Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1073

When Xuanji turned and left, another battle came to an end.

On the falling flower bridge.

The vegetarian Lord stood under the fence like a falling flower, quietly looked at the running water under the bridge and whispered: "Luoshui is the mother river of Longcheng. I don\'t know how many heroes I raise, but it\'s a pity..."

The demon king stood at the other end and said coldly, "I deserve to be the first in the world. The Cihang sword code deserves its reputation. I lost."

The Zhai Lord looked at the demon king with soft eyes and sighed, "you can\'t do it in a year. Can you do it?"

The devil smiled, and the tiger\'s eyes showed their fine awn and said, "even if I want to do it, your flying wing sword doesn\'t agree. But I\'m curious why Cihang Jingzhai used wujialing\'s skill. Have you degenerated into wujialing\'s vassal?"

The demon king failed and failed to challenge the vegetarian Lord. In order to intercept the vegetarian Lord, he paid the price of being unable to do it for a year. Unfortunately, I lost. Because xuanjizi didn\'t die, and the three heavenly masters ran away directly.

This is where the devil is angry.

When the emperor saw the golden needle, he was so scared that he couldn\'t compete with them. Moreover, the art that the demon king lost to Wu Jialing was not the art of Cihang Jingzhai, so he was very unconvinced.

But after all, I lost.

"Farewell." the devil turned to go.

The Zhai Lord frowned and shouted, "demon king, please stay."

The devil didn\'t turn around and said impatiently, "why, the vegetarian Lord still wants to invite me to tea. I\'m not interested. Your little woman\'s attitude may work against Zhuge Qingyun\'s idiot, but it\'s useless to me. I\'ve cut off seven emotions and six desires."

The Zhai Master said, "be careful, demon king. From my observation, this time we are all designed by the Taoist priest. His purpose is not to occupy Yang Ping, but to devour the master of art and the dark king, so as to improve his own small world."

The demon king raised his eyebrows and immediately disdained to say, "Tao Zun is just a villain. He can\'t make a big deal."

Then the devil disappeared into the clouds.

Lord Zhai silently looked at running water and did not leave. His eyes were as long as history.

"Why let the devil go."

Zhuge Qingyun appeared on the bridge, stood side by side with the Zhai master, his eyes were complex, and said, "the demon king forced his way out of the pass in order to kill Xuanji, which is the weakest time."

The vegetarian Lord shook his head and said, "you can say so. I can\'t see through his last card. If the devil is so easy to kill, he won\'t stand for a thousand years. When Li zhishou left, he left a Heart Sutra, which is a mysterious skill obtained by the disillusionment of Enlightenment. The devil can fully understand it and create another move. This person is really terrible."

Zhuge Qingyun\'s face changed slightly. After hearing Li zhishou, he couldn\'t help but feel awed.

Li zhishou claimed to be the strongest in the history of the magic gate, but unfortunately, with Wu Jialing, they all disappeared overnight. Missing. It also includes the previous leader of Cihang Jingzhai.

These are mysteries and taboos.

No one knows the truth.

One way and two know, in the golden age, it blooms incomparably. Zhuge Qingyun\'s generation can only look up. If they didn\'t suddenly disappear, there wouldn\'t be so many experts, such as Taoist Zun, who came out to make wind and rain.

"Lord Zhai, what was going on then?"

Zhuge Qingyun couldn\'t help asking. He really wanted to know why it withered after the golden age. There were several peerless masters who even exceeded the realm of heaven.

"Don\'t say, don\'t say..."

Zhai Lord looked at Zhuge Qingyun with compassion and said softly, "be careful, Taoist priest. This man is the most vindictive and may deal with you."

Zhuge Qingyun naturally wouldn\'t show fear in front of the beauty. He laughed and was full of pride. He hummed: "I may not be able to beat Taoist Zun, but Taoist Zun is not my opponent when it comes to running for his life."

Zhai Lord nodded, which was regarded as occupying the city.

Zhuge Qingyun inherited wujialing\'s physiognomy. On running for life, he was the first at that time.

"Take care."

The vegetarian is gone.

Zhuge Qingyun tried to stop talking, but he was silent in the end. In fact, when he came to Longcheng this time, he wanted to go into Longcheng to help xuanjizi out of the crisis, but finally he was heard that the Zhai Lord told him it was not necessary at all.

Zhuge Qingyun didn\'t believe it. Taoist Zun colluded with the dark king and Shu Zu. The three heavenly zuns dealt with xuanjizi. No matter what you think, xuanjizi will die. But the results were unexpected.

No one thought that xuanjizi instantly killed the separation of Shu Zu and the dark king, and seriously injured their origin through time and space.

Did the vegetarian Lord know that xuanjizi could not have an accident before?

Zhuge Qingyun was awe inspiring. It seemed that he could not calculate all the things in the world and reach the realm of heaven. However, the vegetarian master can calculate all causes and consequences. It is really beyond the imagination of ordinary people that Cihang Jingzhai can become a leader of the white road.

"Taoist priest..."

Zhuge Qingyun\'s mouth curved, revealing a strange radian, full of a cold smile.

"I hope you don\'t waste the opportunity I gave you. The more chaotic the world is, the better. Only then can I have a chance to get the attention of the leader of Cihang Jingzhai, otherwise I will never have a chance!"

Mengshan mountains.

Obscured by clouds.

This is the most favorite scenery of Mengshan tourists, not one of them.

How many tourists go in and out of Mengshan every year, but they all come to Mengshan to see the clouds. The sun fell from the sky, and the whole Mengshan Mountain seemed to be shrouded in a layer of purification light, purifying the world\'s pollution and calming the dirty people.

Perhaps this is the soul washing that Mengshan tourists want most.

Mengshan can purify the inner darkness.

And the real darkness.

The top of the mountain.

In the place with the thickest clouds, it is said that no tourists can climb the top of the mountain. If they try, they either fall into the cliff or disappear.

A mass of black fog flickered in the sun. It was obviously time to die, but it was still dying.

The Taoist priest sat on a big Bluestone and looked leisurely at the quiet sky on Mengshan mountain. Holding a line in his hand is like holding a kite, and the kite is the dark king of the dark land. This person has a high position when sitting down in the Dark Lord. After the Dark Lord is sealed, he is the real king of darkness.

Now he is dying.

"Dao Zun, you don\'t keep your promise!"

A figure reflected in the black fog, shot resentful eyes and roared.

Tao Zun smiled and asked, "what does Tao Zun rely on to survive? It\'s just deception. I can make the best of deception. I can deceive people all over the world, and even deceive Xuanji, these self righteous fools."

"You must die hard. After the master leaves the pass, he will devour you." the dark king cursed.

Tao Zun got up and patted the dust on his body. In fact, there was no dust. It was just a sense of moral lack in his heart, just like the dust under his feet. He patted his hands and went with the wind.

"Let\'s go."

A double hook appeared around the dark king, looming, but a terrible light broke out and pierced the dark king\'s body.

The dark king made a sad cry, mixed with panic, and shouted, "so you\'ve already got it..."


The dark king, the dark land, the great king of a generation, finally became a dish of Chinese food, turned into a group of original Qi, and entered the small world of daozun.


Taoist Zun\'s small world finally stabilized and glowed, as if he had become a new person.

"It feels great."

Tao Zun was intoxicated with Tao.