Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1113

Li Yuanba is very low-key. Every party is very low-key. After others express their opinions, he has to wait. He is like a wolf in the grassland. He only gives a fatal blow when his prey is most tired.

Li Yuanba\'s family is very special because the existence of the military God controls the most powerful violent machine. Every leader election must be recognized by the Li family and supported by the military in order to hold a stable position.

Li Yuanba\'s selection seems to follow the crowd, but there will be no mistakes in every choice. Old Lin often scolds Li Yuanba for being insidious and cunning and in vain as a scholar, but he admires Li Yuanba\'s vision more.

All three are waiting for Li Yuanba\'s choice.

Before coming here, everyone had a spectrum in mind. Li Tian, the younger generation of the Li family, died in Yang Ping\'s hands. This is a true Revenge of death. It is reasonable to say that Li Yuanba can\'t protect Yang Ping. It is clear and righteous not to kill him by adding fire. The Chiang family wanted to deal with Yang Ping. Obviously, the Wang family took a supportive attitude. But Lin Lao protected Yang Ping. As a result, there are contradictions and there is no way to negotiate for the time being. After all, we are all in the same city and we are all our own people.

It\'s also an enemy.

If the family shows signs of decline, I believe others will fall. The Xuanyuan family was so desolate that it was famous because it stood in the wrong team and thought it was the first in the world.

"I won\'t take part in your business. Everyone is very old, so why take part in children\'s games." Li Yuanba got up, smiled and shook his head. "Old man Jiang, the tea is very good, thank you."

After that, Li Yuanba got up and sighed, "I thought it was a national event. It\'s just a child. It\'s better to go home and hold his great grandson."

Looking at Li Yuanba, who was leaving gradually, old Jiang\'s eyes twinkled and hummed coldly, "this old fox is not a thing to avoid when it should work hard and run out when picking peaches."

Old Wang smiled and said, "you can do it when you have the ability of others."

Old Jiang hummed a few times and didn\'t speak.

Although the Chiang family is one of the four big families, it is at the end of the list. The continuous failures during this period have made others laugh. In particular, the old fishermen in the South China Sea broke into the Chiang family as if they were in a deserted place, which made the Chiang family lose face and can\'t lift their heads. So the Chiang family is eager to find face.

The Chiang family is still a little worse than the Li family. One is that the Li family has military power, and the Li family\'s military God is still there, and its relationship with Mu Lao is also the best. One is that old Jiang\'s realm is quite different from others. Although he can compete with the secret treasure of the Chiang family, it is not his own ability after all.

You should know that Li Yuanba\'s strength was not much worse than that of the army God. After so many years of dormancy, no one knew Li Yuanba\'s real strength. He vaguely had the title of the first person in the four families. Lin Lao claims to be just fierce first, but he still has to be cautious when he meets Li Yuanba.

Li Yuanba didn\'t do it for many years, but he did it once 20 years ago. Under one blow, he forced the leader of the holy land to give way by three points. Moreover, Li Yuanba did not make every effort at that time. Xuanji Zi praised him very highly, saying that he was a worldly talent and the value of force was the first.

Xuanjizi\'s praise is too heavy.

So Li Yuanba became more low-key and unpredictable.

Mr. Wang said, "come on, there\'s nothing to argue about. Mr. Lin, do you just want to protect Yang Ping? I can\'t guarantee how much you pay." after that, he took out a roster. There are people related to the Lin family, who are lurking in various places and hold important positions. However, due to more or less problems, there may be double regulations at any time. If this roster goes on, the Lin family may suffer heavy losses.

The Lin family glanced at Old Wang angrily and said in a cold voice, "do you want to kill the fish and break the net?"

Old Wang said lightly, "don\'t use words too heavily. It\'s just a few younger generations." one of them was Lin Lao\'s grandson. He had done some outrageous things, but he was caught by the evidence. If he did it, his future might be ruined.

Lin Lao took a deep breath, then quickly calmed down and said, "I don\'t care about your affairs."

After that, Lin left angrily.

For the benefit of the family, even if someone helps Yang Ping speak, old Lin can\'t lose so many families for a stranger. Of course, old Lin can fight back, but this is not the desired result.

Balance is the king.

General\'s house.

When the warm wind blows, it is full of green.

Old Jiang bowed his head and said, "how to convict?"

Old Wang smiled and wrote two words on the table with first-class tea.

Old Jiang\'s white eyebrow jumped, showed surprise, smiled and said, "you\'re cruel enough. It may be a general this time. I just don\'t know how they deal with it. Li Yuanba probably wants to keep Yang Ping, but in front of righteousness, I don\'t know how he deals with it."

Old Wang hehe said, "isn\'t it right for you? You see the important position of the Li family in the army."

"Divide equally."

"Very good."

In a few words, he set the tone, and soon someone would convey it, and then he began to take action at the first time.

There was a gust of wind in the capital, but the frontier fell into rough waves.

The wind blows the Dragon City, and the Dragon sings and the tiger roars.

Dragon city has ushered in the most peaceful moment in three months. It seems that everything has passed, but there are more people coming to the city. The array of dragon city has finally made mistakes and been caught. Many holy land experts have drilled into it, then hid and waited for opportunities.

The door of the treasure Pavilion is closed and not open to the outside world.

In the yard.

Ke Yidao, with a broom, stood under an old banyan tree, silently looked at the lush leaves on the branches, then took a long breath and said, "in troubled times, there are many more leaves in the yard than yesterday. I\'m so tired."

"Don\'t do it if you have the ability."

The old poison came over and said sarcastically, "I don\'t know how you called the magic knife in those years. I thought it was powerful. It\'s almost the same as my poison ending with a bad reputation?"

Ke Yidao glared at the old poison and shouted, "you\'re paralyzed. Do you want to die?"

The old poison shrugged and hummed, "don\'t do this. I\'m not scared. We\'re not smart in this yard. You\'re a floor sweeper. What are you proud of?"

Ke Yidao scolded and wanted to fight alone.

However, the old poison disdained to respond, holding a broom, singing Peking Opera and walking forward.

The two strong men in the realm of great saints, who were at least the existence of the powerful side in those years, have now become the sweepers of the treasure Pavilion. They have been laughed to death. It happened that they didn\'t dare to go. The door of the treasure pavilion was open, and they stayed honest. Not for anything else, just because there have been xuanjizi and daozun here.

It\'s not so much that I don\'t want to go out, as I\'m afraid of being killed by Taoist Zun after going out.

"I\'m Cao. I quit. Go out and get some air."

Ke Yidao was upset. He had been cleaning for several days. He was so annoyed that he left the treasure house angrily. The old poison shouted behind: "don\'t go out and be killed."

"I\'ll pull you with me if I want to die."

The old poison smiled, then narrowed his eyes and looked at the sky. He thought the weather was actually very cold.

The weather has changed in Longcheng.

The old poison secretly thought about the time and estimated that the thing would be born soon. It\'s funny that some people who used to think that it was the same as before thought that they would have a chance to get the thing and ascend to heaven step by step and find the hope of promoting heaven. Only the old poison knew very well. After the attack by the Taoist priest, he guessed that everything might be under the control of the Taoist priest, Unless you have Xuanji Zi as a backer, you will die miserably.

The dragon city is in chaos, and the treasure pavilion has become the only safe place.

The old poison couldn\'t help looking at the bamboo mountain. There was a group of power that even he was frightened. It was the original owner of the treasure Pavilion, Mrs. Zhu. It might come out soon. Its strength was absolutely against the sky.

The sky suddenly rained.

A flash of lightning flashed across the sky.


With a breath that makes all people tremble, even the great sage must surrender, it spreads, and has an absolutely invincible style. It seems that nine days and ten places are exclusive.

Someone knows that someone broke through the customs.