Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1069

Taoist Zun appeared so suddenly that without any warning, he fell directly on the treasure Pavilion. The external array collapsed, and all defense energy was vulnerable in front of him.

He seems to be the blue light that pierces the sky, invincible in the world.

Yang Ping didn\'t even feel the difference of the void. Taoist Zun shot at him. A mark of life and death was made from his hand and almost rolled the whole void. There were countless dense cracks around, which penetrated the void cracks, trying to pull the people in.

In the void crack, Yang Ping saw a shocking phenomenon, in which there were towering huge trees, countless birds and animals, full of ferocity, and chaotic primitive energy.

That\'s the little world of daozun.

It hasn\'t taken shape yet, but there are signs of promotion. It\'s only a little short of breaking through.

Ke Yidao and the old poison are the most unlucky. They just stand in front of Yang Ping and bear most of the attacks. Ke Yidao had no choice with the old poison. He had to fight hard, or he would die miserably.

They did their best.

Holding a crystal clear Yanyue knife in his hand, Ke Yidao chopped at Taoist Zun, as if he had the determination to split the world. He was indomitable and its power was several times stronger than that against Yang pingqiang before. It can be seen that he did not exert his real strength before.

The Yanyue Sabre is so powerful that even Taoist Zun has to cut it off directly.

The old poison spewed out a golden cicada from its mouth. There was only one such cicada, but it emitted a burning light, as if it could burn the void. The cicada shot at the Taoist statue and took the posture of dying together.

Yang Ping was shocked by the extreme attack methods of the two great saints and sighed secretly. The great saint is really not what ordinary people can imagine. If he can\'t stop it, at least he will be seriously injured.

The old poison attacked daozun with Ke Yidao. Yang Ping felt that he could at least buy some time and leave with him.

Unfortunately, everyone overestimated the strength of Taoist Zun as much as possible, but it was far inferior to his means.

Taoist Zun waved it casually and the Yanyue knife directly smashed it. The cicada that seemed to be able to burn the heavens also turned into air. At the same time, Ke Yidao and the old poison sprayed blood and seriously injured, fell to the ground and was dying.

"There is no need to make useless resistance. Mengji, my small world lacks a soul. Come in and let\'s create a new world together."

Taoist Zun waved again, and then a void crack appeared behind Mengji. The small world inside could be seen clearly. Although it was not as good as the small world Yang Ping had been to before, it was very close, because there were creatures living inside.

The little one held Yang Ping\'s big hand tightly, showed his fear and shouted, "Dad, I\'m afraid."

Yang Ping felt small in the face of the attack of the master at the level of Tianzun. In front of the void crack, he wanted to make a move, but he was surprised to find that there were few ideas to make a move.

He tried to break out and even mobilize the dark atmosphere in the Dantian, but it was a pity that he was suppressed by the Taoist priest.

Taoist Zun used the supreme skill to make the treasure Pavilion become a part of his world. Here, he is invincible. And Yang pinggen could not have used the golden needle. The drive of the gold needle takes time. Now I have no time to prepare. I can only stare at the frightened face on Xiaobu\'s face.

Taoist Zun stared at Xiaobu, just like a treasure, and said faintly, "countless people are looking for you. In those years, Xuanji Zi suppressed you and valued your physique. Now, after you have become a great success, it is the most needed critical period and the most precious core of the world. With you, my world will become a real world. Come on, let\'s create the world together, Mengji."

Xiaobu desperately resisted in Taoist Zun\'s world, but it had no effect, because Taoist Zun\'s strength completely crushed Mengji now. Even if Mengji recovered to the peak, she could not be Taoist Zun\'s opponent.

Yang Ping angrily said, "you dare!"

Taoist Zun looked at Yang Ping with a contemptuous smile and said coldly, "if it wasn\'t for your master\'s face, do you think you could live to this day?"

Yang Ping shouted, "you break into the dragon city and break the rules. Is there no one in the world who can subdue you?"

Taoist Zun smiled calmly, showing invincible loneliness, sighed and said: "the rules of Longcheng were originally designated by me. Yang Ping, do you think xuanjizi could face the whole world alone? Without me, he was just dust."


Xiaobu\'s eyes were about to be caught. Yang Ping was worried. He couldn\'t see the panic in Xiaobu\'s eyes and was distressed. Although Xiaobu\'s identity is mysterious, he called himself father after all. As a father, in order to protect his daughter, Yang Ping has great courage and determination in his heart.

In that case, spell it!

Yang Ping\'s eyes were red. The golden needle was full of power for a moment, and then shot out from the center of his eyebrows to attack Taoist Zun. Seeing that the little one was going to be taken away, Taoist Zun raised his hand and broke the rules of Longcheng for decades, but when he saw the golden needle shooting, he said, "I didn\'t expect it to be on you."


In the past, the golden needle, which was forced by cattle, has no invincible existence. This time, it has lost its function. However, seeing the golden needle suspended in front of Taoist Zun, he was only a Hao, but he couldn\'t move and was given by the power of the small world.

Yang Ping opened his mouth and couldn\'t believe it was true. The invincible golden needle was fixed.

Tao Zun seemed to see Yang Ping\'s doubts and sneered: "idiot, if it\'s a real five element gold needle, I\'ll turn around and leave. Your strength of microblog is only driven by a little brand of the gold needle. It\'s wishful thinking to deal with Tianzun. Let me show you the real power of Tianzun."

The golden needle disappeared.

Yang Ping\'s mind was empty. He was disappointed. His heart was empty. His most powerful killer mace, the golden needle, was taken away by Taoist Zun.

But the next thing is more terrible.

The whole dragon city is out of control.

The power of sentient beings disappears.

Yang Ping looked up in horror and found that all the masters were lurking in the sky over the dragon city. He didn\'t dare to pop up any spiritual power, because the appearance of Taoist Zun made the masters in the city afraid to look up.

Is this the power of Tao Zun?

"I am the way of heaven, and the way of heaven is me."

"My heart is the heart of heaven!"

With a light drink from Taoist Zun, Yang Ping lost control of Longcheng and finally found that anything can be taken for granted in front of Taoist Zun. Because Tao Zun was so powerful that Yang Ping didn\'t dare to resist.

"You should be lucky. If it weren\'t for Mengji\'s broken seal, I would slowly play with you until you die in pain." Taoist Zun looked at Yang Ping compassionately and looked at the sky, "it\'s a pity that I saw a different way."


Yang Ping roared and frantically attacked daozun, but was suppressed by the power of the world. The terrible Jiuyang Shenquan had no effect, even with a kind of desperate madness.

Little bit gradually disappeared into the small world of Taoist Zun. Her petite body was suspended in the sky. Looking at Yang Ping\'s big eyes, she was full of reluctance and sadness.

Yang Ping roared up to the sky and shouted, "stop!"

Taoist Zun slapped down and suppressed Yang Ping.

Yang Ping gushed blood. There were countless cracks in the body of Nine Yang. The internal organs in his body were broken. Then the spiritual world was oppressed, crushed and finally turned into nothingness until he became a part of the small world.

"Mole ants."

The Taoist priest was condescending and said coldly.

"Younger martial brother, you really passed."

Just when all the dust fell to the ground, a sigh came from the void. An old man stood in front of Yang Ping, stretched out his hand and grabbed the little spot from the small world of Taoist Zun. At the same time, a soft light enveloped Yang Ping and preserved a little of his life.


Tao Zun was not nervous because of the coming of Xuanji Zi, but looked indifferent. It seemed that he should have expected his appearance long ago. This is the terrible place of Tao Zun.