Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1090

The bronze mask stared at the visitor, his body trembled, and his eyes even looked in awe. It seemed that the green man in front of him had an admirable impulse. If there was no induction illusion, this man would be the one who had disappeared for decades. He had destroyed the dark place for nearly 20 years and dared not come to the world.

Is it really him?

There\'s nothing wrong with this feeling. Once I glanced at Hong, bronze knew that if it was him, let alone himself, even the nine Yin could not be his opponent.

But why is he here?

A series of questions appeared in the brain and hit the nerves. Bronze didn\'t dare to think about it and knew it was useless. At that level, he couldn\'t guess every step.

Time seems to be flowing. The nine Yin is still. She silently looks at the green man and wants to speak, but she finds that she can\'t say a word. She silently looks at him. The picture in front of her changes. Time turns into lines and floats, pulling her into a wonderful space.

The bronze disappeared.

But the figure of the man in green shirt slowly dissipated. Jiuyin was anxious and shouted, "are you talking?"

No response.

Finally, the man in green shirt disappeared, and the flow of the time line in front of him slowed down. Finally, returning to reality, Jiuyin looked around and said angrily, "do you think it\'s OK to avoid disappearing? I hate you!"

"You have seed!"

Bronze eyes were complex and had not recovered from the previous oppression, but he soon understood that the other party was not a real person, but a fantasy. When the nine Yin first appeared from Zhu Xi\'s body, it triggered some taboo, and then his phantom appeared.

"Nine Yin, that\'s not true!"

The bronze mask saw the excitement of Jiuyin and comforted: "he may have been gone long ago."

"Shut up!"

Nine Yin glared at the bronze mask and said in a cold voice, "if you don\'t leave me, I\'ll kill you! Don\'t think I dare not touch you. Even if the dark emperor protects you, I will destroy your form and spirit!"

Bronze felt the strong killing of the nine Yin. He was not joking. He sighed and turned away.

There is only nine Yin left in the office.

She muttered to herself, "I will break through the realm of heaven, become the strongest, follow your footsteps, and I will find you no matter where you are."

Nine Yin didn\'t enter Zhu Xi\'s body and was silent, waiting for an opportunity.

"This body is too weak."

Zhu Xi\'s body sent out a sad sigh, as if infected with the sadness of the starry sky: "you should grow up quickly. You are the ninth body of the nine Yin. The first eight are mediocre and turn into dust. I don\'t want you to be like them."

I don\'t know how long it took, Zhu Xi opened her eyes and showed her doubts.

Just now, she clearly saw an outsider and suddenly appeared in the office. Then she lost consciousness and looked at the time. She was shocked to see that half an hour had passed. What happened in this half hour.

Zhu Yan woke up and shouted, "Mr. bronze, help me!"

No response.

"You can\'t abandon me. I\'m very valuable. Don\'t you want me to follow? Mr. bronze, come out quickly!" Zhu Yan clenched his fist and found that the strength in his body was empty, his hair was gray, and he was old for decades. He trembled, "why, my strength has disappeared. It\'s impossible, I will become stronger."

After all, time affected Zhu Yan. He lost all his strength and then aged for decades.

"It\'s all because of you!"

Zhu Yan looked at Zhu Xi angrily and shouted, "I\'m going to kill you!"

He grabbed Zhu Xi\'s neck and wanted to kill her, but a great force came and shook him away. Zhu Yan screamed and hit the wall, almost breaking his bones. And Zhu Xi stared at her hands and couldn\'t believe it.

When and how powerful is your power?

Time has affected Zhu Xi after all. She became more powerful. At the same time, some taboo power in her body was opened by time and finally displayed. The body of nine Yin is as powerful as the body of Nine Yang. How can it be so weak?

"Nine Yin skill."

Mysterious characters came to mind, and an indifferent voice said, "if you want to control your destiny, you must become stronger. The nine Yin skill is your only chance."

"Do you choose to inherit or continue to sink?"

The indifferent voice questioned and knocked heavily on Zhu Xi\'s heart door.

Zhu Xi\'s face changed, and sad things came to her mind. If it weren\'t for her weakness, those people wouldn\'t deceive herself, and Zhu Yan wouldn\'t take advantage of herself.

"I accept."

Zhu Xi quickly made up her mind and gritted her teeth.


So Zhu Xi\'s body burst out a faint blue light and began to transform her body, which can be regarded as a complete acceptance of the inheritance of Jiuyin divine skill.

When a small change took place in the top office of China Airlines building, the air transportation of the whole Longcheng seemed to have changed greatly. A change that is difficult to use words and actions is spreading in all corners of the city and changing a lot of destiny.

As the largest group in the old city reconstruction and development project, HENGFA group is responsible for the reconstruction of the old city center. Its subsidiary HENGFA No. 1 Engineering Bureau dug up a grave when demolishing an old street. When the tomb was dug out, it was black and a black sun appeared in the sky, which was particularly frightening. Some superstitious migrant workers were afraid and stopped the excavator, but the project manager offered a heavy reward, so they reluctantly continued to work.

But after digging out the grave, the grave began to emit a large area of black fog, and there was bright red blood in the soil, which continued to flow on the ground like a fountain. The whole old street was dyed red, and even the bold project manager was frightened.

This is too evil.

Yesterday, Biyuan group dug up a coffin. I heard that a zombie came out and bit many people. Now a tomb is dug up here. There is no coffin in the tomb, but all kinds of unknown things appear.

The project manager hurriedly called the boss above, and the reply was to continue digging and ten times the Commission.

There must be a brave man under the heavy reward!

So those masters and migrant workers who asked for money gnashed their teeth and started work.

They worked nervously for half an hour and found that there was no danger, so they relaxed their vigilance and whispered. It is estimated that the legend is false. How can there be ghosts in the world.

The project manager ran far away and didn\'t dare to see it, but he pretended to come to the construction site after listening to his technician say he was okay. He coughed and said, "very good, everyone work harder and continue to dig!"


A sudden scream passed through the construction site.

The project manager turned pale.

The black fog suddenly emerged from the grave and then spread rapidly. Those who were shrouded in the black fog completely lost their vitality, while the sky was covered with cloudy clouds, cold rain fell from the sky, and the surrounding temperature fell instantly, cold winter and December.

The project manager shivered.

In the dark, a pair of scarlet eyes stared at him. The project manager had a cold back and turned and ran away.

A red light came and disappeared into the project manager\'s body.

The project manager was shocked, then his eyes changed, his body was full of darkness and showed a dark smile.