Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1098

Li Shoucheng and the evil spirits knelt on the ground and endured the same eyes as everyone else, which was even more insulting than others. He wanted to stand up and exert all his strength, but his body was stiff, as if suppressed by a great force. The evil twin spirits were even worse. They knelt on the ground and fell into the soil.

The strength of the three people is good. In addition to the demons and double evils, they are experts at the Yasheng level, but they still have no ability to get up.

Qin Bo\'s face was cloudy and sunny. He stared at Tongde medical school with fear in his eyes and said, "Miss, the people inside are very strong. I may not be an opponent. Don\'t provoke him if it\'s not necessary."

Muyi smiled and said in surprise, "how old is he? How can he..."

Although she is mu Lao\'s granddaughter, she is obsessed with studying archaeology, so she doesn\'t know much about things in the Jianghu. She just understands that Qin Bo has a high position at home and has never failed. Unexpectedly, even Qin Bo, who is superior, thinks he is not an opponent. Who are the people in it?


Qin Bo exclaimed and said in surprise, "there\'s something wrong with the surrounding environment. We may not be in reality, but fall into a dreamland." his face was cloudy and sunny. He immediately solved the seal and shouted, "Tiangang God seal, broken!"

Tiangang Disha seal is Qinbo\'s famous and unique skill. It smashes all obstacles with masculine and powerful Qi. The mark bombards the void, and then the space splits to reveal its original appearance.

I was surprised to find that they were not in Tongde Medical Museum at all, but beside the main road, that is, who? They didn\'t leave their place at all, but stood still.

Li Shoucheng knelt on the ground, excited, constantly abusing and threatening. He looked at the hurried vehicles on the road. If he didn\'t know he was in a dreamland, he would think he was crazy. The other two masters, Chumo Shuangsha, kowtowed and admitted their mistakes. They were obviously frightened.

"Wake up!"

Qin Bo scolded, and the sound wave penetrated into the minds of Li Shoucheng and broke the confinement of the spiritual world. When the three woke up, Li Shoucheng found himself kneeling on the ground, screamed and jumped up quickly.

What\'s going on?

Li Shoucheng looked around, then put his eyes on Muyi\'s smile, and his face was uncertain.

"Son of a bitch, Yang Ping, don\'t you dare insult me? Don\'t blame me for being rude!"

Li Shoucheng reveals his murderous opportunity and says in a cold voice. He plans to rush to find Yang Ping for trouble.

Qin Bo said, "forget it. I don\'t think it\'s Yang Ping. Yang Ping doesn\'t have the ability to hypnotize us silently. His strength must be in the realm of great sage. Do you know how many such super masters there are in China? How old Yang Ping is. It\'s absolutely impossible."

Muyi smiled and asked, "Qin Bo, what\'s going on and what we see."

Qin Bo looked at the sky over the village in the city. The black cloud in the sky seemed to be shrouded by a magic claw, making the village in the city full of strange atmosphere. From a distance, the village in the city was wrapped by a mysterious force. He was shocked at a glance.

"I think it may be the ghost of the village in the city. I felt something wrong before I came here. It seems that this place is really evil." Qin Bo said in a deep voice.

Muyi smiled and frowned and said, "what shall we do?"

"Xiao Xiao, Yang Ping warned us not to touch the taboos of the villages in the city. Let\'s go back." Wu Linlin didn\'t know why. She believed Yang Ping\'s words very much. He was on his side with a convincing temperament.


Muyi smiled and didn\'t answer. Li Shoucheng sneered and scolded: "greedy for life and afraid of death. Who are we? The whole China can walk sideways. If he doesn\'t go, he won\'t go. Are so many of our experts furnishings?"

Muyi smiled and hesitated.

She really wanted to see the coffins and tombs dug out in the village in the city, but because many people died, there was almost no guard in that place, and only one team was outside to prohibit others from entering. Of course, this is confidential. The coffin is placed in the center of the construction site.

"Let\'s come all the way here. We can\'t be scared away because of someone else\'s word." Lin Zicong said in a deep voice. "You can have a look outside and don\'t go in for the time being."


Muyi smiles and makes a decision immediately.

Not far away, Yang Guoyong and he Zhennan want to follow in, but they are reluctant. Yang Ping\'s warning is not a joke. Even he takes it so seriously. I\'m afraid it\'s really dangerous. If it weren\'t for the special identity of several young people, Yang Guoyong would have found someone to kick out.

After the call, Yang Guoyong dredged the relationship under the threat of Li Shoucheng and let them go in to have a look. However, he asked that they should not be close to the coffin. The coffin is the unknown source. There is luck in his heart. As long as they are not close, there should be no accident.

The party walked into the village in the city and passed Tongde Medical Museum. They couldn\'t help stopping.

Li Shoucheng\'s eyes flashed cold and wanted to go in and kill people. But Muyi Xiaoxiao had different thoughts, so he asked the people to stop outside and go in by themselves.

Yang Ping is still in consultation and looks serious.

Muyi Xiaoxiao itself is very beautiful. She is a great beauty, so she attracts the attention of many patients, but Yang Ping is expressionless and is dealing with a difficult condition.

After a long time, Yang Ping pricked the needle and several times made the patient\'s face ruddy. He said, "OK, your osteoarthritis is very serious. Although I help you correct it, you can\'t lift heavy objects in the future. At least have a rest for half a year."

The patient hesitated and said, "but my family depends on me to work outside. I also have a three-year-old kindergarten child. If I don\'t work, how can I support my family?"

Yang Ping said, "there are always ways, but if you are not obedient, you may lie in bed all your life in the future. Are you willing?"

The patient sighed, shook his head and left.

Obviously, although the patient knows that it can\'t be wrong to do so, how can he not work? All the people at home are waiting for him to live.

Yang Ping was not angry because the patient was disobedient, but calmly accepted everything. This is the world of mortals. You can\'t let everything go to your heart. You always have to peel yourself off and observe the world again.

The world is new and cruel.

Muyi smiled and watched Yang Ping. Finally, it was her turn to line up. She sat in front of Yang Ping, stretched out her wrist and asked, "Mr. Yang, I have a question. I don\'t know if I can ask for advice."

Yang Ping didn\'t give Muyi a pulse. She knew at a glance that she was all right and had strong vitality. She said, "please say."

Muyi smiled and said, "if a person regards one thing as a great career in his life, will he stop moving forward because of danger?" this is about going to the construction site in the center of the city.

Yang Ping said faintly, "look at your own heart."

Muyi smiled and said firmly, "I know what I want to do. So I think I should go."

"Why do you ask me?"

Yang Ping got up, waved his hand and said, "you\'d better go back. You\'d better not touch it. You can\'t touch it. It\'s a fool\'s thing to sacrifice your life for your career."

Muyi frowned with a smile and said displeased, "didn\'t Mr. Yang pursue it all his life?"

Yang Ping quietly looked at Muyi and smiled.

See the firm faith in her eyes and the courage to face danger.

Yang Ping nodded, then took out a piece of talisman from his arms and said, "if you find danger, you can take it out to ensure that you leave safely, but the premise is that you can\'t get too close, okay?"

Muyi smiled and said, "thank you, Mr. Yang."

When she walked out of Tongde medical school, Li Shoucheng looked at everything in his eyes and resented. He said secretly, boy, I wanted you to live a few more days. I didn\'t expect you to be short-sighted. Can you touch my woman?

From Qin Bo, I know that kneeling before is just an illusion, which may be caused by the special magnetic field of the village in the city. Li Shoucheng didn\'t think deeply, but he hated Yang Ping.

"Let\'s go."

Muyi leads the way towards the construction site with a smile.

This is the construction site developed by a subsidiary of Biyuan group. There is a piece of ruins in front of us, but in the middle of the ruins, there is a coffin, which is very huge and three feet long. The coffin is bright red, as if it had just been soaked in blood donation. There are layers of black fog around it, covering the coffin itself. The coffin hasn\'t moved since it was dug out, but the people who touched it died one after another.

The police set a cordon 100 meters away from the coffin.

Yang Guoyong talked to this side by telephone. It was a small group of armed police officers and soldiers who were responsible for the security defense here. They explained their intention and the party was allowed to release. Muyi smiled and looked at it from a distance, his eyes glowing.

A pair of green eyes stared at them not far away.

[thank you for your monthly tickets! By the way, are there any more on the last two days at the end of the month?]