Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1099

The black fog in the village in the city is getting stronger and stronger, and the temperature is much lower than that outside. I don\'t know from which day, the climate in the village in the city is very unstable. In the past, in this hot summer, men go out with bare arms and women wear thin clothes. The small clothes inside are clearly visible. At the door of the roadside shampoo and hair salon, sexy women are standing to attract guests, A street is filled with cheap perfume and the rotten smell of rotten vegetables in the ditch.

Tongde medical center is the cleanest place.

Because this is a medical school.

Yang Ping opened a medical school. Instead of making money for the people in the villages in the city, he used his ability to help people in need. In a week\'s event, he cured more than 1000 patients, including some difficult and miscellaneous diseases. So he got the title of a miracle doctor. In the process of treatment, Yang Ping observed all kinds of life and had a further understanding of medical skills.

Outsiders may think that he is disheartened and indulges in medical skills, but only Mingzhu knows that he is undergoing the biggest transformation in history. With Mingzhu\'s eyes, he can\'t see through his depth. He feels that Yang Ping is becoming more and more ordinary, and his breath is integrated with the world of mortals. It is like a star in the night sky. It appears every night, right above his head, but you can\'t touch it.

Perhaps this is Yang Ping\'s realm at the moment.

Mingzhu once asked if she had broken through and become a saint, but Yang Ping shook her head and smiled and said something inexplicable.

I am different from others. A saint is just a threshold. Whether I cross it or not has little impact on me.

This evening.

Mingzhu lay in Yang Ping\'s arms, sucking every breath on him and said, "why don\'t you stop them during the day? You also know that the coffin is very dangerous and ordinary people can\'t touch it."

Yang Ping said with a smile, "I have advised them."

Mingzhu sighed, "in the past, you would try your best to persuade and take the initiative to help, but now you are just persuading." he got up and showed his charming upper body. The room was suddenly full of different spring light. He stared at Yang Ping\'s eyes and said, "after the realm was improved, he was indifferent to life and death. Just like the way of heaven, heaven and earth are inhumane and take everything as a ruminant dog."

Heaven and earth are unkind, and all things are ruminant dogs.

Mingzhu said this sentence, which is what Yang Ping saw in the small world under the treasure collection. After the body of Nine Yang was completed, he still couldn\'t escape the trouble of death, and then wrote that sentence on the hard stone [email protected] ^^$

Pearl is worried that Yang Ping\'s realm is getting higher and higher, but she sees human nature less and less. Love, family affection, friendship and even some lifelong beliefs will collapse.

Yang Ping smiled, kissed Mingzhu\'s forehead, held her in her arms and said softly, "fool, I\'m ruthless to the whole world and I won\'t be ruthless to you. You\'re all I have. The reason why I didn\'t stop hard is not that I was cold-blooded, but that I felt that the coffin was always on the site, and the hidden things in it couldn\'t be eaten, so I couldn\'t suppress it."

The Pearl\'s eyes brightened and said, "you are leading the snake out of the cave."

Yang Ping smiled and said, "how can you worry that I\'m ruthless to you? I\'m worried that you\'ll run away because you\'re such a beautiful beauty. By the way, after you recover, we\'ll get married and live a good life in a place without disputes."

Pearl\'s pretty face was slightly red, but Yang Ping\'s description came to mind. She couldn\'t help but show her blurred eyes and said faintly: "yes, there is no dispute, no Jianghu."! $*!

"How many children do you want?" Yang Ping asked.

Mingzhu\'s face became more red and spat, "you\'re not married. You just want children."

Yang Ping said helplessly, "imagine the future."

Mingzhu smiled with longing eyes and gasped, "I don\'t understand. It\'s best to have two, a boy, as great as his father, and a girl."

"I think I\'d better have eight. It\'s more fun." Yang Ping said with a smile.

Mingzhu couldn\'t help patting Yang Ping\'s belly, smiled and scolded, "do you think I\'m a pig, eight, you gave birth to me."


Yang Ping couldn\'t help laughing, but her arm around Mingzhu tightened for fear of losing her again. Pearl felt Yang Ping\'s strength and silently enjoyed the warmth of being grasped.

"Go to sleep." Mingzhu closed her eyes.


Yang Ping kissed Mingzhu on the cheek and whispered, "Mingzhu, I love you."

Mingzhu\'s delicate body trembled slightly and said, "Yang Ping, I am willing to stay with you all my life. No matter what you become in the future, whether you want me or not in the future, I will love you all my life."

Listening to Pearl\'s firm words, Yang Ping\'s heart is full of warmth.

If you get a wife like this, you can\'t ask for a husband.

His heart suddenly gave birth to an impulse to leave here forever with the Pearl. No matter what happens here, no matter how chaotic the world is, rights and status, responsibilities and obligations, go to hell.

Yang Ping fantasized about the wonderful scene of Ma Fangnan mountain. He couldn\'t help bending his mouth, but it soon disappeared.

Get up and get dressed.

Yang Ping said, "wait for me and come back soon."

Pearl didn\'t open her eyes, um. She is really sleepy. After losing her strength, her energy is limited. Now she is the weakest time. Although she still feels, her judgment is still there, and even her sense of danger is still there, she loses all her strength.

On the construction site of Biyuan group.

Black fog enveloped the cordon.

Muyi smiled and observed outside for a long time, but he didn\'t go in. Li Shoucheng was impatient for a long time. He smiled with Muyi for a long time. Unexpectedly, he took photos outside and paced outside upset.

Muyi Xiaoxiao and Wu Linlin surveyed the coffin with very professional means and didn\'t get close.

"When you go on like this, you\'ll end up with a coffin. What\'s to be afraid of? I\'ll go in and have a look!" Li Shoucheng waited angrily, tore open the warning line and sneered.

Muyi smiles and frowns, secretly saying that this person is really reckless. Isn\'t he aware of the crisis.

Wu Linlin couldn\'t help but say, "Li Shoucheng, Yang Ping warned that there would be problems if we couldn\'t get close to the coffin. Let\'s take a look outside and go to some soil samples still and outside."

Li Shoucheng snorted, "what is Yang Ping? You can believe it if you calculate it. I\'ll go in and show you."


The warning line is broken.

Li Shoucheng strode towards the coffin. At first, he was very careful, but when he found that there was no problem, he was relieved. Although it was very cold under the coffin, he got used to it. So he smiled at the people outside and said, "see, it\'s all right! Yang Ping is a fool."

Muyi smiled and was nervous at first, but when he saw that Li Shoucheng was all right, he looked at Wu Linlin and asked.

Wu Linlin was embarrassed.

She didn\'t expect Li Shoucheng to be all right. How could this happen. Didn\'t Yang Ping say it was dangerous? Was it a lie? But why did he remind so seriously.

Li Shoucheng cursed constantly under the coffin and humiliated Yang Ping.

Muyi Xiaoxiao is very interested in the coffin, otherwise she won\'t fly over from the capital to investigate. I don\'t know how many relationships have been dredged before she came here. It\'s very difficult for her to give up.

"Why don\'t you go and have a look?" Muyi asked tentatively with a smile.

Qinbo is also difficult to determine whether there is danger.

Outside the cordon.

A beautiful figure sat on a Santana with a cigarette in her mouth. Suddenly, a green light flashed through her eyes and took a deep breath of a cigarette to illuminate her face.

He is the king.