Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1091

Ominous things have happened in many places in the development of the old city of Longcheng. The number of deaths reported above is three, and the number of missing people has reached more than 30, which is an absolutely shocking figure.

Longcheng municipal Party committee held an emergency meeting to discuss the handling opinions of accidental deaths in the development of the old city. Yang Guoyong was upset. Unexpectedly, the qualification capital promoted upward became a worry at this time. Fortunately, the supernatural events of the transformation of the old city are blocked, otherwise the death toll alone will cause panic among the people. Only a few people know that the transformation of the old city is very evil. Every time they start construction, they will die.

Gradually, those migrant workers hired at high prices dare not work. They would rather go abroad to earn less money than take risks here. Of course, a group of migrant workers left and another group of migrant workers came in.

Yang Guoyong listened to the report of the Urban Construction Bureau and the Safety Supervision Bureau. His face was serious and asked, "the development of the old city is imperative. It is a big project that the top is staring at personally. Since there are so big problems, what do you think and express your opinions?"

Other members of the Standing Committee dare not speak, because everyone knows that if the old city development is done well, it is the capital for promotion. If it is not done well, it will be unlucky. Some of them began to regret participating, and now big trouble may follow bad luck.

Moreover, the Secretary of the municipal Party committee has stressed that the transformation of the old city is imperative, that is, there is no possibility of shutdown. Who can comment.

Executive vice mayor he Zhennan said, "since the problem has arisen, it must be solved. We should give a satisfactory explanation to the top and the people. As for the hearsay supernatural events, they are purely fictitious. All of you here are party members and atheists. How can you believe in feudal superstition like others."

The others looked at each other.

"What mayor he said is very reasonable. So how to solve it?" Yang Guoyong asked.

He Zhennan added: "I think engineering accidents are inevitable. It is likely that geological problems lead to the collapse of foundation pit or the poison gas in karst cave is toxic to people\'s body. I suggest asking experts from authoritative experts to come down for inspection."

Yang Guoyong nodded and said, "this is a way. Is there anything else?" he looked at Duan Fei, who has been silent. He has been very low-key recently. He lost interest in the rights of Longcheng almost overnight, which makes Yang Guoyong puzzled.

But Duan Fei\'s dignity is still there, and several standing committee members take refuge in him. Many things need Duan Fei\'s support.

Duan Fei said, "it\'s no use looking for experts. I suggest we find more professional people to deal with it. Whether it\'s feudal superstition or not, we should respect tradition."

Yang Guoyong was [email protected] ^^$

Other members of the Standing Committee are silent and dare not breathe.

Duan Fei\'s words are feudal superstition in a sense. If he is caught, it is likely to cause great harm to his political career. However, Duan Fei is very natural and does not worry about the subsequent chain reaction. He continued: "stop work first, otherwise it will cause greater injury and death."

Yang Guoyong was surprised and didn\'t know what Duan Fei wanted.

Doesn\'t he know that the central government attaches great importance to the old city reconstruction project? If it is stopped at this time, who can bear the responsibility if it is traced.

"That\'s all I say. If it\'s okay, I\'ll go first."! $*!

Duan Fei didn\'t have any extra explanation, so he went out of the conference room and left a stunned Standing Committee. Yang Guoyong looked at the door and frowned. Other members of the Standing Committee are beating drums in their hearts and secretly guessing whether Duan Fei is ready to challenge Secretary Yang\'s authority again. But Yang Guoyong thought of another level. Duan Fei will become a great man in the future. He may still be above himself. He is young, capable and has a strong family background. These are political capital. However, Duan Fei\'s behavior in the past two days was very abnormal. He took the initiative to suppress the chaos in Longcheng, and made a lot of contributions and was praised by the top.

It\'s strange that Duan Fei didn\'t show any ambition for the so-called praise. He seemed to serve the people wholeheartedly and didn\'t know what stimulation he was stimulated. Anyway, the whole person has changed.

"Secretary Yang, I think as a party member, we still need to have basic consciousness. Feudal superstition is pure flexibility. So I agree with Mayor he\'s proposal, report the situation to the above, and then invite authoritative experts to identify the accident."

The propaganda minister said seriously.

Seeing Duan Fei\'s lack of respect, he felt that he had found an opportunity to flatter and hurried to Yang Guoyong. Unfortunately, Yang Guoyong had seen through him for a long time.

"Director Duan\'s proposal is good. We can\'t report everything to the top. We have to solve the problem ourselves before we say it." Yang Guoyong\'s words embarrassed the publicity minister and expressed his wrong feelings.

"I also think director Duan\'s proposal is very good..."

"Break up the meeting."

Yang Guoyong interrupted the propaganda minister without saving face. Anyway, he doesn\'t need him anymore. Recently, he received a rumor that he was ready to change the blood of the Longcheng standing committee team to deal with the internal affairs of Longcheng in a better situation. He felt that the old city reconstruction project of Longcheng was far from as simple as everyone thought. It must be a big secret.

The crowd dispersed.

The propaganda minister wanted to report to Secretary Yang to show his sincerity, but when he Zhennan followed Secretary Yang into the municipal Party Secretary\'s office, he stopped, looked uncertain, and finally left with a sigh.

"Lao he, what do you think?"

When Yang Guoyong entered the office, he asked, "it\'s not easy. Duan Fei is half a Jianghu person. He must have received internal information. We are very passive now."

He Zhennan moved in his heart and said, "why don\'t you ask Yang Ping? He may have a way."

Yang Guoyong was overjoyed. How could he forget Yang Ping\'s great God? The other party\'s authority in Longcheng may be stronger than his municipal Party Secretary, so he called Yang Ping. We\'ll get through there soon.

After a brief greeting, Yang Guoyong said with a smile, "Yang Shao, why don\'t you find a place to talk about the past, or I\'ll find you. I know you\'re a busy man."

Yang Ping didn\'t refuse, because Yang Guoyong must find him for the people of Longcheng.

Soon, according to the address given by Yang Ping, Yang Guoyong and he Zhennan came to the urban village, which is about to be demolished. However, due to some special reasons, the urban village is mixed and difficult to arrange, so it is suspended, but the demolition work is progressing steadily. When they came to the village in the city, they were shocked to see all kinds of life inside. The village in the city is the slum of Longcheng. There are all kinds of people, but most of the poor people.

Yang Guoyong saw a little girl picking up rotten vegetable leaves in the street, but was kicked away by a gangster. The gangster walked forward with his head held high without any sense of shame. His face was very ugly and wanted to stop it, but the gangster left long ago. It\'s really sad that he doesn\'t know that he has such a poor life within his governance.

"There are all those places. What we do is to let more people live a happy life?" he Zhennan comforted.

Yang Guoyong breathed a sigh of relief and helped the little girl up. He wanted to be relieved, but the little girl was very alert to him and turned and ran away. Yang Guoyong was stunned in situ and suddenly felt a touch of sadness.

"I will make all the people in Longcheng well-off in an all-round way!"

Yang Guoyong said in a deep voice.

They walked through the village in the city and saw all kinds of poor life. They were really touched. They bypassed two streets and finally came to the address Yang Ping said.

An old house, small in size, has a strong smell of traditional Chinese medicine.

The plaque says, Tongde Medical Museum.