Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1075

The princess of the magic gate doesn\'t know why her father suddenly mentioned Yang Ping. Although the other party is a descendant of the immortal medical school and a rare genius, with the achievements of the demon king, Yang Ping\'s particularity is no longer special. Who in the heaven realm was not a genius when he was young? When his father was in the demon gate, that was the real suppression of all geniuses and becoming the leader of the demon gate.

"He\'s still in the Dragon City," the princess bowed her head.

The demon king said with a smile, "let\'s go and have a look. I want to know what kind of people xuanjizi values, and who is the young hero praised by even the Zhai Lord."

The princess of the magic gate was shocked and couldn\'t believe it.

The leader of Cihang\'s quiet studio is the best in the world. He is even better than the demon king. I didn\'t expect that even the leader of the studio values people. Are you blind? Before, she thought that although Yang Ping was powerful, she could reach her own level at most, that\'s all.

Her goal is the unborn saint of Cihang Jingzhai and Tianting. Other young people don\'t fall into the eyes of the law.

The demon king stepped into the dragon city and didn\'t know how he operated the rules. They disappeared at the gate of the city. The princess of the magic door only felt that she was in another world. She visited the dragon city as the master of the world. When she looked up, it was a strange color.

"What a pity."

After entering the Dragon City, the demon king sighed and shook his head and said, "xuanjizi is a real genius. He can cut off his own small world and turn it into a dragon city. It\'s too rare to love the people like a son. It\'s a pity that he has no small world, his accomplishments are difficult to further, and the doctor stops at the God."

While walking, the demon king commented on the dragon city. His vision is naturally different from that of ordinary people. Princess Mormon followed her honestly and listened to her teachings.

"Father, why did xuanjizi do this?" the princess of the magic gate didn\'t understand why xuanjizi was willing to give up his roots and help ordinary people in Longcheng. Others couldn\'t do it at all. As great as Zhai Lord and demon king, I can\'t agree with his practice.

The demon king said with a smile, "you should understand that it\'s not difficult, but each has its own way. It depends on Xuanji Zi\'s ability to persist to the end. The sky is not high, and the people\'s heart is the highest. Xuanji Zi chooses the road of human nature, that is to popularize all sentient beings and complete all sentient beings before he can complete himself. This is great Hongyuan. No one has been able to do it since ancient times, and no one can do it even in the golden world."

Princess Mormon was lost in thought.

The devil continued: "daughter, you should know that there are days between heaven and earth. The way you think is not necessarily correct. On the way forward, only continuous correction can go further."@^^$

Princess Mormon doesn\'t understand.

The demon king breathed a sigh of relief and unknowingly came to the treasure Pavilion. The powerful array of the treasure Pavilion can stop the great saint, but it is like a child\'s play for the first person of the demon gate.

"Father, I\'ll call someone," said the demon gate princess, looking at the closed door.

When the devil arrives, Cihang Jingzhai will also welcome him, not to mention the only treasure Pavilion. However, the demon king waved his hand, looked at the high wall with great interest, nodded and said, "sure enough, Xuanji is doing a great experiment, and it seems that he has a premonition that the world is changing."

Princess Mormon looked along her father\'s eyes and found that within the high wall, a cocoon like light mass was floating and suspended in the void, constantly absorbing the power of the void and expanding herself. The cocoon is like a black hole, which can absorb infinite power, can not see the end, and can even devour his home port.! $*!

The door is open.

Someone felt someone outside. After Ke Yidao opened the door, when he saw the demon king standing at the door, his face changed wildly, he hurriedly knelt on the ground and said respectfully, "my subordinate Ke Yidao, see the demon king."

The demon gentleman helped Ke up with a knife and said, "Mr. Ke is working hard."

Ke Yidao\'s heart was sour and he had an impulse to cry. He firmly refused to get up and said, "demon king, Ke Yidao is sorry for the demon king and loses the dignity of the demon gate." he felt that it was a very humiliating thing to be forced to sweep the floor in the treasure Pavilion by Mengji.

"It doesn\'t matter." the devil said softly, "this is the end of you. Grow old, Ke. Let\'s go in and have a look."

Ke Yidao got up quickly, thanked the devil, and then saluted the princess of the devil gate. Finally, he stood behind the devil and recovered his original appearance. At this time, the old poison went out and said impatiently, "who, Ke Yidao, did you cause trouble again and provoke others?"

Since daozun almost killed him and xuanjizi rescued him, the old poison was so clever that he didn\'t dare to leave the treasure Pavilion and cleaned the treasure Pavilion obediently.

Ke frowned and would be angry. If the devil hadn\'t killed him earlier, but strangely, the old poison was standing in front of him, but he couldn\'t see the devil and the princess of the devil door at all.

What\'s going on?

"Go in."

The devil said and walked forward.

Ke Yidao was puzzled, but it was clear that the greatness of the demon king was not enough to be described in words. He ignored the angry old poison and walked into the front yard.

The old poison scolded angrily: "don\'t forget, half of everyone in the front yard, you can\'t be lazy."

Approach the front yard.

The demon king saw through the bamboo snow on the bamboo mountain at a glance and nodded: "yes, it can break and then stand. It has the potential of heaven. It\'s a pity that if you want to speed, you can\'t reach it. It\'s too young to accumulate."

The princess of the magic gate asked, "the owner of the treasure Pavilion is Mrs. Zhu. She has controlled the dragon city for many years. Last time, she was plotted by the hanging temple. She narrowly escaped death. It was not easy to find a new way. I don\'t know that she can achieve her ideal strength after this pass. Why does her father praise this person?"

The demon king said, "daughter, you should remember that the realm can\'t represent everything. You often go against the sky. Although there are many disasters, there are more opportunities. Under the way of heaven, it\'s not easy for all sentient beings to live in a muddle and have a heart of resistance, let alone surpass."

The princess of the magic gate said, "thank you for your instruction."

There is a suspended cocoon in the front yard. Peach Chengqi keeps it nearby. If it goes well or not, I\'m afraid of being disturbed. The fisherman sits down, enters the fixed mode, adjusts the state, and is ready to deal with the enemy\'s attack at any time.

Neither of them saw the devil.

But Xiaobu was keenly aware of the existence of the demon king. He was even more nervous than seeing daozun. He stared at the position of the demon king. The demon king shook his head at Xiaobu and said, "I won\'t hurt him."

Mengji nodded, then continued to look at the cocoon, showing concern. It\'s like a child expecting an adult to go home quickly and needs a sense of security.

The princess of the magic gate saw Mengji and felt the fatal threat. She was shocked and couldn\'t help looking at the demon king.

The demon king smiled and said, "congratulations to Mengji for achieving the realm of heaven."

The little one is too lazy to pay attention.

The princess of the magic gate was shocked. Even if her psychological quality was excellent, she couldn\'t help showing her horror when she heard the word Mengji Tianzun. Who is Mengji? It\'s one of the strongest under the heaven. If she is promoted to the heaven, will the world pattern change?

This is a very complex problem.

The demon king took his eyes away from Mengji and put them into the cocoon. At first, he didn\'t feel much, but when he saw the changes inside, his face not only changed slightly.

Princess Mormon was acutely aware of her father\'s emotions and was shocked.

My father was moved?

This is a major event that has not changed for decades!