Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1068

When Yang Ping saw Xiao Bu\'s heartbroken appearance, he felt soft and helpless. "Don\'t call me dad. Look at the way fisherman and Ke Yidao are afraid of you. I think you are older than my grandfather. No matter who you are, as long as you don\'t harm the people around me, everyone will be safe. OK?"

Little bit looked forward to Yang Ping, didn\'t answer, but said, "Dad, I want a dog."

Yang Ping smiled bitterly, shook his head and said, "forget it, I guess you won\'t tell me who it is."

After the storm in the treasure Pavilion ended, the experts hiding in the Dragon City wanted to penetrate the array to see what was going on, but they were blocked by a mysterious force. This power is far more powerful than Mahatma, and has a kind of innate authority. Let everyone dare not act rashly.

But when Ke Yidao swept the floor at the door with a broom, those who had been observing secretly almost died of fear.

In terms of strength, Ke Yidao is absolutely ranked in Longcheng, and his status is very high. The elders of the magic gate, even the leaders of the third rate holy land Xuankong Temple, are almost the same. They just entered the treasure Pavilion. How long has it been before they helped sweep the floor of the treasure pavilion.

There is no mistake!

Those masters of the great sage realm want to kill Ke Yidao. It\'s really embarrassing.

Ke Yidao was depressed and wanted to die, but he didn\'t dare to resist. If Mengji was angry, she would feel worse than death. Some people in this world can never offend, and one of them is Mengji.

Mengji\'s means were terrible in those days. Now she shudders when she thinks about it. Ke Yidao feels the spiritual power of other experts and sneers in her heart. Secretly, let you laugh. Come in and have a look. It\'s much worse than me.

He doesn\'t want to kill Yang Ping all the time, but now he knows that there may be little hope. He can\'t succeed until the chaos in Longcheng breaks out completely.

Mengji is obviously very protective of Yang Ping and can\'t find a mobile phone meeting.


A strange voice came. Ke Yidao leaned on a broom and stared ahead. He saw a strange man wearing a sharp hat appear 100 meters away, just the safe distance of the treasure Pavilion. A pair of small eyes showed a teasing smile.

"It\'s not a magic knife. How can you find out your conscience and help sweep the floor of the treasure Pavilion. If the magic door knows that its elders help others to do chores, will you be beaten to death by the demon king?"

The man with a sharp hat was surprised. He pretended to be surprised and asked, "what\'s the matter inside, magic knife? With your temper, you can\'t pursue mountain Lord Helian and become a fool."

Ke Yidao\'s face was gloomy. He stared at his opponent and wanted to kill him. However, as soon as his eyes turned, he continued to sweep the floor, ignoring the irony of the other party.

When the man with a sharp hat saw that Ke Yidao didn\'t disclose the news, he sneered: "the magnificent magic knife was all powerful and powerful. Everywhere he went, blood flowed into a river. Who dares to disobey you? I didn\'t expect it was just a soft bone."

Ke Yidao held the broom tightly and wanted to roar, but he still held back and said indifferently, "I\'m self-cultivation and smoking. In fact, you old poison can imagine."

The man with a sharp hat is called an old poison. He is a great expert from Miao and the martial uncle of the Gu king. He doesn\'t know how many people he killed with Gu insects in his life. There are only two people in the world who can cultivate poisonous insects to the great sage realm.

The old poison is one of them, which shows its strength.

I just don\'t know who instigated me. I even came forward to trouble Ke Yidao to inquire about the news. It\'s a pity that Ke Yidao didn\'t reveal his interest.

"You want to know if you want to go in and have a look." Ke Yidao smiled coldly and hummed, "you think I\'m submission, if it\'s not for the treasure of the treasure Pavilion..."

Realizing that he had said something wrong, Ke Yidao quickly shut up and looked down to sweep the floor.

The old poison\'s eyes flashed and keenly noticed that Ke Yidao had something to say. Treasure? What treasure can make the magic knife sweep the floor willingly? It must be a great thing.

It\'s just that the fisherman is inside

The old poison was very excited and wanted to rush in, but he was afraid of fishing for the old man, so he smiled and asked, "why, what good things can\'t we share together?"

Ke Yidao still didn\'t speak.

The old poison is getting more and more itchy.

The magic knife is a person with a grumpy character. Otherwise, he won\'t kill his opponent with a knife. The reason why he can sweep the floor honestly is either that there are terrible big people to suppress or that there are great treasures.

The most powerful thing in the treasure Pavilion is the fishing old man. Although the fishing old man\'s strength is above himself, he is definitely not qualified to surrender to the magic knife. Then there are only treasures left.

A figure flew over the treasure Pavilion.

That\'s the smell of old fishermen.

Ke Yidao also felt the old fisherman leave. His eyes flashed, fluttered and rushed into the treasure Pavilion. Old poison is looking for something. Ke Yidao must have gone to rob something.

No, there are good things. The Jedi can\'t let Ke monopolize it. He didn\'t feel strange. He seemed to be controlled by a mysterious force, and his behavior was very different from normal. If it were normal, he would never be so impulsive.


If the old fisherman leaves, there will be no danger in entering the treasure Pavilion. He wants to retreat without approval. The old poison\'s body method is very fast. When Ke Yidao falls to the ground, he has kept up with him.

The front yard was quiet, except for the rustle of falling leaves.

"Where\'s the treasure?"

The old poison was still alert. Looking around, he didn\'t feel the master. He breathed secretly, so he asked.

Ke Yidao turned around and couldn\'t help laughing when he saw that the old poison was obsessed with money.

The old poison said impatiently, "don\'t force me, magic knife. If I get angry, I can wipe out the treasure Pavilion so that you don\'t even have a place to sweep the floor."

Ke Yidao smiled strangely and sighed, "welcome to join the sweeping team."

The old poison frowned and sneered, disdained and said, "I\'m not as shameless as you. It\'s better to kill me than let me sweep the floor. And there\'s no qualified person here to let me sweep the floor."

Ke Yidao said with a smile, "really?"

The old poison said coldly, "the fisherman left. Are you talking about yourself? Ke Yidao, others may be afraid of you, but I\'m not afraid, and you don\'t have to be my opponent."

Ke Yidao nodded and began to clean the front yard.

The old poison had an ominous premonition in his heart. He felt safe and shouted, "I don\'t have time to waste with you. After I went out, I publicized that the magnificent magic knife was swept, ha ha!"

Before he left, he didn\'t forget the disgusting magic knife.

However, the old poison wanted to rise in the air and found that he couldn\'t move. He always stood still. Even if he tried his best and used the most terrible life poisonous insects, he couldn\'t leave.

He finally felt something wrong.

"Magic knife, what\'s going on?" the old poison was afraid and could silently control his spiritual world. This spiritual power is absolutely the realm of heaven!

Is there an expert in the heaven realm in the treasure pavilion?

The old poison\'s heart was shaking.

"Open it for me!"

A powerful weapon called Jue Ming Gu insect flew out of the old poison\'s sleeve. It was invincible and everything was broken. However, when Jue Ming Gu insect was about to tear up the treasure Pavilion, a terrible breath blew.

The deadly insects fell to the ground one after another, shivering and out of control.

The old poison stared and shouted, "who?"


A young voice came from behind. The old poison turned fiercely. When he saw the little one looking at him playfully, he trembled all over.

Ke Yidao smiled and said, "would you like to sweep the floor or would you rather die than surrender?"

The little one smiled lovably at the old poison.

The old poison finally understands why the magic knife cleans the floor honestly. NIMA, the little girl in front of you is a devil. You can\'t die.

Mengji used to be one of the top ten masters under heaven. Now it seems that she has broken through.

Mengji of heaven realm.

A peerless expert who can shake the heroes all over the world.

The old poison bowed with a pious tone and said, "see you, master Mengji."

Just at this time, the little boy looked up fiercely, his big eyes stared at the depths of the void, his face was dignified, showed a vigilant color, and a blue light came.

The Taoist priest showed his spirit.

The array of the treasure pavilion was smashed and no longer exists.