Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1093


So what.

He worked hard to protect Longcheng and finally found that his efforts were just children\'s play in the eyes of people of daozun\'s level. Mingzhu almost died in Longcheng because of herself. Although she didn\'t say anything, Mingzhu paid too much. How could Yang Ping bear to let her get involved. Moreover, Mingzhu\'s health is very poor. Although she tries to keep smiling and optimistic, she can\'t escape Yang Ping\'s golden eyes.

"Take a break."

Yang Ping kissed Mingzhu on the forehead and said, "I\'ll just come. There aren\'t many patients."

Pearl still insisted, but Yang Ping pressed her on the stool and went out for consultation. In the evening, after a consultation, I calculated that more than 130 patients were consulted one day. Moreover, the effect is good. Without publicity, Tongde medical center has become a scenic spot of the village in the city. Basically, he looked at the patients in the village in the city. So Tongde medical center became a holy land on this spring night. Those who passed by Tongde Medical Center nodded their heads to Yang Ping to express their gratitude.

After work, at eight o\'clock in the evening.

Pearl has prepared the meal and is waiting for her husband.

Yang Ping ate quietly and ate every meal carefully, because it was made by Mingzhu. He didn\'t waste a grain of rice and ate it cleanly. Mingzhu was filled with joy when she saw ailang\'s appearance, which was happier than her recovery.

"Do you want any more?" Mingzhu asked, blinking her big eyes.

Yang Ping patted his stomach and said with a smile, "you want to support me to death. But the food you cook is so delicious. If only you could cook it every day in the future."

Mingzhu smiled and said, "I\'m afraid you\'re tired of eating in the future. You like to eat out."

Yang Ping quickly raised his hand and vowed, "heaven and earth conscience. There are such good wives and mothers at home. I won\'t eat out unless conscience is eaten by dogs."

Mingzhu smiled and said, "a good wife and mother is not like me. I\'m very stingy. You\'ll know later. Don\'t say I won\'t give you a chance to repent."

"What I want is you."

Yang Ping hugged the Pearl in her arms and felt the soft and elastic skin and the fragrance of the Pearl. She had no other thoughts in her heart. She just felt that holding the Pearl was a beautiful thing. Pearl\'s heart is not like this. Yang Ping\'s temperature came from behind, as if it was a world.

Late at night.

Yang Ping lay on the bed with Mingzhu in her arms. After Mingzhu took a bath, her temptation was even more amazing. Every breath was teasing Yang Ping\'s limit. Before, she could be indifferent. At the moment, she was short of breath.

Mingzhu felt that her arms were too close, her delicate body was a little hot, and her pretty face was slightly red. She couldn\'t help moving, but it was terrible. Yang Ping could barely hold on. The flame in her heart burned. She couldn\'t help putting her mouth to the neck of Mingzhu. Pearl\'s delicate body trembled slightly, closed her eyes and seemed to be ready.

Yang Ping took a deep breath, bit the tip of his tongue, quickly got up and said, "no, you can\'t mess around without recovery." indeed, Yang Ping has suffered these days. She has a beautiful woman, attractive and delicious. You can pick it. As long as he wants, the pearl is thousands of willing. But they can\'t combine. Mingzhu\'s identity is too weak. He is the body of Nine Yang. Even if he can be controlled, the fragile meridians just repaired in Mingzhu may burst, and the gain is not worth the loss.

"If you want to..."

Pearl sat up and revealed her perfect upper body. In the hazy pajamas, her blood expanded. She bit her lips and whispered, "I can... I can bear..."

Yang Ping shook his head and said with a bitter smile, "don\'t. It\'s dangerous. Let me take a bath."

After a cold bath.

Yang Ping is sober, but he doesn\'t dare to continue sleeping with the Pearl. NIMA, the temptation is not tolerable for ordinary people. He can only see the feeling that he can\'t eat. It\'s really very uncomfortable.

Fortunately, pearl soon fell asleep.

Probably because she was tired during the day, Mingzhu was easy to get sleepy. She insisted late at night. She just wanted to talk to Yang pingduo and talk about her thoughts, but she couldn\'t hold on and fell asleep in the end.

Looking at the Pearl like a fairy coming down to earth, Yang Ping flashed a tenderness in her eyes, clenched her fist and said secretly, "I will make you recover, pearl, no matter how much it costs."

Outside Tongde Medical Museum, a dark shadow flashed past and disappeared.

Yang Ping frowned and hesitated to go out to solve it. But I gave up. Because he sensed the smell of acquaintances, the shadow was naturally a monster running out, and his strength was very strong. Unfortunately, he met Tao Chengqi.

Tao Chengyi uses a move to bury the flowers to end the monster, and then continues to kill other monsters. In many places in Longcheng, there are demonic masters. It is incumbent on us to deal with monsters.

Yang Ping is very relieved of Tao Chengqi\'s strength. He is a saint, but he is invincible outside. He has surpassed his master Tiancan 19 swords. He is better than blue.


Tao Chengqi killed three monsters in the village in the city and left.

Yang Ping was awe inspiring. The evil spirit of the village in the city became more and more strong. There were three monsters in one night. It seems that this place will soon become Shura hell. But you can\'t open it casually, otherwise once the magic Qi core breaks out, I don\'t know what impact it will cause.

Unfortunately, Yang Ping comes whenever she worries.

The next morning.

Yang Ping was seeing a patient, but more than a dozen gangsters came to the door with sticks in their hands, stared at the old and young people who saw the doctor, and said with a grimace: "if you don\'t want to die, get out. This place hasn\'t paid protection fees, and you don\'t want to mix, do you?"

The patients were afraid of gangsters and dared to be angry.

Yang Ping was still seriously consulting, ignoring the arrogant gangsters and said, "there\'s nothing serious. I feel cold occasionally. Just go back and take some medicine. Keep warm at night."

"Thank you." the patient hurried out of his seat and ran out in embarrassment, afraid to provoke these gangsters.

Others were thrown out, but no one stood up to support Yang Ping. Of course, a kind-hearted person advised: "Dr. Yang, don\'t fight with them. They are the underworld of this generation and can\'t be provoked."

The gangster is headed by a yellow haired man with acne on his face. He is 17 or 18 years old and is in adolescence. He does things regardless of the consequences and says that killing is absolutely unambiguous. Gangs like such people.

"The medical school."

Huang Mao spread the stool, stepped across the consultation table, stared at Yang Ping and said with a sneer, "the newly opened clinic can sit still without paying the protection fee honestly. Do you think you\'re awesome?"

Yang Pingdan said with a smile, "do your parents know if you don\'t learn to mix in the Jianghu at a young age?"

Huang Mao was stunned, then became angry and scolded: "Whoever scolded Gabi taught me, brothers, smash here first, and then teach him how to be a man."

"I advise you not to move, really."

Yang Ping shook his head.

For the gangsters in the villages in the city, he hasn\'t put it in his mind. He thinks it\'s normal. There\'s no dirt in that place. Originally, everything was fine, but the other party came to smash the field. It seems that it\'s impossible not to do it.

"Lying trough, what eyes do you look at me and despise me?"

Huang Mao couldn\'t see Yang Ping\'s educational eyes. He was horizontal in his heart and hit him on the head with a stick. Others who looked at him were frightened and forgot to shout.

Yang Ping shook her head and sighed, "why don\'t you listen to advice."

He got up and the space shook.

All the gangsters turned pale with fear and sat directly on the ground, terrified. Just now, Yang Ping moved like a mountain, which oppressed them and made them unable to breathe.