Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1117

The sword is dark and yellow, cutting off all falsehood.

Kongzi had a strong ability to run for his life, but he had no chance to avoid the sword Qi of the king of Hades. The sword Qi penetrated into the center of his eyebrows. He roared and fell on the ground. His body trembled. His handsome face climbed out of wrinkles, and his realm continued to decline. When he fell from the peak of the middle period of the great sage to the early period, a resentment and determination flashed in his eyes.

Spit out a mirror and die with the sword Qi.

Vanity mirror!

The most precious treasure of the hanging temple was cut off at both ends by the sword of the underworld, fell to the ground and broke into pieces. The spirit on the mirror disappeared, which is no different from an ordinary mirror. The loss of a vanity mirror is tantamount to breaking the inheritance of the hanging temple. How can vanity son not resent, but he is also a decisive person. He turns around and has to go.

If you wait any longer, you may not succeed and you will die.

I didn\'t expect to hide for so long and finally wait for the opportunity. Finally, the success fell short. Don\'t mention how depressed the void son was, but he felt a strong killing opportunity behind him. He was scared to death and didn\'t turn his head back. He used his own magic power to sprinkle blood and run wildly, turned into a wisp of smoke and disappeared.

The leader of the holy land runs away without fighting. If it is spread, the reputation of the void son will surely plummet. But he couldn\'t care so much. Yang Ping didn\'t chase the Pearl, but held it in his arms. He felt very sad. At the moment of the explosion of the sword Qi of the underworld, he knew that the Pearl was going to have a big event.


Yang Ping input the breath of Nine Yang, hung a breath and said in a trembling voice, "don\'t scare me, you can\'t have an accident!"

Mingzhu lay in Yang Ping\'s arms, pale and reluctantly said, "just be fine."

"Why are you so stupid? You have to believe that I can protect you." Yang Ping\'s eyes are filled with pain. At the moment when the pearl is determined, it seems that he has fallen into an abyss and can\'t extricate himself. He couldn\'t bear the pain of losing the Pearl, let alone imagine a day without the Pearl.

"I just don\'t want my man to kneel down. A man... Indomitable and can\'t give in to his enemies." Mingzhu stroked Yang Ping\'s face and said softly, "I\'m dying. Yang Ping, promise me that you must live well and don\'t just think of revenge."

Yang Ping roared, "you won\'t die. Even if the king of hell let you die, I won\'t allow it."

Pearl smiled bitterly and looked at the sky outside the door. Her eyes showed deep nostalgia, nostalgia for the world and nostalgia for staying with Yang Ping. In fact, she fantasized about the future and had many children with Yang Ping, but she knew it was unrealistic, so she especially cherished the days together. Every minute and every second is so precious.

Now I\'m finally leaving.

Although Pearl was reluctant to give up, she was more worried about what Yang Ping would do after she left. No one cooked for him, no one comforted and helped him when he was in the dark, no one shared the pain with him when he was most lost, and no one shared the joy with him when he was happy.

Pearl has too much peace of mind to let go.

But what can I do.

Pearl said with a long sigh of relief, "Yang Ping, promise me to kneel on my knees, kneel on my parents, but not on the enemy. You are perfect in my heart. Don\'t fall into the dark abyss. In that case, I won\'t be sad to see you in heaven."

"Stop talking."

Yang Ping just hugged the Pearl with red eyes and murmured, "I promise you, I promise you everything. As long as you don\'t leave me."

Pearl, close your eyes.

The arms hang down slowly.


Yang Ping roared up into the sky, the spiritual world shook violently, and the brewing spiritual storm broke out. With him as the center, a golden vortex was formed, in which the power of destruction was full.

The military God frowned and shouted, "Yang Ping, wake up!"

Be enlightened and thunderous.

The impact on Yang Ping\'s spiritual world, he was a little sober, and the darkness in his eyes slowly receded, but the killing opportunity in his heart was stronger, just like the decision of the flood. If he didn\'t vent, he might explode and die.

Jun Shen\'s face was ugly. Things were unexpected. I didn\'t expect Yang Ping to lose his mind. He went crazy for a woman. People are not human, ghosts or ghosts. The most important thing is that the power in his body is very strong, even he can\'t see through it.

Tao Zun smiled and said, "you can\'t even save your own women. How can you save the world and the dawn people? You\'re just a coward."

The military God said in a deep voice, "shut up."

Taoist Zun continued: "Yang Ping, do you think you are very small? You are just a mole ant in my eyes, so you have to become strong. If you are strong enough, your woman will not die and all problems will be solved."

I want to be strong.

Yang Ping muttered to himself that the spiritual world was in chaos. The Pearl in his arms had lost its vitality. Without breathing, his heart fell into darkness. There was a dark wind around him. His body kept falling. He couldn\'t see the sky above his head. There was only endless darkness in front of him.

But he has been falling towards the abyss.

"I can give up everything and become the strongest."

Yang Ping suddenly had a terrible idea in his heart, that is to plunge himself into absolute darkness and obtain invincible power. In this case, nothing will happen and the Pearl will stay with us.

"Darkness, fall!"

Yang Ping closed his eyes and his body shone. A dark seed burst out in the Dantian. He waited for a long time, convinced that the dark seed in the Dantian was watered by the dark power and grew up healthily. At this moment, Yang Ping is the core of darkness and the king of darkness.

A dark force that even the military God was afraid of broke out. Yang Ping\'s breath became stronger and stronger. I don\'t know how many times stronger than before. Because the dark seed in Dantian seems to be a middle world. All the forces in the middle world are blessed in the body, and he will become the invincible king of darkness.

At this moment, when Yang Ping changed.

The smell of the dark king is felt in many places.

China Airlines building, top office.

Zhu Xi sat on the sofa and meditated. Her strength now has reached the level of five grades, and is still soaring rapidly. With the help of nine Yin in her body, her cultivation speed can be described as sitting on a rocket. Zhu Xi looked at one side and changed a person.

"The breath of the emperor."

The nine Yin body trembled slightly and felt a fear from the soul. It was a level gap, and it was no longer the same level of life as itself. Jiuyin will not perceive mistakes. The king of darkness and the emperor of darkness are the supreme emperor of the dark land, which no one can surpass. But why did it appear to a boy.

Is the reincarnation of the emperor?


Jiuyin quickly denied it, because the emperor was sleeping and would soon wake up, and it was impossible to reincarnate.

But why is that breath so terrible?

Jiuyin is lost in thought.

but deep clouds set me wondering where.

In a cloud.

A pair of barefoot climbers suddenly turned around and looked through the emptiness. They saw the side of the dragon city and fell on Yang Ping. The Zhai Lord sighed, sympathized with heaven and man, and said, "can there be reincarnation in the world?"