Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1072

The dark king was the worst. When the golden light penetrated the vortex, his angry roar came from an unstable space: "Xuanji, I won\'t let you go..."

Then the voice of the dark king gradually disappeared, and the vortex became a stable space.

Shu Zu jumped in the space and looked like a fish in the net from a distance. He constantly avoided perception and wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to escape. When xuanjizi used the five element gold needle, the master knew that he was definitely not an opponent. NIMA, fight with the five element gold needle. Isn\'t this a death attempt?

What is the first artifact in today\'s world?

Five element gold needle!

No one dares to confront the five element gold needle. This is a unique artifact across the era. Once it shows its edge, it will not return without blood. So Shu Zu just wanted to escape. Xuanji looked coldly at a mysterious symbol jumping in the space. Sometimes he hid the void, integrated with the void, and sometimes lined up side by side with time. This kind of reckless escape is unheard of, unheard of, and hard to be found by ordinary heavenly beings.

But Xuanji Zi doesn\'t have to do it himself. The golden needle will lock the master of art. No matter where you escape or where you are, as long as you once exist or don\'t exist, you will become nothingness.

Xuanjizi used the five element gold needle, which really made Yang Ping excited and couldn\'t help himself. It turns out that the power of the golden needle is more powerful than I expected. I don\'t know how strong it is. It\'s not that you can\'t hurt Tao Zun, but that your realm is too bad.

Therefore, after the use of Xuanji, there was an invincible momentum.

The master disappeared.

To be exact, the real body of the master of Shu didn\'t come, but it was affected by the separation, and the origin was hurt. Therefore, he was more afraid of Xuanji than hatred.

The treasure pavilion was quiet again.

Taoist Zun did not escape, but stared at Xuanji.

Xuanji Zi even killed the two heavenly masters and separated. He looked calm. He looked at daozun and said, "do you have any last words?"

Taoist Zun shook his head and sighed, "I didn\'t expect you could use the golden needle. The inheritance of wujialing is really here. You must have the art of detachment."

Xuanji narrowed his eyes and was awe inspiring in his heart.

This is not what Taoist Zun wants to know, but deliberately asked, and there is no need for him to answer, because anyone who wants to know must be eavesdropping and have received the information.

The art of detachment lies in Xuanji.

That is one of the ultimate inheritance of wujialing and the most important. Wujialing disappeared overnight and left too much wealth. The most coveted thing is the golden needle and the art of detachment.

"You don\'t dare to do it." Taoist Zun pinched his fingers, smiled indifferently and hummed, "elder martial brother, am I right?"

Xuanji said coldly, "you can try."

Taoist Zun laughed. Even though Xuanji used the golden needle, it didn\'t scare him. His eyes were gloomy, and he emitted a towering evil spirit. He said angrily: "Shifu really left you the best thing back then. The golden needle, the art of detachment, is very good, very good. But I just came to separate myself. If you use the five element golden needle again, I don\'t know whether you can maintain the situation in the South China Sea. My good elder martial brother, Shu Zu and the dark king don\'t know why you don\'t show up because the thing in the South China Sea is about to run out."

Xuanji was awe inspiring and killed.

Taoist Zun knows too much. He may have done a lot of outrageous things for revenge. He can\'t tolerate it. But at the critical moment, he can\'t spend too much power. Although his face is relaxed, the power spent can\'t be justified.

The first artifact in the world is not so easy to drive. If you use it forcibly without the approval of the golden needle, it will consume enough power to reshape your body.

"Elder martial brother, I thank you."

Suddenly, Taoist Zun showed a strange smile and his body slowly disappeared.

After thinking for a while, Xuanji knew the causes and consequences. He sighed with relief and said, "you are really a person who would rather I bear the world than the world bear me."

Tao Zun left.

Xuanji turned around and looked at Yang Ping, who was very excited. The gold needle in his hand disappeared and disappeared into Yang Ping\'s eyebrows again. He hummed: "boy, it\'s only this ability to spend so many resources. Don\'t say you know me when you go out in the future."

The golden needle reappears in the spiritual world.

Yang Ping wanted to laugh, but his body was out of control. He was seriously injured by Taoist Zun and almost lost his form and spirit. If Xuanji hadn\'t saved his breath, it is estimated that Yang Ping would not be in the world.

Xuanji Zi didn\'t talk nonsense. He used a set of mysterious acupuncture techniques to forcibly recover Yang Ping\'s body. He felt that the original Qi of the great world of the heavens was forcibly pulled into his body and reshaped.

"Although you are seriously injured this time, it is also your good fortune. Boy, I want to shape you into a real body of Nine Yang, but there is a great risk. You often lose both form and spirit. Are you willing to take a risk?"

Xuanji Zi\'s face was serious and trembled.

Yang Ping smiled and said with a grin, "you\'re still testing me. Come on, I\'m not afraid of torture. It wasn\'t once or twice in those years!"

Xuanji smiled, showing his satisfaction and scolded, "this is a bit of my style."

"Here comes the needle!"

Xuanji Zi\'s face suddenly became serious. He grabbed it and directly used the five element gold needle. He said secretly, "if you succeed, you will become the first person who can communicate with the gold needle."


When Xuanji began to do it, Yang Ping knew what pain was.

Nima, this is unbearable.

He would rather be cut by a thousand knives than suffer so much pain.

Soon, Yang Ping\'s eyes were dark, but his heart was glad. He secretly said, mom, he was finally unconscious.

When the needle is closed, the heavens shake.

Xuanji Zi\'s face was serious, and the power in his body passed quickly, but he didn\'t stop, but continued to input power. To build Yang Ping into an unprecedented physique, we must die of the legendary nothingness of fate, which is a physique that can jump out of the long river of fate and even fight against fate.

Once born, it will become a shocking existence. Moreover, the five element golden needle only recognizes those who have no destiny.

"Success or failure depends on it."

Xuanji Zi formed Yang Ping into a cocoon, then came to the bamboo mountain, looked at the energy transformation in the bamboo house, nodded and said, "with a little breakthrough, you will have the hope to become the existence of the top ten kings. After Mengji, you can replace him."

Sure that Zhuxue was all right, Xuanji looked up at the sky and murmured, "it\'s time to meet the South China Sea devil cave."


Taochengxi\'s injury improved and returned to normal. The magic knife and the old poison stood next to each other and trembled. Before, they were almost destroyed by Taoist Zun. It was xuanjizi who restored them by great means. His natural medical skill of seizing heaven and earth made the magic knife and the old poison dare not have the slightest disrespect.

Who is Xuanji?

In addition to the leaders of yizhai and Ermen, the most powerful figures in the world today almost rank first.


When the magic knife and the old poison saw the mystery, they hurried forward and bowed.

Xuanjizi nodded and said, "you may be redeemed if you are bent on kindness. Go and sweep the floor."

The magic knife and the old poison were ecstatic. They got a burst of praise from xuanjizi. They were happier than anything. They hurried to sweep the floor outside with a broom like primary school students.

The little one looked at Yang Ping in the cocoon and said pitifully, "Dad, Dad..."

Xuanji looked at Xiaobu, showing a helpless look, and said, "Mengji, when I sealed you, I actually gave you a chance to get rid of yourself. Now you have successfully transformed, which does not waste my hard work. Unfortunately, the darkness moves rashly and bad luck. If you can pass the safety period, you can achieve the position of heaven. I hope you can succeed."

Then he turned his eyes to Yang Ping. Xuanji\'s eyes were complex and murmured, "everything depends on you. Master can do it. It\'s basically done."

"The hardest thing to see is the heart."


Xuanjizi whispered, turned and disappeared.