Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1074

Taoist Zun was different from before. The evil spirit in his eyes disappeared and was replaced by a kind of indifference, calm, even indifference.

In the past, he wanted to destroy and then rebuild. This is the Tao of the Taoist priest and his faith. Now his faith has changed into indifference, overlooking all sentient beings like the will of heaven.

Heaven and earth are unkind, and all things are ruminant dogs.

This is now the realm of Taoism, a new realm, a new existence. He seems to have walked out of his own real road and no longer followed his predecessors. Even though his combat effectiveness has improved a lot, he is more calm.

He knew very well that he could use the mystery of the five element gold needle. He was no match if he was powerful. He could die together unless he destroyed the small world, but that was not what he wanted.

The five element golden needle was originally expected. Taoist Zun never wanted to capture Mengji, because his goal is the dark king. Only the dark king is most suitable for his small world.

Finally, after a series of designs, the dark king was hit hard by the golden needle, which gave Tao Zun a chance.

"It\'s getting more and more interesting."

Taoist Zun looked up at the sky, and the clouds dispersed, as if with a momentum that made heaven and earth surrender. He controlled every space between heaven and earth.

He wants to be God\'s will.

True Providence.

This is the goal of Tao Zun.

If it were someone else, even in the realm of Tianzun, he would think he was too delusional, but Taoist Zun was different. He endured for many years, experienced the dark age and the golden age, survived the departure of era controllers, and finally saw the opportunity.

"Everything is under control."

Taoist Zun laughed and set off a strong wind to disperse the clouds on the top of the mountain, revealing a huge ladder to the clouds. This is the hometown of Zhuge Qingyun in Mengshan, which is very dangerous.

The Taoist priest saw through all the arrays arranged by Zhuge Qingyun and disdained to smile. Secretly, he let you live a little longer. In the future, you can play an important role. Zhuge Qingyun, you must love Cihang Jingzhai deeply. The deeper you love, the better. The deeper you love and hate, and then I will let you die without regret.

Turning away, Taoist Zun seemed to have never existed at all, and no one would calculate the death of the dark king, because he completely disappeared. Even if the dark place knows that the dark king is dead, it will put the responsibility on Xuanji, causing stronger hostility between the two sides. Kill two birds with one stone. Taoist Zun has already designed it.

He is conducting an experiment against the sky, slowly approaching his goal.

Everything fell into inexplicable palpitations.

At the moment of the promotion of daozun\'s small world, some detached forces in China sensed it and chose silence instead of encircling and killing immediately.

but deep clouds set me wondering where.

The vegetarian Lord walked on the stairs up the mountain. The stairs were as white as jade, reflecting a pair of perfect little feet. Walking on them quietly, like her temperament, they were perfect. The vegetarian master could not see her age at all. It seemed that the years had left no trace on her face.

Light rain in the mountains, pattering on banana leaves.

The vegetarian Lord raised his head, looked through the land of Mengshan and saw the hidden truth. Taoist Zun\'s promotion could not escape her clear sword heart.

"How difficult it will be in the Jianghu."

The vegetarian Lord sighed softly, but somehow he didn\'t stop the promotion of Taoist Zun, as if he had God\'s will and hoodwinked the vision of Taoist Zun\'s realm.

"But there is always a glimmer of life."

Zhai Lord shook his head and walked slowly to the mountain gate.

This is the first and most mysterious place in China, the Mountain Gate of Cihang Jingzhai. The mountain gate is a mossy wooden door, which is full of green vines, just like a link between reality and ideal.

I don\'t know where the clouds are, but I\'m in the mountain.

South China Sea.

Huge waves.

It seems that the world is going to sink and the world is going to suffer endless disasters. In the layers of huge waves, there are hidden black spots, just like sunspots, containing amazing energy. Under the South China Sea, a huge vortex emerged.

The figure of a great saint rushed out of the vortex and made a crazy roar. The voice was full of madness and killing, as if to devour everything in front of you.


A palm print fell from the sky and fell on the figure of the great saint. Under the peerless palm print, the great saint realm was nothing but dust and became shattered.

Xuanjizi stood on the sea and looked at the swirling black hole under the South China Sea indifferently.

"You won\'t last long."

A ruthless voice came from the vortex, as if it could penetrate the soul of the great saint. As soon as the voice appeared, it immediately triggered great changes in heaven and earth. Thunder fell over the South China Sea and fell on the vortex. This is a super strong man who will come to the strongest natural disaster when he is born.

"You can try."

Xuanji Zi snorted coldly, and a gold needle appeared in the palm of his hand. The golden light flickered, emitting an invincible momentum.

The master under the vortex seemed to be extremely afraid of the golden needle, so he immediately hid his breath and no longer released the breath that could trigger natural disaster at will. He shouted: "you are overdrawing your life. You are not the nothingness of fate at all, and you can\'t drive the strongest five element golden needle. In a short time, you don\'t even have a soul or a chance to resurrect."

"That\'s the future." Xuan Jizi said calmly, as if he was not afraid of death.

"Let me out, I can share the world with you." after pondering, the master in the vortex sent out an invitation.

"You\'d better stay honest. You can\'t think of it unless I die. It\'s harmful to the world. When you were sealed in the South China Sea, did you think you were the four heavenly kings?" xuanjizi sneered.

"One day, I will come out, you wait..."

The master in the whirlpool is slowly silent. The huge waves in the South China Sea disappear and everything returns to calm. Except that the waves beat the rocks on the shore, xuanjizi is guarding the South China Sea alone. His eyes are long. Secret way, boy, I don\'t have much time. You should hurry up.

Under the south wall of Longcheng.

The princess of the magic gate respectfully stood by and looked at the figure under the wall. The figure was like a high mountain, which was insurmountable. Where he was, it seemed that the collapse of heaven and earth could be borne.

This person is the leader of the demon gate, the demon king.

Instead of going back, he came to the Dragon City, looked at the array arranged in the sky to prevent the enemy from entering, nodded and said, "it is worthy of being the ultimate array of wujialing, and it is difficult for heaven to enter."

The princess of the magic door said, "father, the array arranged by Xuanji is actually not difficult for you."

The devil smiled, shook his head and said, "the devil\'s way is the same as the ancient martial arts of wujialing, but we are more direct, and wujialing goes against the sky. As the son of heaven, you are the chosen person, and you will enter the realm of heaven in the future."

"The realm of heaven is not the goal of her daughter." the princess bowed her head.

With a smile, the demon king looked at his most satisfied daughter with deep meaning and said, "good. At least you know there are people on the emperor. Is there anything fun in dragon city?"

The princess of the magic gate said, "my father, it\'s better to go in and have a look. Although the dragon city is powerful, it\'s easy to go in with my father\'s ability."

"Xuanji Zi is not simple. Daughter, don\'t underestimate the people in the world. Xuanji Zi is the top three talented person I\'ve ever seen. If he works hard, he will certainly reach my current level. Unfortunately, he is a wooden brain. He only wants to die for the world and lose the opportunity for promotion. His fellow martial brother daozun is a great genius. Just now, the small world he created tends to grow Perfect, almost further. "

The demon king talks leisurely. It seems that he is not too afraid of the promotion of daozun. This is the invincible momentum. No matter how powerful he is, he can\'t stop his invincible confidence.

"Yang Ping is the descendant of the immortal medicine sect?"

The demon king suddenly became interested and asked.