Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1114

Dragon city is boring, dormant, calculating, patient and killing except for some wind, flowers, snow and moon.

Only when that powerful and terrible breath flashed away did the dragon city move. The night in Longcheng is like a calm lake. The breath is the falling stones, which then stir up huge waves. Finally, the waves beat on the stones on the bank and make a rustling sob.

Many eyes looked at the place where the power broke out, and they rushed up quickly, just like moths. Even if they felt that the breath was enough to destroy everyone present, they still had a strong excitement and desire in their hearts.

Even some of the great saints of the treasure Pavilion showed their horror. Then they couldn\'t help but be hot and greedy. They looked at the quiet back mountain of the treasure Pavilion and walked out of the door. Only Tongde medical center is calm.

Phoenix was still sleeping. After treatment, Yang Ping found that her body was decaying too seriously. If she was a second late, she might be isolated from the world. The cruel reputation of the blood devil Liu Yunlong is heard in the military, which is frightening. You can imagine how cruel the Phoenix was tortured all the way.

The spirit of the blood in the body was drained, just like a flower knocked down by acid rain, leaving only a little residual meaning. It is impossible to tell how beautiful a flower was and how a phoenix soared in the sky.

Yang Ping sat outside the room and kept smoking. His pupils sometimes turned dark and sometimes glittered with golden light, as if gold and black were alternating, dominating his inner emotions and controlling the turn of power in his body. He is now the combination of darkness and light, with the most perfect balance, but he may soon lose control.

Pearl held his hand and said softly, "no matter what happens, I\'ll be by your side."

Yang Ping looked up, her eyes red, silently looked at the Pearl\'s beautiful face, saw through her deep concern and worry in her eyes, so her inner irritability slowly disappeared, held the Pearl\'s slender hand tightly, and gasped: "I want to kill."


Yang Ping wanted to kill all the people who hurt the Phoenix. His inner anger had already spread to all parts of his body. The crazy factors contained in his blood woke up. The next moment, he seemed to become a demon king.

But he held back.

Because the Pearl has been by his side, silently accompanying and comforting.

"You are no longer Yang Ping. If you do, it\'s exactly what they want." Mingzhu worried. Her slender hand gently stroked Yang Ping\'s black hair. Her eyes were soft and full of love.

Yang Ping was stunned, stared at the Pearl, then bowed his head and said, "but I\'m not reconciled."

Remembering that his teammates were tortured to commit suicide, and now it\'s Phoenix\'s turn to be unconscious, how can this hatred be forgotten? When Yang Ping made a big fuss in the supervision room because of the suicide of Yanhuang team members, he almost turned over the sky. Otherwise, mu Laohu had already gone to the military court.

But now the other party is cheating too much. How can we bear it.

Mingzhu clearly knows Yang Ping\'s character, but she doesn\'t want him to take risks. Behind him is a dark abyss. The trap designed by others has long let him drill. Once he takes a step forward, there is no way back, and this quiet and peaceful day will never return.

She was worried, but seeing Yang Ping\'s painful appearance, she suddenly became silent and stopped persuasion.

Doesn\'t she understand him?

She knows better than he does.

But that\'s not the reason to stop.

Mingzhu got up silently and went to the kitchen to prepare supper. Yang Ping didn\'t eat after she came back and kept watch over the Phoenix. In fact, Mingzhu was very angry when she saw the Phoenix, but she was more worried.

Even Mingzhu felt that there was a powerful force behind Yang Ping, which could drive several saints. It is conceivable that he was powerful.

After dinner.

The Phoenix is still in a coma.

Mingzhu accompanied Yang Ping to relax outside. Yang Ping quickly recovered his composure and suppressed the killing in his body. He said, "in fact, you don\'t have to worry about me. I know what you\'re doing."


Mingzhu nodded, hugged Yang Ping\'s arm, leaned her head on her shoulder and whispered, "no matter what you do, you will support you. But you must ensure that you live and don\'t do stupid things, okay?"

Yang Ping chuckled and said, "are you worried that I will take revenge?"

"Don\'t worry, I will certainly take revenge, but not now. Those behind the scenes who hurt the Phoenix can\'t let go. I\'m no longer as impulsive as before. I\'ll bear it slowly and wait for the day when I can take revenge."

Yang Ping comforted.

Mingzhu stared at Yang Pingliang\'s starlike eyes. What he saw from his eyes was not only hatred, but also tenacity and self-confidence. He was a little relieved that blindly impulsive could not succeed. Those people were high-ranking people. Saints could play with their hands and let blood demons work hard. It can be seen that the background was deep and sensational.

"You go to Mu Lao\'s side with me later. It may not be long before someone will pick me up," Yang Ping said.

As soon as the voice fell, a jeep came to the door of Tongde medical school. They just returned. They saw a middle-aged man with evil eyes coming down from the car. His eyes swept around and then gathered on Yang Ping. He grinned. His mouth looked scarlet and extremely cruel. He was as angry as a blood demon.

There are many experts lurking in the periphery, ready to take action at any time.

The hostility of the visitor is very strong, obviously aimed at Yang Ping.

"Are you Yang Ping?"

The visitor asked coldly, and his tone was full of hostility. Ordinary people may be scared when they were swept by his eyes, because his breath was too cold to freeze the spiritual world of ordinary people.


Yang Ping frowned and felt that the visitor was not good, but the military vehicle was very familiar. It was the guard team from another hospital from Mu Lao. He asked, "Mu Lao asked you to pick me up?"

The man nodded and said faintly, "get in the car."


About Mu Lao\'s body, Yang Ping didn\'t care too much, nor did he care about those masters who were lurking in the periphery and were facing great enemies, and took the Pearl to the car. The man saw Mingzhu and said, "she can\'t go. It\'s about state secrets."

Pearl hesitated.

If it\'s about Mu Lao, she thinks it\'s better not to participate.

But Yang Ping was tough and said calmly, "I can guarantee that she won\'t talk nonsense."

The man wanted to say what qualifications you had, but when he saw Yang Ping\'s calm expression, he clicked in his heart, got on the bus quickly and ordered to start. The experts lurking outside began to evacuate and followed.

Along the way, he was silent.

The man sat in the co pilot and looked coldly at the front. As for the two people behind, they didn\'t seem to exist.

Pearl lost her power, but her perception was still very sharp. Knowing that these people had strong hostility and killing opportunities, she couldn\'t help holding Yang Ping\'s big hand and looking at him. Yang Ping\'s comforting smile warmed Mingzhu\'s heart.

bon voyage.

No one dares to fight on Mu Lao\'s escort. It\'s just looking for death. Yang Ping felt at least a terrible smell. In other hospitals not far away, the defense level was unprecedentedly improved. Mu Lao\'s body is related to the whole of China. If foreign enemies know it, they will destroy it at all costs. So this operation needs absolute confidentiality. If Yang Ping was not too important, the man would never allow Mingzhu to follow.

Don\'t be in front of the hospital.

Yang Pinggang got out of the car and suddenly disappeared around him. A straight road appeared in front of him. Even the stars in the night sky lost their color on this road, because a huge figure came at the end of the road.

How strong!

Yang Ping was shocked.

This person may be more terrible than an old fisherman.