Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1102

"Yang Ping, you still appear."

On the coffin, Wang\'s smile looked gloomy and strange. Although he was smiling, everyone felt very cold. Muyi smiled and Wu Linlin hurriedly stood behind Yang Ping and looked at Wang with great fear. This woman had an instinctive fear.

"How could I not appear? I thought you would endure for a few days. I didn\'t expect to be so anxious."

It\'s Yang Ping.

He stepped on the night to the center. After all, he couldn\'t bear to see Muyi smile that they were swallowed up, and he didn\'t want the night to cover the villages in the city.

Wang sighed, "there seems to be no way."

"You shouldn\'t kill people in the city village."

Yang Ping said coldly.


Wang showed a cold smile, glanced at Muyi and smiled. Tut tut said, "what a good seedling. Don\'t you empathize and don\'t fall in love with them? It\'s not like your style. Don\'t you worry about the women in your family? I know your woman is favored by Taoist reverend and used as a furnace tripod."

"It seems that you know a lot." Yang Ping narrowed his eyes and smiled, then looked at Muyi and said reluctantly, "I told you not to come here, but I didn\'t listen. You see, I provoked a monster. I took my friend\'s body and came out excited to make waves. Whether I killed it or kept it, I\'m very embarrassed."

Muyi smiled and hurriedly said, "sorry, we despise the enemy too much. We must listen to Mr. Yang after going out this time."

Wu Linlin looked at Yang Ping curiously. The similar feeling came to her heart again, and she was puzzled. Yang Ping looked at her calmly and said, "because your blood is very thin, you feel a little bad. Fortunately, you came in time, otherwise you will be swallowed up, and the consequences will be very serious."

Wu Linlin blushed and her heart beat. She hurriedly explained, "we just want to see the ancient relics. We didn\'t expect it to be so dangerous. Even..." she looked at Qin Bo on the ground. She couldn\'t bear to cry silently. Obviously, she was very sad.

"What do you mean?"

Wang stared at Wu Linlin and thought for a while. Suddenly, he emitted an excited light and said in a trembling voice, "no, it\'s her who I\'ve been looking for so long."

"So you\'re unlucky," Yang Ping said with a look of pity.

Wang took a deep breath, his cold eyes did not hide his strong desire to devour, and shouted, "Yang Ping, if you leave, I promise not to kill anyone within half a year. If you insist on fighting me, I will kill all the people in the villages in the city. Choose for yourself." the cold killing machine covered Muyi\'s smile, and he felt a terrible momentum like a volcanic eruption from Wang, It\'s like the power of nature can\'t resist, giving birth to a deep sense of powerlessness.

Is this the gap?

On the contrary, Yang Ping is probably the only one who can be as stable as a mountain in Wang\'s terrible momentum. He is very calm and does not panic because of Wang\'s soaring momentum, which gives the two women a boost. At least someone can fight the king.

Wu Linlin\'s heart moved, vaguely grasped the key point, and understood why Yang Ping had a similar feeling, because he had a special breath, which was branded in Wu Jialing\'s blood.

"Peace and war, you choose."

Wang sneered.

Yang Ping was silent.

Muyi smiled and became nervous with Wu Linlin for fear that Yang Ping would give up both of them under pressure.

"You look up to yourself."

Yang Ping smiled, looked over Wang, then saw through the darkness behind the coffin, shook his head and said, "you also made a mistake about the threat object. I didn\'t come because of the innocent people in the village in the city."

"Because of what?" Wang Leng said.

"Because... This is my territory. I don\'t allow anyone or any creature to kill without my permission."

Yang Ping finally looked at Wang and said coldly, "also, I promised Wang\'s family that I would take her back. Although I may not completely destroy you, I may continue to disgust to see you, but please die and give her back to me."

Wang YILENG immediately showed a ferocious smile and said, "then go to hell."


The battle was wonderful and mysterious. In the dark night, Muyi smiled and Wu Linlin could hardly see their hands, so they divided the victory and death.

Night or night.

The dark clouds in the night sky disappeared and the stars returned to their true colors.

Business as usual.

Wang stood on the coffin and looked at Yang Ping coldly. He didn\'t seem to be hurt, but his eyes were more indifferent and ruthless. Yang Ping turned and left without looking back again.


The black light in the king\'s body flashed, and the light was more intense than the darkness. Then he sighed and said, "I see."

The black light left.

The king fell to the ground.

The coffin seemed to be summoned, slowly sinking into the ground and disappearing. The construction site is still that construction site, and there will be no danger again. But no one knows what\'s going on, let alone understand that this coffin is just one of them, one of hundreds of millions of bloody coffins.

Muyi smiled and talked with Wu Linlin. Looking around, it seemed that everything was an illusion.

Tongde Medical Museum.

When Yang Ping returned to the room, he saw Mingzhu lying in bed, sleeping soundly, with a happy smile on her flawless face. It seemed that she had a good dream. He lay in bed, put the Pearl in his arms, closed his eyes and went to sleep.

Muyi Xiaoxiao and Wu Linlin left the construction site of Biyuan group and wanted to go to a safe place. They were really shocked before. The two women helped Qin Bo out of the construction site and walked towards Tongde Medical Museum.

"No need."

After Qin Bo woke up, he said with a bitter smile, "Miss, I know the state of my body very well. It\'s impossible to restore the realm of saints. It\'s a pity that I have heavy trust and can\'t follow her to protect you in the future."

Muyi smiled, his eyes flushed and his heart was sad. He said, "Uncle Qin, it\'s all because of me, otherwise you wouldn\'t have an accident. If I hadn\'t listened to him and insisted on coming to Longcheng to investigate ancient relics, it wouldn\'t have caused the current consequences."

Qin Bo smiled, touched Muyi\'s smiling head and asked, "who let you come?"

Muyi said a name with a smile.

Qin Bo turned pale, his eyes were complex, sometimes afraid, sometimes resentful, and finally turned into a daze and said, "maybe this is life. He hated that Mu Lao didn\'t choose him, so he let you come to Longcheng. This is the queen who wants Jue Mu\'s family!"

Muyi smiled and said in surprise, "Qin Bo, what are you talking about?"

Qin Bo stopped talking and finally turned into a sigh.

"Qin Bo, let\'s go find Yang Ping. Since he can save us, he can recover you." Muyi smiled and bit his lips, looked at Wu Linlin and said in a trembling voice, "he must have a way, right?"

Wu Linlin looked away and couldn\'t bear to hit Muyi and smiled.

Everyone knows that the loss of power of saints is basically irreversible. If you want to restore the realm of saints, you can reverse cause and effect unless you reach an unimaginable realm.

But does the world exist?

It\'s like resurrecting the dead.

Tongde Medical Museum turned off the light.

The three stood at the door. Wu Linlin wanted to knock, but Muyi stopped her with a smile and said sadly, "don\'t knock. He must know we\'re outside, but turning off the lights means he won\'t care about us. But I won\'t give up."

"Smile." Wu Linlin advised.

Muyi smiled, his face was serious, and said in a deep voice, "I provoked the matter. I will bear it all. No matter what I pay, I can\'t let Qin Bo lose his strength."

Repeated persuasion has no effect. Muyi smiled and asked Wu Linlin to take Qin Bo to a humble hotel in Chengzhong Village. She stood at Tongde medical center all night.

The next morning.

Muyi smiled and was about to fall asleep, but reluctantly insisted.

It\'s still early.

There are few pedestrians in the streets.

Muyi smiled vaguely and waited for the Tongde Medical Museum to open. At this time, a beautiful shadow came from the street and stood side by side with Muyi. At first, Muyi smiled and didn\'t care, but when he saw that the people around him were the devil last night, Wang couldn\'t help crying.

Wang smiled at her and said, "good morning."

She\'s still alive!

Muyi smiled and retreated subconsciously, his sleep completely faded, and looked at Wang in horror.

Wang asked curiously, "have we met?"