Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1106

The military found Phoenix!

The phone is from Li Xiangdong. He personally confirmed that Phoenix is on the way to Longcheng, and his tone is very heavy. It seems that the process of finding Phoenix is not so simple.

Yang Ping\'s heart sank with an ominous premonition.

In order to save Mu Lao, the military will use all resources to find the Phoenix, because the Phoenix has the blood of Sansheng flower, which can be used as medicine. Yang Ping now has corpse flower and jiuzhuan Danshen flower. What he lacks is this medicine. Last time I gave the Pearl half, and the remaining half is enough for the old wood to use.

But why did Li Xiangdong stop talking when he mentioned Phoenix.

Muyi saw Yang Ping\'s mood change with a smile and asked tentatively, "Mr. Yang, is there something wrong? If I can, I\'m willing to help you."

Because Yang Ping saved Qin Bo, Muyi smiled with gratitude and wanted to help Yang Ping. It\'s kind of human.


Yang Ping shook his head and said, "have a good rest. Qin Bo\'s body can\'t be used over. It will take at least three days to re integrate the original strength. I still have something to go first."

Just as Yang Ping was about to leave, Qin Bo suddenly said, "Yang Ping, if I guessed right, you are the Yang Ping Mu Lao had been talking about before, right?"

Yang Ping stopped, turned around and said with a smile, "thanks for your wrong love."

Muyi smiled and exclaimed, "are you really Yang Ping that grandpa often suggested? I didn\'t notice at that time. Think about it this way. You are really the same as Grandpa. It\'s so powerful."

Qin Bo relaxed and said, "in the world, you are the only one who can save saints in medicine. It\'s a great honor to meet the descendant of the legendary immortal medical school."

"Thank you."

Yang Ping said, "if I can, I\'d like to learn from Qin Bo. Qin Bo is a legend of the military. He was the first person in the special force in those years."

In fact, Yang Ping already knew the identity of several people, otherwise he wouldn\'t go to save people all night. He also spent his source to help Qin Bo recover his strength. As for Qin Bo and Mu Yi Xiaoxiao, they are not sure of Yang Ping\'s identity, but they just feel it\'s a coincidence. However, when he saw Yang Ping\'s unparalleled medical skills, Qin Bo was sure that the young man in front of him who was even stronger than himself was Yang Ping, a young expert who wood always remembered.

have a well-deserved reputation.

Qin Bo said in his heart that he had seen countless young heroes, but Yang Ping was the most different.

"If you need help, you can come to me at any time. In the military, my old bone can still talk." Qin Bo smiled and obviously liked the smell of Yang Ping.

After leaving, Yang Ping left the hotel and found Li Xiangdong in the agreed teahouse.

The agreed place is very secret, and Li Xiangdong didn\'t bring anyone here. He can hide his whereabouts. After three turns, I finally found the teahouse Li Xiangdong said in a narrow alley.

Li Xiangdong booked a box.

Yang Ping realized that the problem might be very serious. When he thought of Phoenix, he couldn\'t help being anxious. When he entered the door, he asked, "Xiangdong, what\'s going on?"

Li Xiangdong smiled bitterly, motioned Yang Ping to be calm, poured a cup of tea and said, "team Yang, what I say next may violate discipline, but I still want to say, don\'t spread it."


Yang Ping stared into Li Xiangdong\'s eyes and said, "is it about the Phoenix?"

Li Xiangdong nodded, clenched his fist tightly, and his eyes shone angrily. He gasped: "I didn\'t expect that the way they found the Phoenix was so rough that it was like catching criminals."


Yang Ping turned pale and said in a deep voice, "who is responsible?"

Li Xiangdong said: "few people know about looking for the Phoenix, but I don\'t know who leaked the news. He said that Mu Lao\'s life and death had a lot to do with the Phoenix, so countless forces heard the wind and wanted to let the Phoenix die."

Yang Ping sneered and made no secret of his killing.

It is estimated that foreign hostile forces want to kill Phoenix and then cut off Mu Lao\'s hope. It hasn\'t happened before, but this time many experts came to Longcheng. The powerful warriors of the United States and island countries have not been exposed. Are they very quiet these days? The original goal turned into a Phoenix.

So, isn\'t Phoenix very dangerous?

"Give me the road map and I\'ll pick up Phoenix right away."

Yang Ping said coldly.

Li Xiangdong pulled Yang Ping, who was in a hurry to leave. His eyes were complex and wanted to stop talking. He smiled bitterly and said, "things may be more complicated. Team Yang, I hope you can\'t be angry."

Yang Ping smiled and had a hunch that something might be bad.

Facing the terrible pressure of Yang Ping, Li Xiangdong hardened his head and said, "team Yang, Phoenix... Phoenix... She... May be dying, because... Because Phoenix committed suicide in the process of coming."


The teahouse shook. Yang Ping heard the news of Phoenix\'s suicide. It was like a bolt from the blue. How could Phoenix commit suicide? She cherished her life so much. There must be something fishy in it.

The powerful anger almost burned the teahouse. The teahouse kept shaking. The guests inside screamed that it was an earthquake and rushed out, but the teahouse soon returned to quiet.

"Who is responsible for looking for Phoenix?" Yang Ping roared.

Li Xiangdong was scared to death, because he learned about it later, but he was afraid that Yang Ping would lose his mind and did something about the Phoenix. Seeing the red eyes of Yang team, he knew that it might be difficult to deal with it.

"Liu Yunlong is in charge of this operation."

Li Xiangdong smiled bitterly and said.

Liu Yunlong!

Yang Ping\'s eyes were cold and sneered: "looking for Phoenix should send Liu Yunlong, the director of the eighth military interrogation supervision room, to look for it in person. I don\'t look up to looking for it, but arrest it."

Li Xiangdong sighed long.

Liu Yunlong, a hidden expert, is known as the ancestor of the military interrogation. He is over 60 years old, but he is well maintained. He looks very young in his early thirties, but everyone who knows his true identity is cold.

Because Liu Yunlong is an out and out madman, the criminals who fall into his hands can\'t die easily. The blood on his hands, I don\'t know how much, was called a blood devil in the military.

This is a bloodthirsty devil.

This shows the horror of Liu Yunlong.

"Team Yang, don\'t be impulsive. There may be a misunderstanding." Li Xiangdong said anxiously, hoping that Yang Ping could calm down. "I\'ve sent someone to negotiate this matter, and I\'ll give you an answer."

"No, I\'ll go myself."

Yang Ping asked for the road map and turned coldly.

Li Xiangdong stamped his feet, hit his mouth and scolded, "lying in the slot, I\'m so cheap. I know things are irreversible and tell team Yang why. Isn\'t this looking for something?"

"It\'s over this time."

Li Xiangdong hurriedly called for help, which was related to Yang Ping\'s rage and might kill Liu Yunlong. Liu Yunlong\'s identity and status was very not simple. He was the adopted son of a big man in the military and a predetermined future big man.

Nothing can happen to such a person.

"Dad, I\'ll report a very important thing to you..."

On an inaccessible path about 15 kilometers away from the Longcheng city wall, there are canyons on both sides, dozens of feet high, which can also be regarded as a place for strategists.

The party moved forward slowly. Instead of taking the main road, they took the path where no cars had passed for many years.

There is a hotel by the side of the path.

A curl of cooking smoke rose from the hotel.

The leading man was handsome and pale. He seemed to climb out of hell, but his eyes were bright and scraped like a knife. He raised his hand to signal everyone to stop.

There was a wooden cart in the middle of the group, and there was a coffin on the wooden cart.

"Director Liu, why don\'t you go in and have a rest?"

Subordinates came forward and asked.

Director Liu came to the coffin, gently stroked the cover, showed wandering eyes, and said, "my little Phoenix, don\'t die. In order not to let you die, I wasted a lot of herbs."


Lift the lid.

Director Liu looked at the things in the coffin and showed intoxicated eyes. It was the most outstanding and intoxicating work since his interrogation. It was simply a masterpiece of heaven. He smiled and said, "you have to resist, Phoenix."

The subordinates were cold when they heard director Liu\'s words.

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