Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1105

Project department office.

Perhaps because of the dark erosion, the construction site plank houses in the village in the city are not hot because of the midsummer, but more gloomy and cold.

The office is rudimentary, much like a warehouse.

Because of the development of the old city, the progress is required to be fast. However, due to some strange accidents, the project department is facing great pressure, so the office is similar to the warehouse.

The project manager looked at the young man in front of him and felt instinctive fear in his heart. I don\'t know why. Although Dr. J is strange, the project manager is not afraid. He has his own cards and means, but he has an unspeakable fear in the face of Yang Ping.

The dark place is a place for the weak and the strong, with clear levels and strict hierarchy. The higher the life level, the more resources the dark race gets. As a former royal family, the project manager will naturally get more resources for cultivation.

"I don\'t know what cooperation Mr. Yang wants to talk about." the project manager asked straight to the point.

"I don\'t talk about cooperation because there is no cooperation with the dark place," Yang Pingdan said with a smile.

The project manager\'s face changed slightly. He looked at Yang Ping vigilantly and was ready to escape at any time, but he soon calmed down and lost his smile. If Yang Ping wanted to do something to him, it was estimated that there would be no possibility of talking.

"Then why are you looking for me?" asked the project manager.

Yang Ping said, "I want to know how many experts you have come to Longcheng in the dark place? I want the most detailed information." his eyes focused on the project manager and his fingers tapped on the office. His tone was still so casual.

However, the project manager is cold all over and feels an unspeakable pressure, just like a mountain pressing on him. He is extremely uncomfortable, and the strength in his body can\'t beat.

Shocked, the project manager knew Yang Ping\'s horror. If he doesn\'t say what he wants, I\'m afraid he will be killed on the spot. The pressure dissipated like a tide. The project manager\'s forehead was sweating and said, "there were 19 masters, three saints, six saints and ten saints."

Then the project manager will tell Yang Ping the detailed information.

After digestion, Yang Ping\'s face was dignified. Then he realized that so many experts had already run out of the village in the city, all from the dark place.

The three great saint realms are basically the early days of the great saint. They are very famous in the dark place and belong to the confidant of the great king of the dark day. The great king of the dark day is a great master of the realm of heaven. He has the top strength in the dark place and has the broadest field under the royal family. The three great saints are three brothers, three males of Kong\'s family. They have been fighting under the great king of dark day for many years. Their hands are covered with blood donations from countless experts. This time they came to Longcheng at a great cost to perform special tasks.

There are six other saints.

The project manager is one of them, and his combat effectiveness is very strong. When he meets the ordinary saints in the world, he can take it at will. Unfortunately, meeting Yang Ping is tantamount to meeting the nemesis.

The other five saints were hiding, waiting for the orders of Kong Sanxiong and ready to take action at any time.

As for the masters under the ten saints, they are all elite masters. Each master who can kill ten masters in the same realm is equal to the strong among the strong. They are mainly responsible for inquiring for information and pretending to be human, which is difficult to see at ordinary times.

Yang Ping takes a breath. It seems that this matter must be told to Zang Baoxuan, otherwise there will be a war, and Zang Baoxuan will be caught off guard.

"In fact, it\'s nothing to tell you these news. Even if you know it, you can\'t find it. They have the disguise set by the dark sun king, which is no different from ordinary people. Just like me, if there were no special means to explore and I was in the village in the City, you wouldn\'t find me."

The project manager said.

Yang Ping nodded and admitted that if the project manager lurks among ordinary people, he can\'t find it. He can\'t open his perspective eyes every day and look in the crowd one by one.

"Thank you. I hope you can keep what you are now. Although I don\'t like the dark place and even kill anyone from below, you are special."

Yang Ping got up and was ready to leave.

The project manager hesitated and suddenly said, "wait a minute." when Yang Ping turned around, his tone was quite complex and said with a bitter smile, "to tell you the truth, I had other ideas before I met you, but after seeing you, I suddenly felt I\'d better wait honestly. But I have to say something."

Yang Ping said, "all ears."

The project manager looked positive and said, "the dark place will come up sooner or later, and it is definitely not just us. The top ten kings of the dark place are the strongest existence in heaven and earth. If they come, you humans are not united at all, so it is difficult to resist."

Yang Ping\'s face was calm.

The project manager suddenly showed fanatical eyes and gasped: "moreover, the dark emperor will wake up. The emperor is above the God and an invincible existence. Once it comes, it will be the end of the world. Mr. Yang, you are the most special warrior I have ever seen. If it is such a day, I hope you will leave as soon as possible."

Yang Ping was surprised. He didn\'t expect that the other party should think of him. He said, "I\'ll fight to the end with the dark place if one day I won\'t leave."

The project manager turned pale and smiled bitterly.

"I didn\'t say a word either."

Yang Ping looked at the project manager with deep meaning and said, "are you curious why I didn\'t kill you?"

"You said that before," said the project manager.

Yang Ping shook his head and said, "in fact, you don\'t believe it yourself. I don\'t kill you because I see a possibility in you. You are the most peaceful monster in the dark place I\'ve ever seen. You desire peace in your heart and don\'t kill in your heart, right?"

The project manager was shocked.

Yang Ping said: "if, I say if, it is possible in the future. I hope to cooperate one day. After all, war is not good for everyone. Also, don\'t underestimate mankind. The experts here are far more than you think."

Looking at the figure leaving, the project manager\'s eyes were complex. After a long time, he sighed: "unfortunately, it\'s not my race."

Send Muyi and Xiaoxiao back to the hotel.

There are three people sitting in the hotel living room.

When Li Shoucheng, Xuanyuan and Lin Zicong saw the people coming back, they got up quickly and met them. Li Shoucheng looked worried and shouted, "sister mu, you don\'t know how worried we were about you last night. It\'s good if it\'s okay, it\'s good if it\'s okay."

Yang Ping has never seen such a cheeky person. The Li family is full of loyalty. It\'s really wonderful that there is a Li Shoucheng.

Lin Zicong was a little embarrassed and stood by without talking. Xuanyuan and Lin Zicong stood on the same line, looking forward to Muyi smiling, and then turned their eyes to Wu Linlin, hoping that she would help say something good.

It\'s a big taboo to escape.

No one will forgive a traitor.

Muyi smiled faintly and said, "it\'s good to see you all right. I\'m afraid you had an accident last night, so I can\'t explain to your family. I\'ve contacted your family and someone will pick you up soon."

"Great, we can finally go home." Li Shoucheng almost jumped up happily, but soon felt something wrong. "Sister mu, don\'t you go home?"

Muyi smiled and said, "I have something else to do. I won\'t go back for the time being."

With that, Muyi smiled and went upstairs with Qinbo and disappeared.

Li Shoucheng\'s face is changeable, but his heart is full of resentment. He hates Muyi and Yang Ping even more. I don\'t think these shit things would hurt Muyi\'s smile if it wasn\'t for Yang Ping\'s appearance.

Yang Ping had just sent them to his room when he received a call.

The military found Phoenix.