Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1100

Footsteps sounded.

Muyi smiled and looked back at the figure walking towards them. His footsteps were crisp and shocking in the middle of the night. A cold wind blew. Li Shoucheng was shaking all over and his eyes were turning, revealing a suspicious color.

Muyi Xiaoxiao was the first to find someone coming.

Footsteps echoed in the night. The uncertain position was the first source of footsteps detected by Muyi Xiaoxiao. In the northeast, Qinbo turned his head and showed a heavy expression along Muyi\'s smiling eyes. Then came Wu Linlin. Her heart jumped wildly. Somehow, at the moment of seeing the dark shadow, she gave birth to an ominous premonition.

Others turned back one after another, but Li Shoucheng was the last one, muttering: "in the middle of the night, who is scared to death."

Under the light, a heroic and charming face appeared. Wang threw away his cigarette butts and said, "who are you?"

When the police uniform on Wang\'s body was seen clearly, it was only wrapped with a hot figure, protruding forward and backward, which was very attractive. Li Shoucheng showed a hot light in his eyes. It was obvious that he was very satisfied with Wang\'s proud figure, blinked and showed a teasing smile.

"We are the cultural relics investigation team from the capital." Muyi smiled and saw that it was the police. He was relieved and came forward, "we have negotiated with your government on this matter."

"I know. Secretary Yang mentioned it."

Wang smiled and looked at the coffin in the center of the construction site. I don\'t know if it was an illusion. In her eyes, everyone saw a flash of green light and a strange smile on her pretty face.

"Is there anything wrong?" Wang asked.

Muyi smiled and shook his head and said, "I haven\'t found it yet, and we\'re going to go in and have a look."


Wang smiled, swept over the crowd with deep meaning and reminded them, "it\'s very dangerous here. Didn\'t anyone tell you that many people died. For your safety\'s sake, I hope you can cooperate with our work. Don\'t go in. Just have a look outside."

"Ha ha."

Li Shoucheng stood up, straightened his chest, showed a disdainful expression, and hummed, "what are you afraid of? I think you may not know our identity. I\'ve been to any dangerous place. It\'s all right. By the way, what\'s your name?"

Xuanyuan sneered in his heart, but his expression was calm. She looks down on Li Shoucheng. You are obviously pursuing Muyi to smile. Now when you see a beautiful policeman, you try to talk to him. No wonder Muyi doesn\'t like you. If it weren\'t for the fact that Li Shoucheng was the direct descendant of the Li family, the daughters in the capital wouldn\'t have dumped him. It\'s funny that Li Shoucheng thought his charm was really strong.

The king looked at Li Shoucheng up and down and said faintly, "I reminded you that it\'s dangerous here. Please leave. If you insist on going in, you will bear the consequences if anything happens."

Muyi smiles and frowns, hesitating.

Wu Linlin couldn\'t help saying, "come on, let\'s just have a look outside. Yang Ping didn\'t say that we can\'t go in. It\'s likely to be dangerous. I have a special feeling."

"Wu Linlin, you can leave if you are afraid of death. Our purpose here is to study ancient relics. We can\'t even look at them. How can we study them!" Li Shoucheng sniffed and shook his head. "You, follow others. What others say? Well, I\'ll let people go in and have a look."

Looking at the evil twin evils, Li Shoucheng ordered, "how about going to see the coffin?"

Chumo Shuangsha smiled and showed a cold smile. They are masters of removing demons. They often deal with ghosts without fear. Let alone a coffin, they have long wanted to overturn the coffin, so the two jumps disappeared into the dark fog. Soon they appeared under the coffin.

People can see clearly.

Muyi smiled a little nervous and wanted to see it clearly. Unfortunately, the black fog was so strong that it almost covered his heavenly eyes. Qin Bo frowned and said in a deep voice, "have you seen it clearly?"

Li Shoucheng spat: "you see, they\'re under the coffin. It\'s bullshit where there\'s something. I said you believe that guy named Yang Ping. I think he\'s a liar. When we finish our work, we\'ll catch him and interrogate him carefully. Whether he has bad intentions or not."

The evil spirits were under the coffin and looked up.

"Why don\'t we go in?"

Li Shoucheng asked.

Muyi smiled and hesitated for a long time. Finally, he clenched his teeth and said, "OK. Go in. There should be no accident." subconsciously, he clenched the amulet given by Yang Ping, which made him feel a little safe.

The party walked towards the center of the construction site.

Qin Bo wanted to persuade him, but he thought he was a saint. Except for the demons and double evils, the two boys were all right. Could he be worse than them, so he followed in.

As for others, Muyi mainly smiles.

When the party sank into the black fog.

Wang stood outside. Strangely, instead of stopping, she looked inside with interest. She took out a cigarette and held it in her mouth. Her eyes looked into the night sky from the black fog. The night sky of Longcheng was covered by black clouds, especially above the villages in the city, as if there was a hand shrouding the light of everyone\'s fate.

This is a strange place.

Wang suddenly smiled strangely and sighed, "these people\'s blood and strength are enough to open the entrance. My brothers and sisters, you should come to this world quickly. There is no smell everywhere."

She is completely different from before, and even her temperament has changed greatly. Her speech and the greedy color in her eyes expose the devil\'s nature. There seems to be a restlessness that devours all things in her body. She is wrapped in a fragile skin bag and may explode at any time.

Hoo hoo

Wang greedily inhaled the air and grabbed his hands into the air, as if he were asking for something in the world. The blue breath came into the body from the outside, and the residents around the villages in the city slept more deeply. At the same time, their lives are less.

"This is vitality."

Wang\'s eyes were gentle and comfortable, and then he suddenly stared at the deep position of Muyi, Xiaoxiao and others. The cold light overflowed, and the cold broke out from his body, and then slowly rushed to the people.

"How cold!"

Xuanyuan\'s delicate body trembled and said in fear, "do you feel it? The deeper, the colder."

Lin Zicong didn\'t speak all the time. At this time, he echoed: "not only the temperature changes, but also the rarity of the air has huge fluctuations. Have you found that we are only a few hundred meters away from the center, but how long have we walked?"

Look at the time, more than ten minutes.

Suddenly turned pale, Lin Zicong said in a deep voice, "I think we have encountered something strange. We have arrived at our destination early according to our speed in more than ten minutes, but you look back."

Muyi smiled back and said in surprise, "we\'re still where we are?"

Not far from behind was the cordon. They didn\'t leave far, but they walked for more than ten minutes. This is very unscientific. If you are an ordinary person, you may think you have won the enchanting array, but there are Qin Bo in the realm of saints and the unfathomable Mu Yi Xiaoxiao. They are not ordinary people and will be fascinated.

A green fluffy claw suddenly appeared from the black fog, grabbed Li Shoucheng, and then disappeared into the black fog.


Li Shoucheng\'s scream came from the black fog: "help me!"