Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1097

Yang Guoyong smiled bitterly in his heart and took a special look at Li Shoucheng. He was very helpless. Of course, he won\'t plead again. Yang Ping is the one and only person. Since he refuses, he won\'t give face again. If Li Shoucheng had a better attitude at the beginning, he might still have a chance to be protected. Unfortunately, these young people thought they had family experts to protect them and could walk sideways in Longcheng.

Pride is original sin.

Yang Guoyong said, "in that case, Yang Shao, excuse me."

Li Shoucheng disdained a smile, turned and waved his hand and said, "let\'s go. I thought I was a master, but I was just a little doctor. If I had some skills, I thought I was a cow, but that\'s all."

Lin Zicong thought the same, so he left with him.

Xuanyuan walked beside Lin Zicong and followed closely for fear of standing in the wrong team. Lin Zicong\'s eyes flashed with impatience, but it was easy to hide. He smiled and asked, "it\'s not what we want to do to force people to do. Since people don\'t want to, let\'s leave." although he said to Xuanyuan, he looked at Muyi and smiled, because she didn\'t go with Wu Linlin, but walked into the hospital and sat in it. It seemed that she was very interested in Yang Ping.

Li Shoucheng\'s face became gloomy.

Chumo Shuangsha felt Li Shoucheng\'s unhappiness and looked at the hospital indifferently. As long as he said a word, he rushed in and killed people. He is very good at such things.

"Sister mu, let\'s go." Li Shoucheng shouted inside.

"You go first. I have something to ask Mr. Yang for advice." Muyi\'s smiling voice came from Tongde Medical Museum. Li Shoucheng was furious, but since Muyi couldn\'t go with a smile, he couldn\'t leave, lest Lin Zicong seize the opportunity. With a cold hum, he swaggered into the hospital.

The patients saw that the atmosphere was wrong and left one after another.

When all the patients were gone except for a few people in the medical school, Yang Guoyong was shocked. He secretly said whether these young people had gone too far. Yang Ping\'s temper was unbearable to him. He started to do it. Although these young people\'s guard experts were very strong, Yang Guoyong was sure that they were not opponents of others.

The atmosphere in the hospital was stiff.

Yang Guoyong hurried in and said helplessly, "Yang Shao, you know what I brought in, so everyone values peace. It\'s all a misunderstanding, misunderstanding..."

He Zhennan and Liu Mi stood next to each other skillfully. It was not easy for them to come forward, and they were not qualified to come forward. Secretary Yang tried to persuade them so that they would not offend each other, and the consequences would be very serious.

"My patient was driven away by you."

Yang Ping frowned and said displeased.

Li Shoucheng laughed and his face became gloomy. He hummed, "Yang Shao... I\'ve seen many young masters. I\'ve never seen you as a doctor. If I call you Yang Shao, I don\'t know who I am. If you dare to make a price, you can\'t do it. But I\'m sure you don\'t dare. Boy, don\'t give a face, not a face, okay?"

The evil twin evil spirits stood behind Li Shoucheng and gave him a strong threat. They locked Yang Ping and warned him to be wise.

Muyi smiled and sighed, knowing that he had completely offended others this time. At the same time, he disliked Li Shoucheng\'s arrogant personality and said, "Mr. Yang, my companion is used to talking like this in the capital. Please don\'t be surprised. This time we came to Longcheng city to investigate the unearthed cultural relics in the village in the city, which is a great contribution to the society. I hope Mr. Yang can be our guide."

Wu Linlin looked at Yang Ping curiously. She always felt that he had a familiar smell. But I\'m not sure.

Yang Ping said lightly, "I\'m not interested in your investigation team. I have more important things to do. Please go back."

Muyi smiled bitterly and got up and said, "excuse me."

Buddha also has three points of anger. Muyi smiles and has a gentle personality, but it doesn\'t mean he has no backbone. He invites Yang Ping again and again. The other party doesn\'t give face and there\'s no need to entangle.

Muyi smiled and walked away. Li Shoucheng stared at Yang Ping coldly and said, "boy, you are too complacent."

Yang Ping didn\'t bother to pay attention.

Wu Linlin was the last to leave. Before leaving, she couldn\'t help wondering, "Mr. Yang, have we met before? I feel that your breath is very familiar."

Yang Ping looked up and glanced at Wu Linlin. He was very direct and bold. From top to bottom, from outside to inside, he really found a familiar smell, but it was only familiar.

"I think you have the smell of wujialing. I advise you not to go to the villages in the city and touch those things, otherwise you will be very dangerous." Yang Ping said seriously.

Wu Linlin was stunned and hurriedly asked, "why?"

Yang Ping smiled and said, "it\'s not enough for an ordinary saint, plus two Asian saints, to fall in. Go and tell Muyi where to go back and forth."

Wu Linlin thought deeply. After thanking her, she left the hospital.

"It\'s arrogant. If you hadn\'t stopped him, I\'d let him know what is the young master?" Li Shoucheng looked at the street outside the village in the city and roared.

From small to large, he was not wronged. Today, he was ignored by Yang Ping. Li Shoucheng was very angry and said with a grim smile: "if you don\'t give a lesson, you don\'t know how to be a man."

Muyi smiled and said calmly, "don\'t go too far. Don\'t forget our purpose. It\'s not to quarrel with others."

Li Shoucheng smiled and said, "of course, it\'s just a little punishment."

Lin Zicong said with deep meaning: "your demon removing double evils are real experts. They are not with you at this time..."

Li Shoucheng showed your eyes.

After Wu Linlin came back, she told Muyi Yang Ping\'s advice and said, "smile, I think we should be careful. Longcheng is very special."

Muyi smiled and said, "Linlin, don\'t be nervous. If we don\'t come to fight, we\'re just investigating cultural relics." with the protection of family experts, we can walk horizontally in the holy land. What are you afraid of?

"Strange, why not come back."

They waited for a while, but they didn\'t see the evil twin evil spirits coming back. Li Shoucheng scolded: "what\'s the matter? I\'m procrastinating in doing some things. When I go back, I\'ll withdraw them." he was also worried that Muyi was unhappy about the killing of the evil twin evil spirits.

Qin Bo\'s face changed slightly and said, "they\'ve fallen."


Not only Li Shoucheng, but everyone else was shocked.

In addition to demons, Shuangsha is an expert among experts. How can they be planted in the hands of a little doctor. But Qin Bo is the highest person. He can be an ancestor in all major families. He can\'t lie.

Qin Bo\'s face was serious and said, "go and have a look."

The party went back again.

Yang Guoyong looked at each other and sank to the bottom of the valley.

It seems that things are making a big deal.

Yang Guoyong smiled bitterly and said, "I knew I wouldn\'t come to Yang Shao. Alas, these people\'s temper needs to be changed. Longcheng is not the capital."

When they came to Tongde medical center, they were shocked to see what was in front of them.

Chumo Shuangsha knelt on the ground, expressionless.

"Get up!"

Li Shoucheng rushed up and said angrily, "without my command, you kneel and get up immediately, so as not to be ashamed."

There was no movement of the evil twin spirits.

Li Shoucheng was just about to push people. Qin Bo turned pale and shouted, "don\'t move."


Li Shoucheng touched Shuangsha\'s shoulder and suddenly changed his face. Then he knelt on the ground with a click and humiliated the Tongde medical center. The patients who came into the hospital looked curiously at these people at the door, showing strange eyes.

What are the three doing? Don\'t kneel at the door even if you admit your mistake.