Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1082

Three days have passed since the dragon city war.

With the devil\'s sword piercing daozun\'s small world, he had to leave quickly to avoid being killed by xuanjizi, and the dragon city returned to its usual calm. Experts from all over the world entered the dragon city one after another and waited silently.

Longcheng is particularly quiet, and the crime rate has dropped to an all-time low.

There was peace.

Treasure Pavilion.

Xuanjizi stood in front of the bamboo mountain and looked at Mrs. Zhu\'s transformation. No one could intervene. According to speculation, Mrs. Zhu should break out of her cocoon two days ago and achieve the great sage realm, but she didn\'t. instead, she continued to absorb the power of emptiness and wanted to sublimate again.

The old fisherman stood next to Xuanji, with deep concern in his eyes.

Little dot settled on the cold ice bed of the treasure Pavilion. After Xuanji\'s treatment, his life is no longer in danger, but it is unknown whether he can keep the realm of heaven. He was also the one who suffered the most in the war.

Tao Chengxi is not well since he called Zhu Xi. He secretly left the treasure pavilion to find a woman. Ke Yidao and old poison are responsible for the health of the treasure Pavilion. They honestly don\'t dare to disagree any more.

"I\'ll leave for three days, and I\'ll leave the dragon city to you for the time being," said Xuanji.

Lord Helian stopped talking.

"Don\'t worry, I won\'t destroy the stability of the peak. If the child Mingzhu still has hope to live, he needs that thing. Although it\'s a little troublesome, it\'s always more convenient than Yang Ping. It owes me a favor."

Xuanji turned and said to the old fisherman, "help me look at Yang Ping. This boy likes to do stupid things."

The old fisherman smiled bitterly and said, "I can\'t find Yang Ping now. How can I look at it?"

"He will come back."

Xuanjizi left the treasure Pavilion and went to Yunnan city.

"Come and have a look. Five yuan can\'t buy it. Five yuan can\'t buy it. Five yuan can\'t buy it. Brother, come to a wallet. It\'s really cowhide."

On the streets of villages in the city, vendors shouted, pulling pedestrians.

"Sugar gourd, two yuan a string."

A young man carrying a stick full of sugar gourd walked down the street, shouting everywhere. Sometimes children came forward to buy, and the business was good.

"Brother, come in and have fun. You\'re satisfied."

At the door of a hair salon stood two women with heavy makeup, winking at passing men and soliciting business. Sauna, oil massage and bathing are written on the door of the hair salon.

"Here comes the urban management!"

I don\'t know who shouted, and all the stalls on the street disappeared.

An urban management battery car walked slowly through the street. On it sat two men in urban management law enforcement uniforms. Looking around, they pretended not to see the vendors hidden in the dark.

The battery car left the street.

The vendors returned to their original place and began to do business again. Especially the women at the door of the hair salon are more diligent in pulling men. Most of the people living in urban villages are migrant workers from other places, and many have come recently.

The transformation of the old city of Longcheng has been started.

At the launching ceremony, the No. 2 figure of the provincial Party committee came to cut the ribbon in person, accompanied by Yang Guoyong, Secretary of the municipal Party committee, Duan Fei, Secretary of the political and legal committee, and all members of the Standing Committee of the municipal Party committee. The second figure highly affirmed the construction of Longcheng, encouraged Longcheng municipal Party committee and government to continue to develop Longcheng economy according to the tourism discovery route, and proposed that the reconstruction project of Longcheng old city must be vigilant against the inconvenience caused to the people by the demolition process. The most important thing is that the No. 2 Figure proposed to establish an accountability system and reject corruption.

The second character stayed in Longcheng for a long time and left Longcheng.

Firecrackers rang out.

One kilometer away from the village in the city, there is an old high-rise building, which belongs to dangerous buildings and has long been uninhabited. Today, it is used to blow up high-rise buildings to ignite the atmosphere of the transformation of the old city.


The tall building collapsed, splashing smoke and dust all over the sky.

After the game, the major enterprises and companies began the old city reconstruction project. The old city is mainly the old city of Longcheng. Many old buildings need to be preserved, so the requirements for enterprise qualification are very high.

There are three successful bidders.

HENGFA group, the top three giants in the domestic construction industry, has participated in the transformation of some ancient buildings in Beijing, which is a key indicator for them to be recognized by leaders. Because there are many old buildings in the old city that need to be protected, they belong to cultural relics.

Biyuan group is a real estate giant. The water of Biyuan group is very deep. It is said that the background behind it is frightening. It is an enterprise that purely relies on the background to obtain the qualification for the transformation of the old city.

China Airlines Group, the only local enterprise.

Wang\'s group wanted to stop China Airlines Group, but it failed completely. The Wang family fell into an internal struggle and had no time to take care of the outside. It is said that Wang Qiming took refuge in a major force in the capital to suppress the discordant voice on the back of the Wang family. I thought I could easily solve the problem with the help of a big man in the capital, but the fourth master\'s energy was beyond everyone\'s expectation. The fourth master\'s back is not weak. The fourth master is in full swing with Wang Qiming. Naturally, he has no time to attack China Airlines Group.

"People in the old city are rich. It is said that each family has millions of land acquisition compensation." on the street, someone began to talk about how much money the relocated households in the old city have made.

Although I don\'t know how much the land acquisition compensation for the relocated households is, it is the most relaxed and peaceful time in history. There is no one to make trouble. It is very peaceful.

The three groups understand the importance of old city reconstruction, so they do not relax in the area of demolition compensation.

Compensation prices are ridiculously high.

"That\'s not true. If I knew that there were so many demolition compensation in the old city, I would have bought a house in the old city. It\'s a pity."

"Don\'t think too much. At the beginning, the house price in the old city was not very high. It was outrageous in the new city, but no one thought that the old city was suddenly developed."

"Hey, I heard that when the Biyuan group was demolished last night, I went to hell."

A middle-aged man with ordinary appearance gathered in the crowd and said secretly: "it\'s true that my cousin was at the construction site. He dug up a bloody coffin on the road of a house. It\'s terrible."


Everyone was cold. It was terrible to dig out the coffin from the soil. If it was still a bloody coffin, it would be even more frightening.

Who will bury a bloody coffin in the ground? It must be a variation of the coffin.

"It is said that there are zombies in the coffin."

"True or false."

"It\'s true that I saw with my own eyes that a zombie appeared in the bloody coffin and began to slaughter. Finally, a Taoist was suppressed by the town... Don\'t spread it out. There was a sealing fee."

After hearing this, they looked at each other.

At this time, a young man came to the stall selling tofu flowers. He had beautiful faces and eyes. He was very popular. He smiled and said, "give me a bowl of tofu flowers."

He has no interest in the supernatural events discussed by everyone. It seems that the bowl of tofu flowers is the most noteworthy. Carrying a small bag, a bouncing little girl happened to pass by with roses. He bought all the roses, and a sunny smile bloomed on his beautiful face.

"Mingzhu should like this flower very much. I\'ve never given her anything."

The young man is naturally Yang Ping. After three days of overdraft treatment, Mingzhu retained a glimmer of vitality. The energy of the ghost sword left by the demon king in her body can just keep a breath.

Yang Ping passed through the crowd and heard rumors about the bloody coffin behind him.

All this has nothing to do with him.

Yang Ping just wants to live quietly with pearl, in this chaotic city village, in this rare quiet city village. He felt that there were pearls around him, like heaven.

Bypass the two paths and come to a yard. It covers a small area. It is a six story house with a front yard. Few residents of villages in the city can afford a car. There are a row of tricycles parked in the front yard and black cars used to solicit passengers at night.

There are all kinds of people living in the building, including migrant workers, vendors and perhaps some unidentified people.

Third floor.

Yang Ping opened the door with something and said with a smile, "Pearl, what do you think I\'ll bring you back?"

In the living room.

Mingzhu was cleaning with an apron tied around her waist. When she heard Yang Ping go home, she turned around, smiled and said, "the food is ready. Let\'s eat together."

When she saw the roses in Yang Ping\'s hands, a light flashed in her gray eyes, and then showed a happy smile. Mingzhu smiled and said, "this is the first time you sent me flowers."