Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1104

The project manager stared at Dr. J, his eyes full of vigilance and said faintly, "I don\'t know what you\'re talking about. This is my office. If there\'s nothing else, please go out."

Dr. J said with a smile, "if you run out of the dark place, your strength has not recovered. I can provide life for you to swallow and recover as soon as possible."

The project manager squinted and showed cold light.

Dr. J shrugged and said, "of course we can cooperate. I want to see your master." he knows the rules of the dark place. The law of the jungle. No one can trust except himself. But as long as there are enough interests, you can sell everything.

"I said, please go out." the project manager calmed down, pointed to the door and said coldly, "if you don\'t go, I\'ll call the police directly."

Dr. J stared at the project manager. Contrary to the expected smooth cooperation, the other party was very vigilant, and the conditions offered could not be met. So when he thought about it, he would understand that human life is cheap and exists everywhere. As long as it is not found, he can have as much as he wants. I guess the other party doesn\'t feel sincere about cooperation.

"Well, I will not only provide you with 100 appointments, but also help you hide the dark smell from others. How?" Dr. J threw out a powerful temptation.

Sure enough, the project manager was excited.

Out of the dark, the first task is not to recover, but to hide. In the dark place, no one will think he is an alien, but there are many experts in this world, even at the level of Da Jun.

It\'s better to be careful.


The project manager still refused Dr. J\'s cooperation conditions. The other party must have bad intentions, but who is he? He is an expert in the dark place. It\'s as simple as eating and drinking water, but he\'s not interested in playing with Dr. J for the time being.

Seeing the meaning of the project manager, Dr. J didn\'t continue to ask, but got up and said, "if you want to cooperate with me, come to me at any time. Soon you will know that you will get great benefits if you cooperate with me."

After that, Dr. J walked out of the office and left the village in the city.

The project manager glanced over the desk, then frowned and flashed his eyes. A black spot on the desk was broken and turned into powder. He hummed, "don\'t think I don\'t know the monitoring means of your world. I also want to control me."

Black spots are naturally a small means set up by Dr. J, called micro cameras. They want to monitor the project manager, but they are seen through.

"These people all think that the dark place can be promoted by swallowing life. It\'s really ignorant. I don\'t know that I\'m the royal family of the dark place. I have supreme blood and don\'t need to swallow this lowest way at all."

The project manager smiled coldly and whispered.

"Manager, someone came to you and said they wanted to see the construction site." a technician entered the office and asked the project manager, "they said they had obtained the approval of the government to investigate the antiquities unearthed at the construction site."

The project manager\'s face changed and said coldly, "let them go. Even who can\'t go in without my permission."

The coffin in the center of the construction site suddenly disappeared last night. The project manager knew it and had a deep connection. He didn\'t expect that the coffin could be buried underground, which was obviously suppressed by strong force. This is also the reason why the project manager refused Dr. J. It shows that there are great experts in the city village that they can\'t fight.

But the project manager can\'t let people study things in the dark place.

"Manager, I\'m afraid we can\'t stop it." the technician said, "they follow the police, and the owner follows us..." his meaning is very obvious. Those who come out to engage in the project are actually the lowest level. They should not only improve the relationship between major units, but also please the owner. If the fruit owner is unhappy, any small thing can make the project department unbearable.

"Owner?" the project manager frowned and asked, "who came."

The technician said, "Mayor he of the municipal government."

The project manager\'s face changed dramatically.

If it\'s someone else, maybe it can be dismissed. After all, Biyuan group is not a vegetarian. The power of the project engineering department is not small, especially in the development and reconstruction of the old city, but the owners at the level of mayor he are expected to have a lot of people to investigate.

"Go and have a look."

The project manager feels that it is impossible to find anything in an inspection, not to mention that Party B has to cooperate with the owner\'s requirements. The project department can\'t say anything.

Come to the construction site.

The project manager saw a group of people from a distance, a very beautiful girl with noble temperament and salivating blood. The experts in the general dark place certainly couldn\'t stand such temptation. The project manager was shocked and immediately guessed that the identity of the woman was not simple.

However, when the project manager saw the young people around the girl, he suddenly gave birth to a kind of vigilance, which belongs to the sixth sense of the royal family in the dark place. The young people around the girl are extremely dangerous.

The project manager hesitated to go.

But the young man felt the eyes of the project manager and turned his head. His eyes were opposite. The project manager\'s heart beat wildly and didn\'t dare to look at each other. Yang Ping didn\'t seem to feel the abnormality of the project manager and looked at the center of the construction site.

In order to save Qin Bo\'s Daoguo, Yang Ping wanted to find the lost things in the center of the construction site, so he came to trace them in the name of the government. Muyi is nervous and worried about Qinbo\'s body.

Qin Bo looked very open and said with a smile, "the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead."

He knew that Yang Ping was terrible. If he didn\'t move, he would be broken. He couldn\'t stop it.

He Zhennan made a temporary guest appearance and took them to the construction site. Before leaving, he told the project manager to meet them no matter what conditions, and then got on the bus and left. He didn\'t participate very knowingly. After all, some things are secret.

"Stop work for half an hour."

Yang Ping said his request.

The project manager\'s heart jumped slightly, but he didn\'t refuse. He hurriedly gave orders to let the workers rest for half an hour.

Yang Ping walked into the center of the construction site.

Before long, Qin Bo\'s face suddenly ruddy, and the strength in his body began to recover slowly. Then a Taoist fruit appeared in the brand of the spiritual world and was re condensed into his body with strong strength.

Half an hour later.

Qin Bo regained his state. While ecstatic, he looked at Yang Ping coming out of the construction site and sighed in his heart.

It\'s amazing.

Even the power lost by saints can be found. Qin Bo didn\'t know there were such magical people in the world before. He knew that this person might become the existence that others looked up to in the future.

Muyi smiled and thanked, and wanted Yang Ping\'s phone number.

Yang Ping said, "it\'s a little help, but please leave Longcheng after you recover. This is not the place you should come. If there\'s nothing to do, I\'ll go home first."

Muyi smiled and couldn\'t bear to leave. He didn\'t know whether he didn\'t want to leave Longcheng or Yang Ping. In short, he didn\'t promise immediately, but said it needed time to deal with the subsequent impact.

Yang Ping nodded, walked past the project manager, suddenly stopped and said, "are you interested in talking?"

The project manager was creepy and felt an unprecedented pressure. He looked at Yang Ping at a loss.

"Don\'t worry, you haven\'t killed anyone these days. I\'ve been watching."

Yang Ping\'s words made the project manager pale again. He knew that he met an expert. He thought that the disappearance of the coffin last night should have something to do with the person in front of him. Take a deep breath, and the project manager simply said, "it\'s my pleasure."