Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1067

The old man fishing in the South China Sea!

The magic knife finally understood why the old fisherman would easily let him enter the treasure Pavilion, and he was leisurely picking up girls. When he saw the little one, he knew he was in big trouble.

Xiaobudian hid behind Yang Ping, angrily stared at him, scolded him as a bad guy, and the scolded magic knife\'s heart jumped wildly. He wanted to be killed, especially xiaobudian\'s eyes, which were particularly dazzling. Even in the great saint realm, the magic knife\'s mind seemed to roll up a huge vortex and almost fainted. He quickly closed his eyes and shouted, "Mengji, show mercy."

Yang Ping showed surprise and stopped the drive of the gold needle. Seeing that Ke Yidao was wrong, he didn\'t dare to do it. His mind moved and looked at the little bit.

The little one shook his fist and said, "Dad, I\'ll help you clean him up." although he said so, there was no mental fluctuation, and there was no gas fluctuation. He was puzzled in his heart.

What is Ke Yidao afraid of?

Yang Ping said strangely, "aren\'t you scared?"

Little Bu nodded.

Yang Ping\'an stroked xiaobudian and protected her behind him. He looked at Ke Yidao and said coldly, "although I want to say that Xiao Shang deserved to die, you are Xiao Shang\'s father after all. If you bully others, don\'t think I can\'t stop you."

He\'s ready to kill.

Ke Yidao\'s heart is to curse his mother. It\'s you who bully others. I was almost scared to death just now. Mengji, my God, who dares to provoke this evil star, and it seems that Mengji has a good relationship with Yang Ping. Call him father.

"If it\'s all right, I\'ll go first."

Ke Yidao didn\'t want to stay for a moment. He turned and left, but his eyes looked at Xiaobu and asked for permission. Seeing Ke Yidao\'s reaction, Yang Ping was more curious and looked back and forth between the two.

"You bully my father and want to go?" the little one [email protected] ^^$

Ke Yidao grinned bitterly and said awkwardly, "there was a misunderstanding before. My son\'s revenge is no longer revenge. This is my biggest concession."

Yang Ping became more and more confused.

How come Ke Yidao is an awesome character who is ready to die together. He seems to be afraid of Xiaobu Dian. Isn\'t Xiaobu Dian afraid of the secret of the great saint?

The little one asked, "Dad, what do you say?"

Yang Ping naturally refuses to let go of Ke Yidao. Such people will certainly look for opportunities for revenge after they go out. Since they have the opportunity to kill Ke Yidao, they can\'t let go of the opportunity for nothing.! $*!

"Kill it." Yang Ping said coldly.

Ke Yidao was startled and shouted: "I Cao, Yang Ping, you\'re right. I didn\'t do anything to you when I came to the treasure Pavilion. You\'re so cruel!"

Yang Ping sneered, "you still want to kill me now."


Little bit suddenly saw a dog rushing out of the front yard of the treasure Pavilion, then ran to the back of the bamboo mountain and disappeared. He fell down and said to his father, "Dad, the dog is very beautiful. I want one."

Yang Ping said with a smile, "don\'t worry. When Dad handles the bad guy, I\'ll buy you one right away."

Little one stared at Ke.

Ke Yidao\'s face changed dramatically, and a bad feeling welled up in his heart. Sure enough, Xiaobu pointed to Ke Yidao and said with a smile, "I want him to become a dog."

Ke Yidao scolded: "you\'re the dog, Mengji. Don\'t be arrogant. I\'m the elder of the demon gate. Once the demon king is angry, the consequences will be unimaginable."

"Dog." little bit coquettish way.

Yang Ping was helpless. Now where to find a dog for her? Ke Yidao in front of her is a big trouble. She was thinking about how to comfort. A shocking scene happened.

"You can let me do anything except the dog." Ke Yidao was cruel and gnashed his teeth. "The premise is that I can\'t damage my holy dignity and humiliate the reputation of the demon family. Otherwise, I\'d rather die than fear. The demon king will come to you in person. Mengji, even if you are powerful, you can\'t be the opponent of the demon king."

Yang Ping was even more confused. He didn\'t understand Ke Yidao\'s inexplicable changes. He had to ask Xiaobu. The old fisherman appeared in the front yard and looked at him with a smile.

When Ke Yidao saw the old fisherman, he was like seeing the enemy who killed his father. He roared, "son of a bitch, you know Mengji is in the treasure house and asked me to come here. It\'s purely intentional!"

The fisherman laughed, clapped his hands and said, "nonsense, of course it\'s intentional. Otherwise, you think it\'s so good to come in? Master Mengji, please kill him."

Ke Yidao jumped out of his feet and begged hurriedly. He looked at Xiaobu and smiled: "Mengji, I am willing to do anything as punishment for offending you."

"Except for things that are detrimental to dignity," Ke Yidao added again. For fear of becoming a dog, it will be spread out at that time. Don\'t mention the shame of the demon gate. It is estimated that the demon king will slap him to death.

"Dad, I want a dog." little bit shook Yang Ping\'s arm and said coquettishly.

Ke Yidao\'s forehead was sweating. He quickly winked at the old fisherman and said, "old fisherman, save me quickly. If I become a dog, I will die with you. Don\'t you want to be the enemy of the demon gate now. The demon king is about to leave the customs and finish his cultivation. At that time, challenge the first master of Cihang Jingzhai. Do you have a problem?"

The old fisherman narrowed his eyes and began to think.

Finally, he weighed the pros and cons. He didn\'t want to be the enemy of the demon gate for the time being. Killing Ke Yidao is one thing, but the demon king will certainly not sit idly by while enslaving the elders of the demon gate.

"Yang Ping, I think so. Tao Chengqi has swept the floor for half a year. Now there is a shortage of manpower. Otherwise Ke Yidao will take over and help clean the treasure Pavilion."


Ke Yidao\'s eyes were black and he felt an impulse to die. Your sister\'s, I\'m a great saint, actually helped you sweep the floor. It\'s said how to stay with Lord Helian and fly together.

"Quit!" Ke glared and scolded angrily.

"The dog is so cute." Xiaobu smiled.

When Ke Yidao heard this, he was cold, took a deep breath, showed a look of humiliation, almost broke his teeth, and said in a trembling voice, "OK, I\'m willing to clean Zang Baoxuan."

The old fisherman was happy in his heart, but he didn\'t dare to go too far. After all, he relied on Mengji\'s prestige, so he looked at Xiaobu and asked for advice.

Little bit was unaware of the old fisherman\'s inquiry and was only coquettish with Yang Ping.

The old fisherman knew it well. He looked at Ke Yidao with dissatisfaction on his face and said, "that\'s good. Now there are many withered branches and leaves in the front yard. Clean it first. Otherwise..."

Ke Yidao was very upset about the fisherman\'s order. He was just about to protest.


Xiaobu gave a very appropriate cry. Ke Yidao stared, so he had to honestly pick up the broom beside the wall to clean up. He was very sad and angry. He thought that the elder of the magic door was high above him, and the princess of the magic door respected him. The prince of the magic door hated him and didn\'t want to be reduced to sweeping the floor of the treasure Pavilion.

Yang Ping didn\'t know that there was something wrong with the little one. He quickly showed the color of inquiry and winked at the fisherman. He wanted to know something.

The old fisherman seemed to have seen nothing. Since Mengji didn\'t tell Yang Ping that she must have her own ideas, she coughed and said, "I have something else to do. Go up the mountain first."

When the old fisherman went up the mountain, Ke Yidao went to sweep the floor depressed. Yang Ping looked at Xiaobu, his face was serious, his heart was extremely vigilant, and said in a deep voice, "who the hell are you?"

The little one was bitter and looked pitifully at Yang Ping, who glared angrily. He called for his father, and his eyes fell down.