Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1101

Li Shoucheng\'s cry came from the black fog. Seeing the green arm disappear, Qin Bo\'s face was dignified, sealed and attacked.

Tiangang seal!

It splashed into the black fog, like a bomb explosion. Then Li Shoucheng fell to the ground, the black fog dispersed and his arm disappeared. Qin Bo pulled Li Shoucheng past the crowd and said, "Miss, I\'m afraid it\'s dangerous this time."

Muyi smiled and sighed and looked at the coffin.

"Go back."

Muyi smiled and said in a deep voice, "now look for a way to go back."

Wu Linlin couldn\'t help but said, "but I can\'t find the way out. Look at the night sky, the stars are disordered, and I can\'t tell the direction. What should I do?"

Muyi smiles and turns pale, and the secret road is bad.

passing of night.

This is a needlework that can only be set by an expert. If people enter it, it is difficult for saints to go out unless they find the array eye, but it is not easy. Qin Bo is well-informed and can\'t help it.

"That can only go forward?"

Muyi shook his head with a smile and said seriously, "it\'s impossible for the other party to want us to go forward. Instead of waiting for death here, it\'s better to explore and understand what\'s going on even if there\'s an accident."

Everyone agreed.

Li Shoucheng trembled and scolded in his heart. He had known that he would not come to Longcheng with Muyi\'s smile. He almost took Xiaosheng in. If he died, everything else would be empty. He and Lin Zicong looked at each other and saw the cold light in each other\'s eyes.

Strangely, since Tiangang seal went out, the black fog was much thinner, and the road under his feet could be seen clearly. He soon came under the coffin. Muyi smiled and saw two people standing under the coffin, looking up and motionless.

Li Shoucheng shouted, "what\'s the matter with you two? Come and talk back."

The evil spirits did not move.

Li Shoucheng still wanted to scold. Qin Bo shook his head and said, "don\'t shout. They are dead."

Li Shoucheng screamed, sat on the ground and said in horror: "how can... Their strength is very strong, and almost no one can kill them..."

As soon as the voice fell, the evil twin demons turned into fly ash and died.

Li Shoucheng\'s face was pale. He cried out and wailed, "it\'s over. I\'m really dead this time. How can we go out without them? I don\'t want to die."

Others despised Li Shoucheng when they saw his cowardly appearance. Muyi smiled and focused on the coffin, which was carved with strange runes. She could be sure that she had never seen it anywhere, and there was no text in history.

"Smile, wait."

Wu Linlin took Muyi, smiled, shook her head and said, "I feel ominous. Don\'t get close."

"I advised you."

At this time, a sigh came. The people looked at the sound and saw a beautiful shadow sitting on the coffin, silently looking at the sky, with a cigarette in their mouth and a very different breath.

"It\'s you!"

Muyi was surprised with a smile and hurriedly said, "Wang, you come down. It\'s very dangerous up there."

Wang bowed his head and looked down at the people under her feet. Although she had a noble status, respected status, and was tall everywhere, she even had saints, masters and gifted blood, but all these things could not arouse her interest.

"Miss, she is not human."

Qin Bo stood in front of Muyi with a smile and said, "I finally understand that she is a monster. She doesn\'t belong here. She designed the external array. If you want to leave, you must kill her."

The green arm was repulsed, and Qinbo was confident that he could suppress the king.

Tiangang seal!

Earth seal!

Qin Bo decisively attacked the coffin and wanted to destroy it with people and coffins. Tiangang Disha is really powerful, and it has reached a very mysterious level in the attack of saints. Using the power of Tiangang Disha to strengthen the means of saints\' attack is a self creating technique with great power.

But the sky Gang ground Sha seal hit on the coffin, but there was no spray.

Wang showed a sarcastic smile.

When Tiangang Disha Yin attacked the coffin, he was weakened by a strange force. The moment he really touched the coffin, there was not much power. Qin Bo felt that his own power was slowly weakening. Even go back to destruction.

"My strength is disappearing!"

Qin Bo turned pale, glared at the king, and then made a crazy attack, but each attack could not cause any damage to the king, and even gave her blessing power.

One fades and the other grows.

Qin Bo was panting. He was aging for decades, and his vitality flowed to the coffin.

Bang bang!

There was a heartbeat in the coffin, which impacted everyone\'s spiritual world. Qin Bo lay on the ground and lost his original strength. He didn\'t even have the courage to stand. The others were fine, because the coffin was mainly aimed at the people with the highest level.

Qin Bo planted it.

Wang\'s eyes looked at Muyi and smiled. Under Qin Bo, Muyi\'s strength was the most powerful. Although it was hidden deeply, the coffin could penetrate the appearance and see the essence, which had reached the vision of the great saint.

"Now that you\'ve come in, have a good look. Do you like my toy? It\'s perfect and beautiful." Wang hehe smiled and looked nostalgically. "It took countless materials and strength to refine a carrier. I hope your life can fill it. It\'s hungry and wants to eat."

Muyi smiled and said, "it\'s terrible. When Wang looked at it, he couldn\'t move all over.

Li Shoucheng screamed, turned and ran, ignoring Muyi\'s smile in the crisis. Lin Zicong was no better. Xuanyuan hurried away with him. Only Wu Linlin stood beside Muyi and tried to solve the trouble for her. Qin Bo is in a coma and has no combat effectiveness. Muyi smiles and doesn\'t understand what forces bind him, but strangely, Wu Linlin has not been affected and can attack Wang.


A force hit the king\'s face. She frowned and locked Wu Linlin. There was anger and murder in her eyes and said, "you dare to blaspheme the noble me!"

Wang got up and stood on the coffin. Behind him was an incomparably huge dark shadow, emitting a towering momentum. The whole village in the city was trembling. The dark clouds in the sky kept gathering and became extremely dark, as if dripping ink.

"You should die for blaspheming the great demon God!"

The king dropped the Oracle, and two green arms grabbed Muyi and smiled with Wu Linlin. The two women can only watch, resist for a moment, and lose their strength. The strength emitted by the coffin just restrained their cultivation strength, and can be swallowed, melted and absorbed. The strength cultivated by the martial artists in this world is just their nourishment.

With a cold and strange smile, Wang whispered, "come on, my brothers and sisters."


Muyi smiled and felt that he was finished. There was no time to regret. Wang made a sad cry and a rune hit the center of her eyebrows. The power contained in it was not Qi power or spiritual power, but a pure power that could jump out of fate and be detached from the world.

"How can you have this power!"

Wang stared at Muyi and smiled. His face was twisted like a devil. He shouted, "die for me."

The smell of destruction enveloped me.

The symbol disappears.

Wang exposed his dark murders and wanted to erase these people. His momentum was a great saint, and he was also a great saint who specifically restrained martial artists, as if he were a creature from an external dimension, which was extremely ferocious.

"I thought you would endure it for a long time."

The pressure dispersed and the crisis disappeared. Muyi thought he would die before he smiled, but a breeze blew in the night, and then the black clouds dispersed, and a tall figure came from a distance.