Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1112

"Tea is very good. Where did you get it?" an old man in a shabby but clean Zhongshan suit smiled and said, "Lao Jiang, give me two kilograms to taste fresh."

Lao Jiang, the ancestor of the Chiang family, the meritorious marshal of the founding of the people\'s Republic of China, and one of the top ten marshals, has a terrible influence in China. The Chiang family has been very low-key for decades. When the second and third generations become pillars, it doesn\'t take much effort to leave the Xuanyuan family from the altar of the four families. The ancestor of the Chiang family has made great contributions.

The status of talking to old Jiang may be a little higher than that of old Jiang, because although he did not directly participate in the war, he made the underground parties alone. Without him as the rear, China could not build a country. He was also one of the former national leaders and a powerful figure who could not be found after ten years of wind and rain.

Wang Lao.

These two words carry a heavy weight. Others may have a strong influence in the military and business circles, but old Wang students are everywhere and hold important positions everywhere. His word can determine the fate of many people. It is rumored that his eldest son may become the core of the new generation of leaders in the next leadership change.

We can see the weight of Wang Lao.

The two men next to him, with Chinese characters, sneered and didn\'t give old Wang any face. They scolded: "what do you wear? You know there are few dahongpaos, and you need two kilograms. I want ten kilograms. Don\'t rob me, or I\'ll be anxious with you."

Old Wang smiled and shook his head and said, "if you want, don\'t be anxious with me. I can\'t beat you."

The bearded man said proudly, "nonsense, except for the military God, you are all weak chickens. I\'ll pick you three alone and get you at will."

His name is Lin Lao.

Lin is always the No. 2 figure in the military, only under the military God, but his seniority is higher than that of the military God. When the military God saw him, he also called the old chief. When Lin joined the army, he killed a company carrying a millet rifle. The only bad thing is his hot temper. Anyone who dares to make him unhappy will kick people as soon as he pats the table.

The three people present didn\'t bother with old Lin. anyway, they would be fine if they were angry in the past.

But the quietest one is a gentle old man. The old man can be called elegant, which shows that he really has the temperament of a scholar. Among the four people here, he studies the most. He went to many countries to study, came back to participate in the revolution, and supported China with a group of patriotic overseas Chinese. He not only won the war of resistance against Japan, but also defeated the one on Baodao. He has made outstanding contributions, Enough to build ancestral halls to sing praises.

Li Yuanba.

The name looks domineering. It\'s the same as the one in the Tang Dynasty who holds two big hammers, but he follows the scholar route and strategic route. The first person asked by Mr. Mu about reform and opening up was Li Yuanba. It can be seen that Li Yuanba\'s position in Mr. Mu\'s heart can be a mentor.

Jiang family, Li family, Lin family, Wang family.

The four families in the capital, as well as the four super powers in China, are not weaker than the second-class holy land, and have obtained countless resources. I don\'t know how many national pillars have been cultivated in recent years, and have an absolute voice in all fields of society.

Huaxia is everyone\'s Huaxia.

But it is also the Chinese of dozens of families.

The four families are the core strength of the dozens of families, and all policy reforms and legal implementation must be decided by them.

Generally, the four families rarely get together unless they encounter major events. It is not as good as the national general election. For example, if there is great friction between hostile forces and decide whether to start a war, or if a family makes a mistake and has to copy the family, the four families need to decide. Moreover, the four elderly do not necessarily appear. Generally, they send three generations to negotiate, If it is decided, it will be implemented.

These four people, whose strength is unfathomable, are over a hundred years old and rarely move around. Almost all the Chinese people forget their existence.

But they do exist and have a far-reaching impact.

It\'s sunny today. It\'s a fine day.

The fourth old man made an appointment to come to the general\'s house for tea and fishing, so starting with tea, old Lin showed his overbearing side. If he wanted to be arbitrary, it also meant that other families could not intervene in the next discussion.

The party was started by the Chiang family, so old Lin got angry. Old Jiang smiled and didn\'t seem to care. Old Wang and Li Yuanba didn\'t participate too much and had an ambiguous attitude.

Old Jiang said with a smile, "I know that old Wang Ba is greedy. I\'m ready to pay ten pounds. It\'s just ten pounds. The whole China adds up to only ten pounds. How about it for you? As long as you can eat it, and you\'re not afraid of other people\'s opinions."

Mr. Lin waited for Mr. Jiang and said, "Mr. Jiang, you are still that insidious character. You want to kill me. I tell you, I won\'t eat alone. What if you unite with them to kill me?"

Old Jiang smiled and scolded, "who dares to fight against your Lin family? Your family is the pillar of the national economy. No one has the money in your family."

Old Lin sneered, "do you think our family is too rich and wants to rob the rich and help the poor."

Seeing that the two were pulling farther and farther away, old Wang rounded up the scene and said, "well, don\'t argue, drink tea, drink tea."

Old Jiang smiled and said, "I\'m not fighting with him. He always does this. He has to win or lose every time. Everyone is on the same line. Who loses and who wins is like that. Can he catch up and kill?"

Jiang Lao said very casually, but Lin Lao\'s eyes flashed and said faintly: "open up and say, what are you going to do about Yang Ping?"

"What does old Wang say?"

Old Jiang kicked the ball to the Wang family. As one of the four families, the Wang family actually had no festival with Yang Ping, but it can\'t be ignored. After all, Yang Ping is very ordinary on the surface and has a little influence in the military, but in their eyes, it\'s just a child\'s family.

In a word, you can be convicted.

"Aside from personal grudges, Yang Ping is a good child." Wang smiled.

No one else spoke and waited for the following.

Wang Lao continued: "however, it\'s easy to break just now. Young people are very angry, but should we also pay attention to the influence. We should always pay attention to rules. Without rules, we can\'t have a circle, right? Even our people are moved. It\'s too disrespectful to respect the old and love the young."

Old Jiang smiled and said, "what old Wang said is true. I think so, too."

Old Lin stared and scolded, "you two obviously want to take private revenge because Yang Ping hinders your family plan. You speak openly and aboveboard as if you were a gentleman. I don\'t agree. I like Yang Ping."

Old Jiang waved his hand and said, "I said, old Lin, don\'t take care of him. Even if you like him, you can\'t protect him too much. In those years, I sacrificed more than you, so I can\'t bear it."

Old Wang said, "don\'t make trouble, old man Lin. in fact, you have nothing to do with Yang Ping. Someone lobbied in front of you. You really think he might become an army God."

Lin scolded and his eyes changed. Finally, he didn\'t speak at all and drank tea angrily.

Old Wang and old Jiang looked at each other and saw the smile in each other\'s eyes.

Since the two families agree to deal with Yang Ping, they can take action as long as they strive for the neutrality of the Li family. The Li family, the family of the military God, has an influence that can not be ignored, and the Li family controls the army, which is the most terrible. In addition to the Lin family, the other three families have a little relationship, and the other two can\'t intervene at all.

Over the years, the Wang family and the Jiang family wanted a share, but they were rejected.

Of course, it is also because the descendants of the two families do not have the ability to become leaders. Although they can be sent in and give opportunities, they will always fail in the end. At most, they will become military ranks, and it will be very difficult to go up.

The three looked at Li Yuanba intentionally or unintentionally.