Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1116

Vanity son has kept a low profile recently. He hasn\'t appeared since he was seriously injured by bamboo snow. The people of Xuankong Temple are also very honest. They don\'t come out to make wind and rain, but it doesn\'t mean they have no ambition and have great ambition.

Xuankong Temple is a third rate holy land, while xukongzi is a great saint. At present, it has reached the mid-term realm of great saint.

However, because he realized that the latent assassination of the void Sutra is a first-class top expert, which is no less than the world\'s first killer, he cooperated with Taoist Zun this time. The void son who owns the void Sutra even tried to kill Taoist Zun. This is also the reliance of the void son and his biggest card.

This is the best time.

The Taoist priest dragged the military God, and the void son could break into Mu Lao\'s room and do some earth shaking events.

The military God gave a cold light and said indifferently, "vanity son, if something happens to Mu Lao, I will raze the whole hanging temple to the ground." this is the threat of the military God, and the military God began to show anxiety.

It\'s just that Tao Zun appeared. There was a great holy realm that was good at hiding assassination. There were many experts present, but they were not the opponents of vanity son. He came and went freely, and no one could stop him. Unless Tao Zun left, Junshen was the only one who was able to intercept, but the situation was very critical.

Pearl looked at Tao Zun nervously and seemed to be afraid from the bottom of her heart, because the damage brought to her by Tao Zun could not be described in words. At the same time, a trace of bitterness and helplessness flashed in her eyes. Although it was very obscure, she was sensitively detected by the military God.

The military God stared at the Pearl and seemed to want to say something.

The Taoist priest smiled and seemed to have the momentum to control everything. He sighed: "God of the army, in fact, we don\'t need to go to this step. Why? If you leave here and let go, you are still the God of the army. You are the totem of the military and high above."

The military God said faintly, "my way doesn\'t allow me to retreat."

Taoist Zun smiled and said, "this is also the reason for my headache."


Tao Zun suddenly spit out a word and follow his words. The avenue covers the sky. A decision makes the whole villa fall into a strange stagnation. It seems that time stagnates and space solidifies, and no one can move.


The military God gave a soft drink and broke the skill of kaidaozun.

The villa was restored to its original state.

Taoist Zun nodded and said, "I\'m worthy of being a military God. I\'ve made rapid progress over the years. I didn\'t kill you that year. It\'s really a headache for you to grow up."

The military God said coldly, "there is no if."

The Taoist priest looked at the military God, and his eyes flashed a complex and secluded way: "in those years, xuanjizi accepted disciples and valued character first, which I despised. Later, the great disciple betrayed his school, went abroad and established Shenyin, but different from xuanjizi Tao, he didn\'t plot against each other. This is the failure of xuanjizi generation and the pain of his life."

Junshen squints.

The momentum increased sharply.

Taoist Zun didn\'t think so, and continued: "I accepted an apprentice. My first priority was ability. I just didn\'t expect the result to be the same as Xuanji. In the end, I betrayed me. I wanted to kill my apprentice myself, but I couldn\'t bear it after all. How can I change my feelings for decades?"

The God of the army\'s eyes beat with a powerful flame and said in a deep voice, "it\'s been so many years. Why mention it again. Now you and I are their own masters. It\'s just a big deal."

Taoist Zun shook his head and said with a smile, "I let you go. Now how can I bear to kill you? Right, my baby apprentice."


When Mingzhu heard this, the military God turned out to be a disciple of the Taoist priest. His face changed greatly. He could hardly believe that the totem of the Chinese military turned out to be a disciple of the Taoist priest. If it was spread, it would certainly set off a huge wave, and the prestige of the military God must have plummeted.

"Disciple, are you sure you want to fight with me?"

Tao Zun asked.

The tone is very cold, but with a little extravagance.

The military God said coldly, "I said, the past is gone. Don\'t mention it again. You are you, I am me, cause and effect are cut off, and the world is different. If you want to fight against Mu Lao, I won\'t be arrested. And do you think you can really succeed?"

Taoist Zun smiled and said, "of course I know that Cihang Jingzhai will protect Mu Lao, but you have been with master for so long. Do you still naively think that my goal is mu Lao? Disciple, you don\'t know Master."

The thinking of the military God rotates rapidly. What is the purpose of the Taoist priest? Since he is not mu Lao, why does he appear here.

Suddenly, there was a flash of light.

The military god suddenly looked at Mu Lao\'s room and shouted, "bad!"

"Yang Ping, stop the treatment."

In Mu Lao\'s room, Yang Ping used the five element needling technique to integrate the three flowers into Qi and inject them into Mu Lao\'s body. He felt the breath outside, but he couldn\'t give up, because once he gave up Mu Lao, his life would be in danger, and it was almost impossible to succeed again.

There is only one chance.

Yang Ping couldn\'t give up. When he heard the cry of the military God, he just didn\'t hear it and continued to practice the five element acupuncture. A little golden light radiated from his body, and the black-and-white pole at the center of his eyebrows rotated to the extreme, constantly providing strength. The state of the body of Nine Yang operated to the peak. Now he has the strongest strength and the most powerful medical skills, so he can cure Mu Lao\'s body.

The battle begins outside.

Yang Ping was awe inspiring, accelerated his speed, kept sweating on his forehead, and spent all his strength to save Mu Lao.

Finally, half an hour later.

Mu Lao\'s face is ruddy and his vitality is extremely vigorous. He falls into deep sleep. When he wakes up tomorrow, Mu Lao will return to normal, but experience unprecedented exuberance.

However, Yang Ping did not dare to relax his vigilance.

Because the living dead, means against the sky, against the sky, will bear disaster.

The more things go against the sky, the more terrible the disaster is.

Yang Ping is always ready. Although he has exhausted his strength, the golden pole in the spiritual world is full of strength and may attack at any time. If it is not confirmed that it is difficult to kill Taoist Zun, he wants to use it directly against Taoist Zun.

The battle outside continued, and screams came from time to time.

Yang Ping is worried about the Pearl, but if there is a military God, there should be no problem, but there is an ominous feeling in her heart

The smell of the pearl is unstable.

Yang Ping turned pale and rushed out.

Junshen and daozun are in a confrontation. Their Tianzun strength continues to invade each other. However, it seems that Junshen\'s strength is a little weaker than daozun, and they reluctantly support it until now. On the other hand, I don\'t know why so many top experts are in a coma.

Vanity son grabbed Pearl\'s neck and showed cold eyes.


Yang Ping glared at the empty child and felt that the Pearl was dying. He said in a cold voice, "if you dare to touch her hair, I will destroy the hanging temple! I Yang Ping did what I said!" his eyes were red and he was crazy.

The military God shouted, "Yang Ping, don\'t be impulsive and calm down."

When the Taoist priest dealt with the military God with ease, he didn\'t seem to do his best, but the military God was worried and could only watch for fear that the void would mess up.

"Kneel down."

Kongzi looked at Yang Ping indifferently and shouted, "if you dare to disrespect me, you have to pay a price. Aren\'t you the descendant of the immortal medical school? I\'ll show the world now. No matter how powerful the descendant of the immortal medical school is, you have to kneel at my feet."

Kongzi was very excited and seemed to control the world, because grasping the pearl could threaten Yang Ping.

Yang Ping did not hesitate to kneel down.

How about kneeling down for a woman.

But Mingzhu knows that all this will only be in vain. They will not let go of themselves, let alone Yang Ping.

Besides, how can Mingzhu be willing to let Yang Ping kneel his enemy.

"Yang Ping, I love you!"

Suddenly, a decisive color flashed in the Pearl\'s eyes.

Yang Ping suddenly looked up and said, "Pearl, don\'t!"


A bright flower blooms in the Pearl and drowns the void. The supreme breath that excites the soul is an absolutely powerful force hidden in the body, the last ray of sword Qi left by the sword of Pluto.

The remaining flowers fall and the beauty withers.

[I don\'t have much to complain about. I\'ll write about the medium-term card, today\'s four chapters, and ask for a monthly ticket.]