Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1111

As soon as the bloody coffin appeared, it showed its powerful power. Almost everyone couldn\'t bear the terrible pressure. Even black and white impermanence should be avoided to avoid the fish in the pond. The blood devil was excited, as if he saw the desolation of Yang Ping being killed by one blow.

Yang Ping saw the bloody coffin and smelled the familiar dark smell. His face finally changed. But in the blood devil\'s view, this change is nothing more than the expression of fear.

But he doesn\'t know

Yang Ping was very angry.

These people colluded with the experts of the dark place and jointly ambushed him. Yang Ping can understand and even feel normal about internal fighting, because there is no struggle and darkness all the time in the world. He is used to watching life and death when performing tasks abroad. He sees many examples of ingratitude, and even sees his son killing the whole family for his rights. Zhu Yan is the best representative.

However, Yang Ping could not tolerate military collusion in the dark place.

This violates his taboo.

The coffin is suspended in the air, as if it controls everyone\'s life and death, with irresistible power. It emits strong blood light, covering the surrounding hundred feet. The center is just suspended on Yang Ping\'s head, and the attack power is the greatest.

But Yang Ping was not afraid, but showed a strong killing opportunity.

Tianfa kills the machine and the dragon and snake land.

Yang Ping was angry and blood flowed into a river.

Even if the sky above his head is blue, Yang Ping decides to pierce it and return the world to innocence.

The attack of the coffin fell.

A bloody beam of light enveloped Yang Ping\'s body, and he fell into a fatal [email protected] ^^$

The blood devil looked at the blood color falling down and felt relieved. All his precautions were removed at the moment of falling. He knew that Yang Ping was dead. Because of the attack of the great saint, let alone Yang Ping, even the saint would be destroyed.

Black and white impermanence showed a cold smile.

"I don\'t think I can do more than I can do." Bai impermanence spat.

"Arrogance will pay a heavy price in the end, but he will pay his life. From then on, there will be no Yanhuang team in the military." black impermanence said coldly.

"The task is completed, restore your life." the blood devil said. As for other seriously injured experts, naturally someone will deal with them. Even if they die, they deserve to die. It\'s best to put the blame on Yang Ping.! $*!

The three began to smile.


The blood light disappeared.

The blood devil saw a figure coming out of the light, his pupils tightened, his heart searched violently, and his eyes became more and more dignified with the man\'s movement.

Black and white impermanence, open mouth, almost can\'t believe it.

How is that possible?

A boy in the realm of Asia saint can resist the attack of the great saint.

Overturned their perception.

Yang Ping appeared in front of the crowd. His face was very calm, but his pupils were getting colder and colder. He sighed, "don\'t you want to see my strength?"


The blood devil instinctively felt a strong crisis and wanted to escape, but it was too late.

Because Yang Ping released his field.

The golden light shrouded in, as if the new world appeared, and the blood devil\'s eyes were full of gold.


In the golden world, Yang Ping sighed deeply.

Then everything fell into absolute silence.

The light disappeared.

Yang Ping carrying the Phoenix, holding Li Xiangdong in his hand, walked step by step into the distance.

The blood devil lay on the ground with dull eyes and murmured: "impossible, impossible..." he interrogated the criminal all his life. He didn\'t know how many people were scared to death, which frightened many experts in the Jianghu, but today he was scared to death.

His realm was forcibly knocked down and turned into dust.

The great blood devil has lost all his strength. He can only be a very ordinary person. He has a pale young and beautiful face, loses the maintenance of strength, and climbs out dense wrinkles on his face. The whole person seems to be dozens of years old.

Black and white impermanence is worse.

Both of them have completely lost their strength, and their hands have been abandoned. In the future, they may not even be able to take chopsticks and need to be served.

They are not dead.

But it\'s worse than death.

Those people who are extremely miserable by blood demons and black-and-white impermanence, if they know their results, will certainly try their best to retaliate, because they see the hope of revenge.

"Isn\'t he... Afraid?"

There was only one thought in the blood devil\'s mind, that is, Yang Ping shot. Aren\'t you afraid of being wanted by the military and becoming a lost dog?

Actually, he\'s worried too much.

Yang Ping has never been afraid, because he is his own day, and no one can control his life.

Village in the city.

Tongde Medical Museum.

Pearl saw the Phoenix brought back by Yang Ping. Instead of being jealous, she was very angry. Because the Phoenix is too miserable. As a woman, seeing the Phoenix, Mingzhu thinks those people\'s means are terrible.

"Yang Ping, you must cure her."

The Pearl\'s eyes are beautiful and tearful, and her voice trembles.

"I will."

Yang Ping brought phoenix into the room, while Pearl closed the door of the Medical Museum and suspended business.

It took half a day for the room to be full of vitality and fear of death, but finally calm returned.

The door is open.

Yang Ping came out with a pale face. Obviously, he spent too much power for Phoenix treatment, even the source.

"Well, are you all right?" Mingzhu came forward, wiped his sweat and said with concern.

"Fortunately, I can\'t die."

Yang Ping smiled reluctantly and wanted to say something, but the sky whirled and fainted on the ground. Mingzhu exclaimed, hugged her man and wanted to cry out. However, she found that Yang Ping was just out of strength and fell asleep. She couldn\'t help laughing bitterly.

He is so tired.


A land of dragons and tigers.

The lifeblood of China.

The core of all forces in the world is gathered here. The orders sent from the capital every day determine every lifeline of China.

This is also the core of the Jianghu.

A general\'s residence is located on the outskirts of Beijing.

The antiquities left over from the Tang Dynasty have not been reported to the Cultural Relics Bureau for protection, but have become private property. The general\'s house belongs to a super family in the capital.

The general\'s residence retains the ancient style. The annual maintenance expenses are astronomical, but it is only drizzle for the family.

Just because the general\'s house is an excellent reception place, I have always taken it as my own.

At dusk.

Rosy clouds filled the sky.

In a pavilion with the best scenery, there are four old people. They are all on crutches. They look too old and need crutches to walk. They are wearing very ordinary clothes, and some are even patched.

The four old people represent the most powerful group of people in the capital.

The bright light fell on the old man\'s face and looked quiet and peaceful. It could not connect the cold and killing with them. They seem to be old people who enjoy their family life and don\'t worry about future generations.

Usually, they sit quietly in their yard, enjoy the breeze, listen to Beijing opera, eat steamed buns and live the same hard life as before.

But they can\'t be angry.

Because if anyone gets angry, the capital will have an earthquake.

But now the four old people are very angry. There is bad news from Longcheng. The blood demon Liu Yunlong and black-and-white impermanence failed their mission and became disabled.