don\'t forget, I\'m also a descendant of immortal medicine, and the medical skill is not under your master."

Yang Ping\'s eyes are changeable.

What Taoist Zun said is reasonable.

Feeling that the Pearl was getting closer and closer to death, Yang Ping was anxious and wanted to promise, but daozun\'s credit was too low. Seeking skin from a tiger was tantamount to death. The Warlord\'s concern is not unreasonable.

"Think about it. If you need it, I\'ll come out as soon as you read it."

Tao Zun seemed to say it casually, then walked out of other hospitals and disappeared. The major events made before were enough to stir up the whole Chinese history, but to him, it seemed like a child\'s family. No one can guess his inner [email protected] ^^$

When the Taoist priest left, everyone was relieved.

The military God looked at Yang Ping with worried eyes and advised him, "Yang Ping, I will try my best to help you, but please believe me. Tao Zun can\'t be trusted. You can trust anyone in this world, nor can you trust Tao Zun."

Yang Ping hesitated, nodded and said, "Lord Junshen, I will."

With that, Yang Ping left the other hospital with the Pearl in her arms.

The military God sighed, then walked to Mu Lao\'s room and said, "don\'t disturb me if there are no important things. Mu Lao\'s body still needs to be consolidated, and I will advance Mu Lao\'s recovery time."! $*!

"Yes, Lord Junshen."

The surrounding experts immediately replied that no one would doubt the ability of the military God, even if they had just experienced the unprecedented terrorist pressure of the Taoist priest.

In Luoshui outside the other courtyard, on a chic boat, Taoist Zun sat in the bow of the boat. On the other end, there was a young man with a curly beard. His muscles almost burst his shirt. His eyes were very delicate and bright, incompatible with his strong body. However, no one would think he was a rough man. On the contrary, his body exuded bookish air and delicate eyes, Will make people trust him very much.

The canoe moved slowly.

The young man rowed and looked at the sky. Under the starry sky in the night of Longcheng, the light fell on him, becoming more and more mysterious.

"Tao Zun, you deserve your reputation."

The young man sighed and said with a smile, "the meaning of the drunkard is not wine. You may be the only person in the world who can combine truth and falsehood so perfectly. You are on the list of the people my father fears most in his life."

Taoist Zun smiled and said, "thanks to the fear of the leader of the demon gate, it\'s my honor. How are you coming in?"

Young humanist: "the peak state can last for at least a hundred years."

Taoist Zun nodded and said in a deep voice: "awesome, the realm I\'ve worked hard to reach is easy for the demon king. The two ways are different, so friction will inevitably occur. I hope you can give the demon king a word. The dark place has swept up the commotion recently. The demon king doesn\'t value cooperation. Just say that I know the clue that Wu Jialing disappeared, and he will come to see me."

The young man frowned and sighed, "daozun, are you really good? My father can\'t cheat."

Tao Zun said, "I do know."

The young man suddenly turned around and stared at Taoist Zun. He wanted to see through Taoist Zun, but Taoist Zun\'s pupils were deep. Then he said, "I will tell my father. I hope Taoist Zun will wait a moment."

I don\'t know how to contact the young people. It seems that there are fluctuations in the void. Then a black light flashes in the void. A dark shadow appears on the boat, releasing the wild domineering spirit of suppressing heaven and earth. His appearance even makes the avenue unstable. Even the main road between heaven and earth can not suppress the existence, has reached an unimaginable state.

Taoist Zun squinted and stared at the shadow.

"I hope what you said is valuable, or I will kill you myself."

Here comes the devil.

In other words, looking at Taoist Zun is like looking at mole ants. It is like Taoist Zun looking at Yang Ping. Even if the residual power in Mingzhu was seriously injured and the void son changed the situation, Taoist Zun will not resent the devil.

The devil also has the right to despise Taoist respect.


The young man bowed and said.

"Step back."

The devil said coldly.

The young man turned and left.

Finally, only the demon king and Taoist priest are left on the boat. Few of the strongest people in the world can sit down and chat. If it weren\'t for the attractive things provided by Taoist priest, the demon king would not appear in person.

"I know the clue of Wu Jialing\'s disappearance can be provided to the demon king." Taoist Zun smiled.

The devil said, "what do you want to exchange for?"

Taoist Zun pondered for a while and said, "I want the demon king not to intervene in the battle of the Dragon City in three days. It\'s not difficult for the demon king."

The devil said coldly, "are you talking to me about terms?"

There is no one in the world who is qualified to negotiate with him. The devil will not compromise and will conquer the enemy in the most overbearing way. This is where the devil is domineering.

Knowing the devil\'s character, Taoist Zun said, "we are mutually beneficial, and only I know the secret in the world, even Cihang Jingzhai may not know it."


The devil is not a procrastinator, said.

Taoist Zun was secretly happy. Then he didn\'t know where to take out a crystal. Scenes appeared in the crystal. If Yang Ping was present, he would be very shocked. What he experienced in the time tunnel was recorded.

Although incomplete, it was broken when Yang Ping left the time tunnel to see the man in green shirt.

But this record releases a lot of information.

The devil\'s eyes flashed, stared at the time tunnel, then relaxed and murmured, "I see. OK, I promise you. I won\'t intervene in the affairs of the Dragon City, but if you think it\'s safe to win, you\'re still too confident. Taoist Zun, you count all the people in the world, but there are times you can\'t count."

"It\'s too clever to calculate, but it\'s wrong for your life."

Then the devil left with the crystal.

Tao Zun thought about the devil\'s words and fell into meditation.