Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1092

Tongde Medical Museum.

Yang Guoyong confirmed that the address was correct, looked at each other with he Zhennan and went in.

There are many people in the hospital.

Most of them are migrant workers and the bottom living people in urban villages. It\'s not that there are no clinics here, but sometimes the clinics can\'t do well. In addition, the people here don\'t have urban medical insurance, so it\'s difficult and expensive to see a doctor in a big hospital.

A little girl lined up outside. It was the little girl kicked by gangsters that Yang Guoyong met in the street. At the moment, she was holding a flower in her hand. The flower was already chirping, but it bloomed the most beautiful light on the little girl\'s innocent face.

"Children, what are you doing?" Yang Guoyong asked curiously.

The little girl met Yang Guoyong, probably in the medical school, so she was not particularly afraid and said, "I want to give it to brother Yang."

Yang Guoyong said, "why?"

The little girl said, "because brother Yang helped me cure my mother. My mother said that brother Yang is a good man. He can not only cure diseases but also doesn\'t charge money. She also said that brother Yang is a Guanyin Bodhisattva and has great mercy."

Yang Guoyong shrugged and moved.

From the girl\'s evaluation, it can be seen that the elder brother Yang in her mouth is Yang Ping, and she has a good reputation in the village in the city. This is not the emperor\'s new clothes, but the gratitude from the heart of an innocent girl. Although Yang Guoyong respected Yang Ping because of his identity, he is now respected.

From respect to respect, there are two levels.


A rickety old man came out of the room with a good look and a happy face. He should have obtained good results in the consultation with the German medical center and cured the problem. After he came out, he followed another patient in. He Zhennan wanted to call, but Yang Guoyong shook his head to stop him. Although they are in a hurry, the patient is also in a hurry. These people are in line and need urgent treatment.

Yang Guoyong and his wife were sitting at the gate of Tongde medical center. They were shocked by the fact that there were no less than 30 patients coming in and out. When they went in, they were all sick, but when they came out, they were radiant. Is Yang Ping\'s medical skill so superb that he can reach this point?

The little girl came out, saw Yang Guoyong and asked, "two uncles, brother Yang said to let you in."

Yang Guoyong got up and found that his thigh was sore. Two hours had passed unconsciously. He smiled bitterly and sighed how time passed so quickly. He Zhennan helped the Secretary up and said with a smile: "Yang Shaozhen treats us as his own people and has been hanging out."

"The patient is the biggest," Yang Guoyong said with a smile.

The medical center is not large. It is separated by a screen to vacate a consultation room. When they opened the curtain, they saw that Yang Ping was cleaning up the silver needles. He looked serene and seemed to be conducive to the disputes in the Jianghu. He exuded a wonderful smell. Once they came in, they felt empty and entered a wonderful level. They felt very comfortable, like going to heaven.

They saw the Pearl beating next to them, and a surprise flashed in their eyes. Rao is an old Jianghu official like Yang Guoyong. At the moment he saw the Pearl, he also felt that beauty was impossible. He Zhennan sighed in his heart that beauty is matched with heroes. Just looking at the appearance of Mingzhu, you know that she is a peerless beauty and the most beautiful woman they have ever seen. Moreover, Mingzhu is not wearing expensive clothes, but her temperament is far better than those ladies in famous brand clothes.

That\'s the gap.

Yang Guoyong two people take back their eyes and say, "excuse me again."

Yang Ping is still the same Yang Ping, but Yang Guoyong always feels different from before. He is still plain clothes. It adds up to less than 200 yuan. His handsome face is kind and warm, but his eyes are very comfortable, just like a baby seeing his mother. He has a strong sense of dependence.

But I just don\'t know what\'s different. I don\'t know the way. If Yang Ping could make Yang Guoyong feel a strong sense of oppression before, now he is spring breeze and summer rain, which gives people an extremely wonderful feeling. Whether it\'s an inner or physical injury, staying with him will have a magical therapeutic effect.

At least Yang Guoyong was nervous before. Now he slows down a lot and knows how to joke.

He Zhennan feels the same.

"The place is simple. Don\'t dislike it, you two." Yang Ping pointed to the patient\'s treatment position and said with a smile, "Secretary Yang looks good. Recently, the life of Longcheng government is very comfortable."

Yang Guoyong quickly smiled bitterly and said, "Yang Shao, you\'re wrong. It\'s not easy to sit in this position. Moreover, the development of the old city has been carried out steadily according to your original design, but now there is a big trouble. If it is not handled well, it may affect other innocent people. So far, more than 30 people have been missing."

Yang Guoyong is very good at talking. If he doesn\'t finish the task, he will be blamed by the top. Instead, he will start from the perspective of the people and make things simple. This matter concerns the people. Can you ignore it?

Yang Ping smiled and looked at Yang Guoyong.

Yang Guoyong looked at each other and was surprised. He felt that in Yang Ping\'s eyes, all his thoughts seemed to be seen through. This feeling was very bad. As a politician, being good at hiding is the most important. But Yang Ping\'s eyes have magical power.

"Secretary Yang, I have quit the Jianghu."

Yang Ping suddenly shook his head.

Yang Guoyong turned pale, hurriedly stood up, stared at Yang Ping and hesitated: "Yang Shao, what did you... Say?"

Yang Ping smiled at Mingzhu, revealing a happy light, and said, "I won\'t take care of the affairs of Longcheng anymore, and there will be someone to deal with the accidents in the reconstruction of the old city. Don\'t worry, China is so big and there are countless capable people. Why bother yourself."

Yang Guoyong smiled bitterly and understood that Yang Ping\'s decision must be irreparable. He involuntarily focused on the Pearl and thought about Yang Pingmeng\'s retreat from the girl around him.

"Yang Shao, you can\'t just watch the suffering of the people. And the government has nothing to do in this regard. Director Duan said frankly that medical technology can\'t solve any problems. We wanted authoritative experts to identify the accident."

He Zhennan can\'t see it. If Yang Ping quits, they will be very passive. They know a lot about the disputes in the Jianghu. Without Yang Ping\'s suppression of the Jianghu, it is estimated that it is very difficult for Yang Guoyong to implement the policy smoothly.

But at the most critical time, Yang Ping chose to quit and they were surrounded.

"I understand your intention. I asked you to come here. One is because you are too busy to take time. The other is because you are too busy. I wrote a prescription. You can let them have a try for those special diseases infected in the transformation area. If there is no accident, a dose of medicine will get better."

Watching Yang Ping take out the prepared pharmacy, Yang Guoyong sighed and said, "I thank you for the people of Longcheng."

"One more thing."

Yang Ping hesitated for a moment. His face was very serious. Yang Guoyong was shocked and said, "don\'t do research on the excavated tombs. Don\'t demolish the villages in the city for the time being. It\'s very special here. Otherwise it will cause chaos."

Yang Guoyong stopped talking.

But Yang Ping did not continue to explain.

They didn\'t stay much and left with the prescription.

Yang Ping looked at the door. Patients came in one after another and shook his head. Mingzhu took Yang Ping\'s palm and whispered, "if you don\'t want to give up, you don\'t need to be with me all the time. I\'m not a child and can take care of myself."

Yang Ping hugged Mingzhu with tender eyes and said, "I missed too much before. Now try to make up for you. Mingzhu, don\'t persuade me anything. Things in Longcheng are not simple. I can\'t change alone. I just hope they don\'t do stupid things."

Pearl nestled in Yang Ping\'s arms and said, "if you\'re not worried about an accident in Longcheng, how can you live in the most dangerous place? You\'re afraid that the evil gas core of the village in the city will explode and hurt the innocent."

"So what?"

Yang Ping smiled calmly.