Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1080

Xuanji Zi is much older than he had seen before, as if he had been reading for ten years. The blood on his body, including the enemy\'s and his own, was mixed with the old clothes and looked embarrassed.

His eyes were filled with anxiety, which he had never felt before, because he felt as if he was going to lose something.

Xuanji came through the air and asked, "where\'s the Pearl?"

The old fisherman came forward and said with a bitter smile, "I was hit by an unparalleled artifact, maybe..."

A soft light fell on Xiaobu. Xuanji picked Xiaobu up with complicated eyes and said, "this is the so-called doom. He lost you in those years, but now you have fulfilled his inheritance."

Little one was completely unconscious and fell into eternal sleep. I don\'t know when she will wake up or what will happen in the future. The unstable state of heaven, used to resist the attack of artifact, is tantamount to death. Xuanjizi used her source to save her life, but her position as a heavenly deity may disappear in the future. The pursuit of exhausting a lifetime is just to catch up with the man\'s footsteps, but in the end it is empty.

Mengji, Mengji, do you really want to be like a dream?

Xuanji Zi didn\'t speak for a long time and didn\'t immediately follow the trace of his apprentice. However, the others were very worried. The old fisherman couldn\'t help saying, "Xuanji Zi, only you can save the Pearl in this world..."

"Only Yang Ping can save the Pearl." Xuan Jizi shook his head, sighed faintly and said, "it\'s all doom. I said it before she came to Longcheng, but she didn\'t listen. Yang Ping has a stubborn temper and doesn\'t know what he would do if he was hit this time."

"New life or destruction?"

"I underestimated my younger martial brother. I didn\'t expect to have obtained the way to communicate life and death, and my calculation ability was even better than me. I shot at the time of chaos in the South China Sea."

Xuanjizi looked beyond the treasure Pavilion. Through layers of obstacles, he saw a figure staggering down the street. His back was so lonely. It is completely different from the disciples I knew before, and even has a smell of destruction.

Yang Ping is about to be destroyed.

Xuanjizi showed deep concern.

Lord Helian said reluctantly, "thanks to you guarding the South China Sea these years, otherwise the world will be in chaos. You spend all living beings, but all living beings don\'t spend you. What you have lost these years is unknown. Why do some people go against the sky? Can they get great freedom if their lives are ruined?"

She is talking about Taoist Zun and others. They clearly know why there will be internal destruction again and again in the future. Can they be alone when the chaos comes.

Few people know what the consequences of chaos will be. Some people predicted that this day would come.

When the world is united for a long time, it will be divided, and when it is divided for a long time, it will be united.

After long-term stability, the world will be in chaos.

Now, the most obvious place is the South China Sea. There are terrorist figures surpassing Tianzun. If they get out of trouble, Huaxia doesn\'t know what it will look like.

Xuanjizi suppressed the South China Sea all his life, so he was designed by daozun.

"Don\'t worry about Yang Ping. It doesn\'t look like a premature death to me." Lord Helian tried to comfort Xuanji, pondered for a while, and said, "he will become a great weapon, but he will face disasters again and again on the road of growth. Maybe this is the first time, maybe there is more pain."

Xuanji nodded and sighed, "Yang Ping has been crying all these years."

"What about the South China Sea?"

Helian mountain leader couldn\'t help worrying that there would be chaos in the South China Sea without xuanjizi\'s suppression. Now xuanjizi left the South China Sea and came to Longcheng. Without his suppression, those things would inevitably make waves.

"Someone has helped me," said Xuanji.

Helian mountain master frowned and said in random surprise, "is it a great power willing to stand on our line?"

Great power, of course, refers to a level of master of Xuanji Zi, at least the realm of heaven.

Xuanjizi shook his head and said, "it\'s not the Heavenly Master, but the power erupted is no less than me. Don\'t worry, there will be problems for a while and a half. Unfortunately, Yang Ping, I hope he can get through the difficulties."

Helian mountain master smiled bitterly and showed deep concern.

Tao Chengqi, fishing for old people, looked out one after another, full of worry. Tao Chengyi read something, went to the side, picked up his mobile phone, opened a number, and remained silent for a long time.

"Maybe only she can help Yang Ping." Tao Chengqi thought in his heart, the closest people in Longcheng are all in the treasure Pavilion, but there is another person who didn\'t come, that is Zhu Xi. Zhu Xi is entangled with Yang Ping\'s fate and will never appear casually. Even master xuanjizi agrees with them very much.

Tao Chengqi was cruel and began to call Zhu Xi.

There was a connection, but it was not Zhu Xi, but Yang Yuxin, Zhu Xi\'s assistant to the president, politely said, "Hello, I\'m Dong Zhu\'s assistant. What can I do for Dong Zhu?"

"I\'m Tao Chengqi. Tell me something about Yang Ping. You call Zhu Xi." Tao Chengqi said.

There was silence, as if asking Zhu Xi\'s opinion. However, Yang Yuxin\'s sorry voice came from the other end of the phone and said, "sorry, Dong Zhu is very busy now..."

"What are you doing!"

Tao Chengqi was angry and said angrily, "you let Zhu Xi answer the phone immediately. If you don\'t answer, you won\'t have a chance. You tell her that something has happened to Yang Ping."

"What\'s the matter?" there immediately appeared Zhu Xi\'s voice. The other party\'s voice trembled. It was obvious that the phone was on. She asked about the situation at the first time. It could be seen that Zhu Xi was very nervous.

"What\'s the matter?"

Tao Chengqi didn\'t say anything, but said, "Yang Ping\'s spirit is about to collapse. Maybe only you can make him recover."

"What happened!" asked Zhu Xi.

Tao Chengqi was furious and shouted, "he\'s so angry. You\'re still in the mood to ask this. I\'ve told you that Yang Ping is going to have a big event. You even ask the reason. Don\'t pretend to be noble for me. Do you like to go or not? Anyway, I should do what I should do."

Then hang up the phone.

Tao Chengqi scolded and was very upset. How much Yang Ping paid for Zhu Xi. The other party knew that Yang Ping had an accident and was still thinking about his broken dignity. Compared with Mingzhu\'s determination to die, Tao Chengqi is not worth replacing Yang Ping. You said what you did with Zhu Xi during this time. In the end, other women helped you block the disaster.

He sat on the stairs, took out a cigarette and smoked hard.

The treasure Pavilion is filled with a dull atmosphere.

On the top floor of China Airlines building, in the president\'s office, Zhu Xi was holding the phone and hesitated to call Yang Ping\'s number. Before, there was a suit hanging on the branch outside the hospital, which deeply hurt her heart. After waiting for several days, she didn\'t see Yang Ping come to her. Zhu Xi slowly paralyzed herself with her busy work.

Yang Yuxin looked in her eyes and wanted to persuade, because Zhu Xi\'s face was haggard than ever. She only drank a little white porridge in two days. Externally, Zhu Xi is very busy, but only Yang Yuxin knows the real situation. Zhu Xi was just in a daze in the office, looking at the sky outside, not knowing what she was thinking.