Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1096

Shoucheng, Shoucheng, it\'s easy to start a business but difficult to keep a business, so the Li family named him Li Shoucheng, hoping to carry forward the family style of the Li family in Beijing and become a real Shoucheng person. Li Shoucheng is the core figure of the fourth generation of the Li family. At present, he is a student of the Department of Archaeology of Jingcheng University. As a junior, he has an internship in the Ministry of culture. Of course, the goal is Muyi Xiaoxiao.

There are only a few young people worthy of Muyi\'s smile in China, and the Li family is one. Li Shoucheng likes Muyi\'s smile very much, not only because of the beauty of Muyi\'s smile, but also because she is the only granddaughter of Muyi\'s generation and is deeply loved. If anyone marries Muyi and smiles, it is basically certain that he will become a new generation of leaders.

It\'s a rumor, but it\'s likely.

Therefore, many people pursue Muyi to smile, but they are basically suppressed by Li Shoucheng and another bookish man. Another man, who is very bookish, seems to have poetry and bookish self China in his belly. With affectionate and melancholy eyes, he is a man of the school grass in the campus. His name is Lin Zicong, and his status is on a par with Li Shoucheng.

The other two girls, one named Xuanyuan, are the children of the Xuanyuan family, a big family in the capital. The Xuanyuan family is also very strong. In those days, it was the Xuanyuan royal family, known as the first family. Now it has declined, but the inside information is still there. There are saints and experts in the family. Xuanyuan looks charming, especially in his eyes. He can\'t stand the men who are looking at him. Her attention hit Li Shoucheng, and the discerning man knew her purpose at a glance.

The other girl was chubby and took the lovely route. Her skin was very white and tender. She was middle and beautiful among ordinary people, but she was very different among the three women, especially compared with Muyi Xiaoxiao. She has no clear purpose, but likes archaeology, especially cultural relics archaeology, and shares the same interests with Muyi.

Her name is Wu Linlin, the Wu family.

Speaking of the Wu family in the capital, few people know. Only a top-level family can understand how terrible the Wu family was. Because of this, Muyi Xiaoxiao has a strong identity, but he also wants to have a good relationship with Wu Linlin.

Of course, Yang Guoyong didn\'t know the origin of Wu Linlin. They just thought she was Muyi\'s companion, and her identity was still not simple.

"Tour guide?"

Li Shoucheng curled his mouth, waved his hand and said with a smile, "Secretary Yang, forget the tour guide. Longcheng is not a big place, and it\'s inconvenient for ordinary people to know what we do."

His meaning is obvious. He doesn\'t need a guide. He thought the tour guide was a cover and an excuse for Yang Guoyong to monitor them. Li Shoucheng is here to pick up girls, not to fool around, so he hates strangers coming in.

Li Shoucheng showed threatening eyes.

If Yang Guoyong was sensible, he would refuse. Sure enough, Yang Guoyong showed embarrassment. Li Shoucheng\'s identity is very important. Yang Guoyong dare not offend too much. However, the most terrible thing is that we can\'t ensure the safety of several people.

"Miss mu?" Yang Guoyong smiled at Muyi, revealing his inquiring eyes.

Muyi smiled and said, "of course, we are not familiar with Longcheng. It would be best to have a guide. Secretary Xin kuyang, but I don\'t know what you said about the guide. Is it difficult to invite it?"

Yang Guoyong secretly said that he had reached the key place. He did not consult Yang Ping, so he was not sure whether he would like to. But there is no Yang Ping\'s protection in the village in the city. Even with the protection of family experts, it is estimated that something will happen to these people.

Villages in the city are forbidden areas.

Recently, more and more evil things have happened.

"He\'s a special person..." Yang Guoyong wanted to explain. Li Shoucheng showed impatience and said, "let\'s go. I\'d like to see who the guide is. Is it awesome?"

With that, Li Shoucheng urged everyone to act as soon as possible. He came to Longcheng not to flatter others, but to pick up girls.

Yang Guoyong smiled bitterly in his heart.

It seems that Li Shoucheng is sensitive to the word "tour guide", which may cause some conflicts.

The party came to the village in the city.

Muyi smiled and stood at the entrance of the street. As soon as his eyes turned, it seemed that there was a flash of treasure light, closed his eyes and meditated, entering a wonderful state. Others didn\'t bother and waited silently.

When he opened his eyes, Muyi smiled and said, "this place is not simple."

"Qin Bo."

Muyi cried with a smile.

Whoosh, an old man appeared in front of him, startling Yang Guoyong and others. They didn\'t know how he appeared. Yang Guoyong and he Zhennan were shocked by each other\'s eyes. The wood family really sent a big expert to protect them.

The old man called Qin Bo has white hair and long eyebrows. He seems to be the founder of white eyebrows. He exudes a mysterious smell. As soon as Qin Bo appears, others will be honest.

"It\'s strange, miss. It\'s better not to go in." Qin Bo\'s face was dignified. Standing at the door, he felt the evil spirit of the village in the city. He felt frightened with his realm and strength, so he persuaded him.

Muyi smiles and frowns, hesitating.

"Qin Bo, don\'t worry. I\'ve brought two experts who specialize in restraining the evil way. They are very powerful in eliminating the evil twin evils in the hanging temple." Li Shoucheng hurried forward and said proudly, "sister mu, Qin Bo is good at deduction and the battle is not the strongest. Moreover, the evil twin evils are real experts killed from the devil kingdom."

Muyi smiled and looked at the two wood who were always very indifferent, nodding secretly. Although they have a bad reputation, they are very powerful. Qin Bo is not necessarily their opponent.

Plus the experts from other families, they are strong enough to be fearless everywhere.

"Let\'s go."

Muyi smiled endlessly, and Qinbo persuaded him to go in.

Qin Bo shook his head and suddenly gave a light sigh. He saw a little golden light in the village in the city, which was full of magic. He murmured, "strange, how do I feel like it was once similar."

Yang Guoyong led them to Tongde Medical Museum.

Yang Ping is still consulting the patient. There are many people waiting in line at the door. Mingzhu is arranged to rest in the next room. In the afternoon, Mingzhu is deeply cold and weak, and is hung by Yang Ping with a needle.

"Right here?"

Li Shoucheng frowned when he saw a large number of people and didn\'t like to mix with them.

Yang Guoyong nodded, pointed to the inside and whispered, "Miss mu, the person I\'m talking about is the doctor of Tongde medical school. If he is there, you will be safe when you enter the city village."

Muyi smiled and looked inside. His eyes instantly hit Yang Ping. He was surprised to find that he couldn\'t see through this person, or Yang Ping was no different from ordinary people, but he was always full of mystery. This is a very mysterious feeling, like the boundless starry sky, which can\'t be guessed.

"Are you the guide?"

Li Shoucheng entered the door, came to Yang Ping and shouted, "let\'s go. I don\'t have much time."

Yang Ping ignored it, but smiled comfortingly at a woman holding a baby and said, "the child feels cold occasionally. Eat something. Don\'t worry."

The woman hurriedly said, "thank you, doctor. As long as you say it\'s okay, it\'s definitely okay."

Yang Ping lost his smile and shook his head. "Doctors are not omnipotent. The key to taking care of children is not to choke milk. Pay attention to feeding more water. Next."

Li Shoucheng\'s face turned red and was ignored by Yang Ping. How to step down could not help but be angry and want to get angry, but he was stopped by Muyi with a smile. She motioned Li Shoucheng not to be impulsive. Li Shoucheng held back his anger and said secretly, boy, don\'t catch you because you are so arrogant, or you will look good.

Yang Guoyong seems to know that Yang Ping doesn\'t want to be disturbed when he sees a doctor, but he didn\'t expect Li Shoucheng to be so reckless and have a bad secret way. If there is a conflict, how to deal with it.

The party stood like this.

Muyi smiled at the beginning and felt that Yang Ping pretended to be lofty, but when he found that Yang Ping saw a doctor, he basically knew the patient\'s situation at a glance, and then gave the treatment prescription. There are basically no errors. Almost everything from pediatrics to surgery can be treated.

Muyi smiled and couldn\'t help being very angry with Yang Ping.

In an hour.

The patient finally finished reading it.

Li Shoucheng repressed his anger for a long time, looked at Yang Ping coldly and hummed, "little doctor, dare to put your face in front of me. Do you know what you have just done?"

Yang Ping ignored it and went straight to Yang Guoyong and said, "Hello, Secretary Yang."

Yang Guoyong\'s heart clicked. NIMA and Secretary Yang called out. It seems that Yang Ping was very unhappy that he came with a group of people. He smiled bitterly and said, "Yang Shao, I can\'t help..." so he said the thing again and specifically said that the identity of several young people was not simple.

"Please go back."

Yang Ping didn\'t think, refused directly, and said coldly, "I still have a lot of patients to see."

[PS: please count the monthly tickets. I have never won any monthly ticket awards since it was put on the shelves, and even the number of monthly tickets does not exceed 100. If you have any remaining monthly tickets in your pocket, please cast your noble vote. Thank you.]