Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1081

Yang Yuxin feels that Yang Ping\'s departure may be true this time. She will not return to Zhu Xi as before. From Zhu Xi\'s mood, she actually cares about Yang Ping, but she can\'t express it. Both of them are stubborn people who don\'t bow their heads easily.

In front, Yang Ping chose to compromise. His feelings from collapse to reconciliation are actually between one thought. When one party really loses patience and refuses to leave, the other party will realize the uncomfortable taste.

Yang Yuxin actually hopes that Yang Ping can come back again. Perhaps after this pain, Zhu Xi will understand that the emotional payment needs to be borne by both sides, but Yang Ping didn\'t come back.

Keep your cell phone on your desk for days.

It never rang.

When the bell rang, Zhu Xi almost jumped up, but when she saw that it was not someone\'s phone, she motioned Yang Yuxin to answer it. When Yang Yuxin heard the other party\'s curse, she was angry and whispered that this person didn\'t understand the situation at all, so she talked nonsense. She didn\'t understand that Zhu Xi was also suffering, but she was very strong.

When the door of the office was opened, Zhu Yan came in from the outside with a spring breeze on his face.

After getting his daughter\'s approval, Zhu Yan felt that things went further. In particular, the dragon city was in chaos. All experts left the dragon city for refuge. He got a great opportunity. He had conducted several experiments and was almost successful. As long as he was given some experimental materials, such as the perfect experimental body of the bronze mask, he might make the experiment of the ultimate warrior to the extreme.

He saw the hope of success, so he was in a good mood.

But Zhu Yan walked out of the office and immediately changed into a caring face. Yang Yuxin sneered. She knew that Zhu Yan had bad intentions and had been using Zhu Xi, but what could she say.

They are father and daughter!

Although Yang Yuxin didn\'t like Zhu Yan very much, when she saw him come in, she was vigilant and didn\'t talk much. Instead, she worked silently next to him to deal with the important affairs of the group company instead of Zhu Xi. After two years of training, I am fully qualified for this job. If the assistant to the president hadn\'t been determined for a long time, Yang Yuxin would have been the vice chairman of the group company.

"Daughter, why do you look so depressed?" Zhu Yan said with concern.

Zhu Xi shook her head and said, "Dad, I\'m not feeling well today. I don\'t want to talk. I just want to be quiet."

Zhu Yan hurriedly cared and said, "daughter, you should take care of your health. If something happens, what should your father do? Judy is about to return home. She can\'t let her see you now. Come on, give your father a smile."

Zhu Xi did not smile, but shook her head and still looked out quietly.

Zhu Yan is concerned on the surface. In fact, he is very excited. Judging from Zhu Xi\'s state, it must have something to do with Yang Ping. Before Yang Ping left China Airlines Group, Zhu Xi was very worried. What he worried about was not the happiness of his daughter and Yang Ping, but that without his daughter\'s restraint, Yang Ping would have less scruples about killing.

The key to being stronger than others is to have a good daughter, Zhu Xi. So Zhu Yan survived very successfully every time. Others, such a powerful expert as Xiao Shang, are not dead.

Mr. bronze assigned the task to make every effort to let Zhu Xi contact Yang Ping, and never let them break up, because their relationship is of great use to their future plans.

"Daughter, I understand your mood, but that couple don\'t quarrel. At the beginning, I quarreled with your mother occasionally, and it was very fierce, but in the end, we made up again. Because what, because we love each other deeply."

Zhu Yan is a cliche. He stares into his daughter\'s eyes and coaxes her.

Yang Yuxin listened and wanted to vomit.

What kind of person is Zhu Yan? Yang Yuxin knows very well that she is selfish and takes her daughter as a tool for interest exchange. Only Zhu Xi reads about her old relationship, which reluctantly accepts the father daughter relationship. But it was because of Zhu Yan that Yang Ping left angrily.

Yang Yuxin knew a little. After drinking, Zhu Xi was drunk and said a lot. This is why Yang Yuxin affirms that Zhu Xi cares about Yang Ping, and Yang Ping\'s departure is because Zhu Xi wants to protect Zhu Yan, who is seriously injured, which leads to the breakdown of their relationship.

"Daughter, remember your father\'s words..." Zhu Yan thought the comfort was very successful and wanted to continue his long speech.

Zhu Xi interrupted, "Dad, I\'ll go out for a while."

With that, Zhu Xi walked out of the office.

Zhu Yan opened his mouth and stopped talking. However, looking at the back of his daughter leaving, he looked very lonely. He secretly said that he finally knew some news about Yang Ping. This time, it is estimated that Yang Ping can\'t insist.


If something happens to Yang Ping, the control of Longcheng will certainly fall to me. This is planned by Mr. bronze. Once Yang Ping dies, bronze will promote a series of plans to make Zhu Yan the real controller of Longcheng.

"I feel the power in my hand." Zhu Yan\'s eyes flashed a cold, and he couldn\'t help laughing grimly.

Zhu Xi went downstairs, refused to follow Yang Yuxin, drove the car, swished, left the parking lot of China Airlines Group, held a mobile phone in his hand and dialed Yang Ping\'s number.

Dudu Dudu

Yang Ping\'s phone rang for a long time, but no one answered.

The phone was clearly painful, but Yang Ping didn\'t answer it.

Zhu Xi was uncomfortable and gritted her teeth and said, "isn\'t it just a quarrel? Can we not meet for a lifetime, Yang Ping, you answer the phone for me!"

Three calls are still not answered.

The car was parked on the roadside. Zhu Xi was panting and her eyes were red. She thought Yang Ping was very hypocritical. She didn\'t answer the phone at this time. She was probably still angry. But after such a long time, if you are a man, you should be more tolerant.

"Yang Ping, if you\'re still a man, answer my phone!" after editing the message, she had to send it angrily. Her finger pressed the send button. Zhu Xi hesitated and suddenly remembered Tao Chengqi\'s words.

Yang Ping has a mental breakdown now.

Are you still not sensible to curse?

Zhu Xi breathed a sigh of relief and whispered that at this time, what Yang Ping needs most is care and company, but what are he doing? Looking at the content of the text message, she was surprised in a cold sweat.

At this moment, Zhu Xi seemed to know a lot about feelings.

Feelings are not willful and accept, but also include giving. These days, Zhu Xi reviews her behavior and suddenly finds that Yang Ping is paying silently, but what about herself?

I haven\'t done anything to help Yang Ping.

Zhu Xi smiled bitterly. Compared with Mingzhu, she paid too little. What qualifications are there to compete with her?

Now Yang Ping needs company, and she is still weighing ridiculously.

"No, I must find Yang Ping!"

Zhu Xi finally understood what to do now and found Yang Ping. No matter what method to use, he should also recover him. That\'s not to admit his mistake, even if he knelt down!

"I\'m worried about where you are."

Zhu Xi made up a text message, whizzed it and waited anxiously for a response.

Unfortunately, I haven\'t replied for a long time.

Zhu Xi continued to make up text messages. They all had the same content. At least 25 messages were sent.

But they all sink into the sea.

Zhu Xi held the steering wheel and felt very sad. It seemed that she had lost something very important. If it had been in the past, Yang Ping would have been happy to come and tease her when she looked down.

But now it\'s indifferent.

She felt very sad and began to cry.

Silent crying.

A figure passed by with a girl in his arms.

Zhu Xi didn\'t see it.