Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1115


His way is straight. No matter how many disasters ahead, he can go straight. Heaven and hell should step on his feet.

Behind him is a sea of blood, the soul of countless enemies who died in battle.

Yang Ping can\'t imagine how many enemies he killed in order to have such a terrible killing opportunity and form such a shocking illusion.

Yang Ping guessed the identity of the person coming. He was vaguely excited, but he didn\'t dare to imagine.

Mu Lao\'s physical treatment will inevitably attract the highest attention of the Chinese military. In order to avoid other people\'s assassination, he will certainly send the strongest team, but Yang Ping didn\'t expect that he should do it himself.

God of the army!

The first master of the military, the spiritual leader of all, is also the object and target of Yang Ping\'s military career.

He has white hair and a kind face. It is difficult to involve his current image with the legendary army gods who killed countless people. He is right in front of him. Yang Ping wants to say something, but he can\'t say it. He can only watch quietly and excitedly.

"Xuanji has successors. I really envy him."

The God of the army smiled. His voice was full of vicissitudes. With the washing of years, he purified his soul. It seemed that the previous resentment and anger suddenly became clean and pure after hearing the God of the army\'s voice, which made him feel that the world was full of love and kindness.

"I\'ve seen the Lord of the army God." Rao is Yang Ping\'s great force in Longcheng, but after seeing the God of the army, the kind of worship influenced by the army is imprinted in my heart and rooted in my bones. The white haired old man in front of me is the totem in the army and the pillar of China.

He couldn\'t help feeling a little nervous.

"Come in." the military God smiled and looked at the Pearl, "are you Zheng Mingzhu?"@^^$

Pearl was flattered and was able to get the attention of the military God. In fact, it was a supreme honor. She quickly bowed down and politely said, "Pearl has seen the military God."

"I also had a confidant when Yang Ping was so young. She was very beautiful, but it was a pity that it was never meant to be. Yang Ping, you should cherish it. Mingzhu is a good girl. If you don\'t mind, Mingzhu, would you like to be my daughter?"

The God of the army\'s words were so amazing that they were stunned.

The military God recognizes his daughter!

This is a blessing from heaven. No one in China does not fear the God of the army. Even the leaders of the four families are extremely afraid of the God of the army. This person is known as the first expert in the military and one of the top figures in China. Compared with the separation in Longcheng, this is his real body. Yang Ping can hardly see through the strength, which can only show that the strength of the God of the army is far beyond imagination.! $*!


Yang Ping was shocked. He didn\'t expect that the real body of Lord Junshen had the realm of heaven, but it was also normal. He could have countless people\'s admiration and worship and gather countless faith. How could he be a great saint.

But few people know the true strength of the God of war. He shows that he is still a saint at the peak. Only Yang Ping, who is extremely sensitive to spiritual power, can feel the world power in the God of war. However, the God of war is very special. He clearly has the power of the world to reach the state of heaven, but he has not condensed into a small world. If he guesses correctly, the God of war is likely to integrate the small world in his body into his body, Become the first expert to integrate his own small world. In this way, his strength may be more terrible, because his way is too special.

"Let\'s go."

The military God turned and walked towards the villa and said, "it may be very lively tonight. Some of my old friends will come, but you don\'t need to worry. I\'ll deal with things outside. You just need to cure Mu Lao\'s body."

Yang Ping nodded heavily.

Yang Ping will go all out without being reminded by the God of the army.

The villa is heavily guarded. All of them are experts brought by the military God. There are five steps and one post. One post is a top expert. At least they are the Yasheng realm, which blocks the villa. At least more than half of the top experts of the military are gathered here.

Mu Lao is in the room.

The military God stopped, patted Yang Ping on the shoulder and said, "the herbs are in the room. No one will disturb you next. Go."

Yang Ping took a deep breath and, encouraged by the Pearl, walked into Mu Lao\'s room.

At the moment of walking in, one hand suddenly grabbed Yang Ping.

Pearl\'s eyes were flustered and wanted to talk.

Yang Ping thought she was worried about herself and said with a smile, "don\'t worry, I\'ll be fine. With Lord Junshen, everything will calm down."

Pearl nodded, but her heart was extremely bitter.

I want to say something, but I can\'t say it.

Mingzhu shook her head and nodded again. She watched Yang Ping go into Mu Lao\'s room and disappear.

She sighed and felt uneasy. Standing outside the door, she couldn\'t go in. She had to stand and felt uneasy. Such a big battle must be a strong crisis. Lord Junshen himself could not reassure Mingzhu, but had more worries. What kind of danger makes Lord Junshen come from the capital to guard Mu Lao personally?

Is it a sneak attack by an expert at the Taoist level?

There is no possibilities.

No matter how powerful Taoist Zun is, he can\'t live with old Mu and the people all over the country. Old Mu is the chief designer of China and a spiritual symbol. China can be stable only when he is here. No matter how arrogant Taoist Zun is, he can\'t mess around, because old Mu\'s friends are not vegetarian and want to protect old mu, not just LORD Junshen.

Pearl thought and heard the voice of the military God.

"Have you thought about it?"

The military God looked at the Pearl, his eyes showed a kind look, motioned her to sit down and talk, and asked, "my dry daughter is actually very hard and under great pressure. Of course, this is my unilateral invitation. Do you agree?"

Before, there was a demon king who was willing to take Mingzhu as his disciple. Now the military God wants to recognize her as his daughter. They are both the top big people in China. Any opportunity is a supreme honor. They all focus on Mingzhu.

Pearl is not a fool. She immediately knelt down and said, "I\'ve seen Godfather."

The military God smiled and said, "yes, it\'s a blessing for our military God to have a dry daughter like you in his later years. Well, since I recognize my godfather, I\'ll give you a little gift. I hope you don\'t dislike it."

After that, the military God stared at the Pearl.

Pearl only felt the earth spinning, and then her delicate body trembled slightly. All parts of her body trembled violently with a high frequency. She felt that the Qi of death hidden in her body was shaken out by this regular and frequent shaking, and then disappeared into the air.

As the shaking continued, the Pearl\'s face ruddy.

One minute.

Pearl felt that her body had returned to the peak without being hurt. She couldn\'t help but rejoice. Just now, Lord Junshen used his supreme strength to repair the meridians in her body. As long as it was operated properly, she will not die in the future, but also recover to the peak.

Thinking of being able to accompany Yang Ping for a long time, Mingzhu was very moved by the military God in her heart, kowtowed and said, "thank you, Godfather. Great kindness is unforgettable."


The military God waved his hand, pulled the Pearl up with a gentle force, and said, "you have wonderful bones and are a good material for practicing martial arts. If you hadn\'t met Yang Ping in advance, I would like to take you as an apprentice. It\'s a pity that we don\'t have the fate of teachers and apprentices. Your fate is on others."

Pearl seems to understand but pretends to understand.

The military God didn\'t care, but looked at Mu Lao\'s room and showed a dignified color.

There was a strong spirit of death. In the eyes of the military God, it seemed to see through everything, see the alternation of death and mind, and the God of life and the God of death were playing a game, trying to take away Mu Lao\'s soul.

However, Yang Ping stubbornly pulled Mu Lao back to his body.

The military God only heard about Yang Ping\'s medical skills. When he really felt it, he understood why xuanjizi was so terrible. His apprentice could control Mu Lao\'s life, not to mention xuanjizi, an old ancestor.

At a critical time.

A man came to the living room.

A very familiar person.

He looked at the old wooden room with great interest. His appearance was silent, like air blowing in from the door, integrated with nature.

When Mingzhu saw this person, her delicate body trembled violently and showed a look of panic.

Daozun appeared.

On the contrary, the military God was very calm. He seemed to know that the Taoist priest appeared long ago. He looked out and said, "since there is still a friend, why don\'t you come in and sit down."

"Tao Zun is right. Your strength is further. If you want to kill you, it seems that you have only one chance today."

A man in white appeared at the door. He looked in his early twenties and looked very handsome with a spirit of witchcraft. However, his real age was over a hundred years earlier and he was one of the most sinister and cunning people in the world.

The leader of the hanging temple.
