Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1103

Wang didn\'t seem to know Muyi. He smiled and wondered, "you seem to be afraid of me. Don\'t worry, I\'m a policeman, not a bad person." in his heart, he was curious about the identity of Muyi\'s smile. The noble temperament and almost perfect appearance of the other party showed that she was not an ordinary person.

"Don\'t come here..."

Muyi smiled and wanted to go, but his thighs with long sleeves were numb and couldn\'t move.

"Come in."

When the door of Tongde Medical Center opened, Yang Ping stood at the door, looked at Muyi and smiled. He didn\'t pay attention to Wang and turned around.

Five minutes later.

In Tongde Medical Museum, Muyi smiled and held a cup of hot tea. He kept sweeping Yang Ping and Wang. It\'s hard to believe that the relationship between the two who decided to die last night seems good at the moment.

"What are you doing in the village in the city?" Wang revealed his dissatisfaction and hummed. "Did you elope with Mingzhu? I don\'t want to take care of your affairs with Zhu Xi. It\'s a mess anyway. You men don\'t have a good thing."

Yang Ping smiled and said calmly, "you came here early in the morning to scold me?"

Wang then shut up and said, "something unusual happened in the village in the city last night. I stayed all night and didn\'t find anything. By the way, come and have a look. Why, you have a woman and dislike me as an eyesore, don\'t you?"

With a fierce look, Wang is still so cute.

Yang Ping laughed and asked, "did you talk to your family on the phone? Your father is very worried."

Wang said impatiently, "it\'s OK. My father asked me to resign. How is it possible!" he looked at Yang Ping contemptuously. "I like this job. Unlike someone, I hide after being hit and think others are idiots."

"Remember to go home more," Yang Ping [email protected] ^^$

"Ma Dan, I didn\'t come here to listen to your instructions. When I left, I wanted to hit someone when I looked at you." Wang left carelessly. Passing by the door, he just saw Mingzhu coming with breakfast, sneered and asked him to go away.

Pearl smiled politely, "let\'s eat together."

"Can\'t afford it."

After Wang left, Mingzhu came in.

Muyi smiled and saw the Pearl. He couldn\'t help feeling amazing in his heart. She is also a beauty. She is a rare beauty in the capital. There are a lot of pursuers behind her, but compared with the Pearl, she still can\'t help but marvel. Because there is no need to comment on the beauty of the Pearl, men and women kill each other, and even Muyi can\'t help but envy her.! $*!

"The king is gone."

Mingzhu smiled at Muyi and nodded politely. Then she went to Yang Ping and put down her newly made breakfast. It\'s very simple. It\'s a cage of steamed stuffed buns and soybean milk. Soymilk is freshly ground and steamed stuffed buns are bought from the supermarket freezer.

"Eat while it\'s hot. The patient may hear it today, because it\'s the next day," Mingzhu reminded.

"Does your head still hurt?" Yang Ping said with concern.

Mingzhu shook her head and said, "I slept well last night. When I woke up, you weren\'t there. Guess you must come to the medical school." after chatting for a while, Muyi smiled and was surprised. Thinking about Yang Ping\'s terrible strength last night, it was very different from what it is now.

At the moment, Yang Ping is like a man working hard outside, receiving meticulous care from his wife. His performance was so ordinary that Muyi smiled and dared not connect the two.

"Wang is gone." Mingzhu asked.

Yang Ping nodded, took a bite of steamed stuffed bun and said, "it\'s the same as before. It seems that she is not satisfied with life."

Mingzhu shook her head and said with a wry smile, "I guess it\'s not peaceful recently. She\'s also very hard."

Muyi smiled and listened carefully. He didn\'t pick up the breakfast delivered by Mingzhu, because it was the only one. It was specially prepared for Yang Ping. It\'s not very interesting to take it.

"Who is this?"

After breakfast, Mingzhu packed up and asked.

"My name is Muyi Xiaoxiao. Hello." Muyi Xiaoxiao hurried up and replied.

"Hello." Mingzhu asked, "what can I do for Yang Ping?"

Muyi smiled and hesitated to tell Qin Bo\'s story. She was worried and looked forward to Yang Ping, hoping to get a satisfactory answer. If Qin Bo lost her strength, I\'m afraid she won\'t be at ease all her life.

"Is there any way?" Mingzhu asked.

Facing the Pearl\'s problem, Yang Ping naturally couldn\'t avoid it. He shook his head and said, "it\'s almost impossible. I advised them not to go yesterday, but they still went. The consequence is that they almost died."

"Try it. It\'s hard to cultivate the sage realm, and people have been waiting for a long time. The doctor is kind." Mingzhu said.

Yang Ping thought for a moment and said with a smile, "you\'re still sensible. I\'ll try."

Then, Mu Yi and Yang Ping left Tongde medical school with a smile. They couldn\'t accept it for a while, so it was so easy to decide. She was not only shocked that Yang Ping talked to Mingzhu about the realm of saints. It seemed like a regular meal. It didn\'t seem very strange. What\'s more, Yang Ping, who looked very hard to talk, actually listened to Mingzhu so much.

When she comes to the hotel room, Wu Linlin is taking care of Qin Bo.

Qin Bo, a noble saint, is now very old. He has lost his strength and his body has become very poor. It is difficult to adhere to even the most basic actions. He lies in bed panting.

Wu Linlin saw the two people come in and hurried to get up, with a look of expectation in her eyes.

Yang Ping glanced at Qin Bo, frowned and said, "your saint realm has been forcibly raised."

Qin Bo opened his eyes, flashed a look of shock, and answered for a long time: "yes. Lord Junshen forced me to improve with his secret arts. I had no hope in my life, but Lord Junshen gave me a chance."

"No wonder."

Yang Ping gave Qinbo an acupuncture needle to keep his vitality from leaking out. After some acupuncture, Qinbo\'s look suddenly became much better. He not only breathed steadily, but also had a good spirit.

"Go to the construction site to see if you can find your Tao fruit."

The party came to the construction site.

When the coffin disappeared and the cold shrouded in the construction site dispersed, the project manager began to ask the workers to continue to work. The construction site is in full swing and has not been affected by the dead before.

The project manager is diligent and supervises the work personally, and has a good reputation on the construction site. The money was paid in time and paid off for a long time. Soon he was given a bonus. The workers and technicians liked him very much.

Wiping the sweat off his forehead, the project manager stood where the coffin disappeared, took one more look and left.

Back to the project management department made of movable plank houses, the project manager opened the door and went in. He saw a man sitting at his desk and looking at the information of the construction site with great interest.

"Who are you?"

The project manager warned.

The man turned around and showed a delicate foreigner\'s face, which was very handsome, but his eyes seemed very evil. Even the project manager pretended to be calm and didn\'t dare to look at him for too long. Because each other\'s eyes are full of mysterious power, as if they can see through your heart.

"I\'d like to introduce myself. My name is Dr. J. it\'s a pleasure to meet you." Dr. J reached out and didn\'t seem to see the sudden strong killing of the project manager. With a gentle smile on his mouth, he said, "friends from the dark place."

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