Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1094

The whole house seemed to be shaking. The gangsters looked at Yang Ping in horror. He did not move like a mountain and looked at Huang Mao quietly. Huang Mao was sweating all over and said in a trembling voice, "what do you... Dare to do?"

"Let\'s go."

Yang Ping sat down again without looking at Huang Mao and others and said, "the next patient."

Seeing Yang Ping\'s strength, the patients secretly breathed and felt guilty. Just now, the doctor didn\'t help when he was in danger. At this time, he asked others. He was a little embarrassed.

Yang Ping said with a smile, "let\'s start. Don\'t waste other people\'s time."

A patient hesitated to come forward. In fact, he was worried about Yang Ping\'s revenge. After all, he didn\'t help him out just now, but when his old problems were cured, he was excited and said, "thank you, doctor, thank you..."

When others saw that Yang Ping not only didn\'t care about what had happened before, but also continued to help everyone, they came forward one after another. As for the threats of Huang Mao and others, Yang Ping looked at them and ran away in panic.

I saw more than 50 patients in the morning, and it was time for lunch.

Pearl brought the food to the table, served it to Yang Ping and said, "Yang Ping, you have changed and become more mature and steady."

Yang Ping chuckled and said, "don\'t you see a doctor because you are looked on coldly? It\'s hard for you to figure out human nature. It\'s better to make yourself strong if you place your hope on others."

"But don\'t you have any complaints?"

Pearl asked casually.

Yang Ping held her hand and said softly, "I think life is very good now. Why bother yourself. What I do is the most serious thing. Healing is not kindness, but my duty."

As he spoke, a golden aperture appeared on his head, which was extremely dazzling.

Mingzhu sighed, "you have really changed. I don\'t know your current state, but I feel that you are not affected by the Taoist priest. I\'m relieved to see your appearance."

Yang Ping smiled, shook his head and said, "from that day on, I understood the purpose of the old man to let me come to Longcheng. The world of mortals is the place to sharpen me, let me see human nature and touch the edge of heaven. It also let me know what is the most precious in life."

The Pearl\'s pretty face was slightly red, and she bowed her head and said, "slick."

Yang Ping rarely sees Mingzhu\'s coquettish appearance, but remembers that her body is difficult to recover. Even taking jiuzhuan Danshen flower and corpse flower can only barely save her life. I don\'t know what will happen within a year.

He was very anxious, but tried to keep calm in front of the Pearl, as if anything in the world could be solved.

Yang Ping wants to give Mingzhu strong confidence.

Because of several days of consultation, Tongde Medical Center\'s reputation in the village in the city has been completely opened. Everyone knows that there is a miracle doctor here who has noble medical ethics and helps the world and save people. He is very amazing.

Of course, the landlady of Tongde medical school is also famous. The main reason is that there has never been a beautiful woman of Pearl level in the village in the city, just like an immortal. They are like gods and immortals, which is enviable.

One consultation, one prescription.

Yang Ping spent the whole day quietly with Mingzhu. When the hospital was about to close in the evening, a group of people came to the hospital. It was Huang Mao who came with a group of people. He was dressed in black, wearing sunglasses and driving a black Santana. Huang Mao followed a burly man with a scar on his face. When he saw Yang Ping, he showed hatred and said, "brother Wei, that\'s him."

Brother Wei showed a fierce light and stared at Yang Ping fiercely, but when he saw the Pearl around Yang Ping, his eyes were falling out, his saliva was flowing, and there were such beauties in his heart. How could I not find them before.

Huang Mao knows his boss\'s hobbies, money and women.

Mingzhu is a great beauty. The boss must like it. If she is dedicated to the boss, her position in the gang may rise sharply in the future.

The residents of the village in the city happened to pass by. The more people gathered, the more frightened they were to see Yang Ping\'s Hospital surrounded by Huang Mao and others. They could only watch silently and dared not come forward.

These gangsters are members of the black tiger gang. The black tiger Gang is domineering in the villages in the city, and no one can fight against them. They often do some outrageous things, but no one cares.

Dr. Yang is in trouble now.

Although they were unhappy, no one came forward to help speak. There are also people who are patients in Yang Ping\'s consultation today. They also silently stand next to them and look at each other coldly. They have begun to think about whether to offer incense after Yang Ping\'s death.

In their view, Yang Ping\'s offending the black tiger Gang is tantamount to seeking his own death.

"Boss, I see how well you match that woman. I\'ll help you deal with it later." Huang Mao whispered.

Brother Wei smiled and his eyes shone with debauchery.

"What\'s up?"

Yang Pingdan said with a smile: "Tongde medical center has been closed. If it\'s not an emergency, please go to other places."

Huang Mao came forward and scolded, "your sister, do you still recognize me?"

Yang Ping said with a smile, "my patient is very good. I can\'t remember clearly."

Huang Mao sneered and hummed: "our black tiger Gang is the biggest force in the village in the city. Any shop that wants to open must pay protection fees. You didn\'t return it and hit me, boy. I think you\'re impatient."

"How much is it?"

Yang Ping asked with a smile.

Huang Mao was stunned. He didn\'t expect the other party to be so simple. He thought Yang Ping recognized advice, so he straightened his chest and hummed: "it\'s very simple. Our brother is frightened. You give 100000 yuan as a reward, and your woman must have fun with brother Wei."

Yang Ping\'s smiling eyes narrowed, but Mingzhu secretly worried that her man\'s state meant that someone would have bad luck next. I can\'t help hesitating. If you accidentally kill someone, I\'m afraid the quiet life will be broken.

Brother Wei looked at the Pearl and licked his lips, laughing endlessly.

Huang Mao roared, "don\'t hurry up. You\'re lucky. If you didn\'t have a beautiful wife, your hospital would disappear immediately like you."

The onlookers sighed in their hearts.

Dr. Yang and Tongde medical school are finished. The most regrettable thing is that the boss\'s wife, the Pearl, may come to a sad end. Brother Wei of the black tiger Gang is an asshole who specializes in torturing women for fun.

"Brother Wei of the black tiger Gang, isn\'t he?"

Yang Ping took a deep breath, his face was indifferent, went to brother Wei\'s group and said, "do you want to tear down my medical school and kill me?"

Brother Wei sneered and hummed, "I can spare you if you know the truth. If you don\'t go out and inquire about the weight of the black tiger gang in the city village, we\'re not easy to mess with."

"From today on, there is no need for the black tiger Gang to exist."


When the crowd heard the siren, they were overjoyed and felt saved. As long as the police are there, the black tigers don\'t care. Some of the people really couldn\'t stand it, so they secretly called the police.

Sure enough, the police came soon.

The members of the black tiger Gang sneer. They are used to police battles and know many people, so they don\'t worry. Maybe they will help themselves.

With a cigarette in his mouth, Weige didn\'t leave leisurely. The rest of the black tiger Gang also sneered.

But Vico soon found something wrong.

Because there are so many.

The level is also very high. Director Wang, who usually drinks with him and calls him brother, actually follows a woman honestly. This woman looks heroic, has a hot figure and is an absolute beauty.

Pearl looked surprised when she saw the leader.

Yang Ping sighed and said, "I didn\'t expect it."

The leading policeman turned out to be Wang.