Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1076


The devil\'s eyes flashed a strange color, said an interesting word, and left. The princess of magic gate was puzzled and didn\'t know what her father meant. She asked, "father, what\'s interesting?"

The devil said, "you will know later."

The princess of the magic gate was depressed and couldn\'t understand what the devil wanted to express. Maybe her realm was too low to understand something deeper, but her father said it was interesting. It must be interesting.

"Another one is very interesting."

Just when the princess of the magic gate thought that the devil was leaving, the devil looked at the corner of the treasure Pavilion and said again.

The princess of the demon gate looked at the corner along the demon king\'s eyes.

Who\'s there.

The devil rushed to the corner and said, "it\'s fate for you and me to meet. I didn\'t expect to meet my innate constitution in Longcheng. I think Longcheng is becoming more and more interesting."

The demon gate princess looked at the corner warily, showing hostility.

A beautiful shadow came out of the corner and came to the demon king. She was surprised and uncertain. Just now, she felt that she was good enough to hide. Even the great saint couldn\'t see through, but the middle-aged man\'s vision was too terrible.

Seeing through all the barriers, she even had the illusion that all ideas in the spiritual world were seen through. She couldn\'t help but be shocked. Are there such experts in the world?

Can you reach the essence through the phenomenon?

"Zheng Mingzhu."

When she came out, the princess of the magic gate showed surprise, looked strange and said, "father, she is Zheng Mingzhu. The holy gate pays attention to the top of the ranks of dark geniuses."

The demon king nodded, looked at Zheng Mingzhu and asked, "Zheng Mingzhu, are you willing to worship me as a teacher?"

The beautiful shadow coming out of the corner is the Pearl. She has been silently paying attention to Yang Ping and guarding Yang Ping, but she didn\'t expect to be powerless at the most dangerous time. When Taoist Zun appeared, the pearl could not move, as if the world was about to collapse and fall into the final despair. He could only watch Yang Ping be broken and close to death.

Pearl felt that her world was over, but the twists and turns, and Xuanji Zi appeared, which allowed Yang Ping to retain a glimmer of vitality. Finally, she got the opportunity to see if she could break through. She hid in the corner and prayed silently. She was very distressed, but she couldn\'t see it easily. She was very anxious. If she can, she is willing to bear all the pain for Yang Ping.

Unfortunately, Yang Ping is still in the cocoon, waiting for a new life.

If you succeed, Yang Ping will become the nothingness of Xuanji Zi. If you don\'t succeed, there will never be Yang Ping in the world.

How not nervous?

How not painful?

Mingzhu looked at the door of the treasure Pavilion, shook her head and said, "senior, I know you are very strong. Even I have seen any expert, but I can\'t worship you as a teacher."

Hearing Mingzhu\'s refusal, Princess Mormon sneered and said, "Zheng Mingzhu, do you know who you\'re talking to? It\'s a rare thing in hundreds of years. My father hasn\'t accepted an apprentice for a long time. It\'s your luck."

Pearl smiled faintly, shook her head and said, "no matter how great the fortune is, can Yang Ping recover?"

Princess Murphy.

Indeed, Yang Ping\'s situation is very special. No one can help. Whoever dares to interfere with the purification of cocoons can\'t get through with the five element gold needle, because Yang Ping is at a very delicate stage at this time.

The devil obviously loved the Pearl and said with a smile, "why don\'t you want to worship me as a teacher? Is it because of a man, are you willing to wait at the door all your life?"

Pearl bit her lips, showed a firm color and said, "I will."

Princess Mormon shook her head and felt sorry,

If a woman abandons everything for a man, she is useless. What motivation does she have to practice and enter a higher level. The princess of the magic gate practices the art of ruthlessness, has no desire, and disdains the love between men and women.

"It\'s all interesting." the devil didn\'t seem to want to give up. He said a few more words and said, "the power in your body is too complex. I see at least three powers in it. If you like, I can help you extract them."


Mingzhu looked frightened and hurriedly shouted, "you can\'t take away my strength. That\'s the only thing I can rely on to help Yang Ping. If I lose this strength, I will become useless and drag Yang Ping down."

The princess of the magic gate looked silently and frowned. She knew that love was ridiculous, but when she saw that Mingzhu was willing to give everything for her man, her mind was affected a lot.

"If the three forces stay in your body, you will die." the demon king sighed. The amorous pearl reminds him of the past. The past is like smoke, but Li can remember it clearly. "If I help you, you will become normal."

Pearl found that the production of the demon king, although instinctively in awe, she still gritted her teeth and insisted, because she didn\'t want to lose the only source of strength.

"I just want to ask, if I take away the power in my body, do I still have strength?" Mingzhu quickly remembered how to help Yang Ping if she was dying, so she asked nervously.

The devil smiled without saying a word.

Princess Leng humed, "you worship my father as a teacher. They can not only get rid of the hidden dangers in the body, but also become stronger. It\'s a pity that you refuse."

Pearl blinked with big eyes and looked at the demon king curiously. Then she observed carefully and finally found something wrong, because there was a very special smell on the demon king, which would make all the darkness really sink and float him and worship him.

Is this the power of greatness?

"I......" Mingzhu felt that it might be an opportunity and hesitated. "I don\'t know. I really don\'t dare to take risks."

The demon king sighed. The woman didn\'t even want her life for Yang Ping. Even if it was treatment, she was worried not about her own life, but whether she could continue to help and protect her beloved man.

This is not wrong, but I always feel too wronged.

Pearl lives too wronged.

The demon king moved his compassion and said, "well, I won\'t accept you as an apprentice, but I can help you treat it. You have the power of Zhuge Qingyun, Shu Zu and Tao Zun in your body. These three forces seem to be fully integrated. In fact, they will be in the struggle for a while. So far, the power of Tao Zun has taken the initiative. As long as it takes another three days, your body will be controlled by the will of Tao Zun."

The Pearl turned pale, showing the color of palpitation, and hurried to look at the demon king.

Since the middle-aged man knows the problem, is he able to solve it?

The demon king seemed to hear the voice of the Pearl and said with a smile: "of course I can help you treat. Although the strength of these three people is very strong, I can still suppress them."


The demon king stretched out his hand, a gap appeared in the void, and then a long dark sword jumped out, held it in his hand and cut the Pearl\'s head.

Mingzhu only felt that the world was spinning, and the three forces in her body suddenly panicked and wanted to leave. It was a pity that she was cut off under the dark sword.

The will is cut off, leaving only power.

Mingzhu\'s strength surged out, and her strength increased again and increased several times.

It worked!