Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1066

Ke roared with a knife. The whole dragon city could hear the sound wave. Through the clouds, it turned into a gust of wind and blew towards the treasure Pavilion, carrying a strong threat. If it was a moving building, it was estimated that there would be a lot of cracks. Fortunately, the treasure pavilion was guarded by an array and was safe, but the people in the treasure Pavilion heard it.

Ke Yidao confirmed that the old fisherman didn\'t come. He sneered and said to himself, since you are so arrogant, I don\'t believe you can\'t kill Yang Ping. Even if you pay a heavy price, I can\'t swallow this tone.

"Yang Ping, get out and die." Ke Yidao shouted.

More than a dozen eyes looked at the treasure Pavilion and thought it was very interesting. There were many masters at the saint level. They are curious. Ke Yidao is also a strong man who has been famous for a long time. It\'s best to try to find out the bottom line of treasure Pavilion.

Ke Yidao knew he would become the center of the storm, but he was not afraid at all. He said, "coward, you will always hide in it and don\'t come out."

Treasure Pavilion front yard.

Tao Chengxi was worried. Looking at Yang Ping teasing Xiaobu, he said, "the old fisherman didn\'t come back. You\'d better hide inside. Ke Yidao is an elder of the magic door. He has great strength. Only the old fisherman can suppress him."

Yang Ping said with a smile, "he dare not come in."

Tao Chengxi nodded. Although he was worried, as long as Yang Ping didn\'t go out, there would be no accident. The array of cangbaoxuan is not vegetarian and can resist the attack of Da Sheng level experts.

The little one blinked and asked, "Dad, is someone calling you outside?"

Yang Ping touched the little one\'s head and said, "the people outside are crazy. If you want to kill your father, don\'t pay attention to him."

I don\'t understand.

"But I don\'t like being killed by my father. The man outside is a bad man, very bad and very bad." Xiaobu waved his small fist, which was ridiculous, and shouted, "I\'ll teach him a lesson. Who let him bully my father."

Yang Ping chuckled and comforted, "will you wait until you grow up?"

A little bit Oh, looked down and thought, very serious. Yang Ping thinks it\'s funny. He looks only three years old, but his thinking is far beyond his peers. At least he knows how to think.


The array was attacked. I don\'t know how Ke Yidao broke the array. When he came to the front yard, he just saw Yang Ping, showed a fierce light and shouted, "die."

Taochengxi was just intercepted between the two. Just about to stop, he was hit by Ke Yidao and Ba, and floated to the back mountain.

Yang Ping frowned, revealing the murderous opportunity.

If Ke Yidao wants to play with his life, Yang Ping doesn\'t mind accompanying him to the end. The golden needle in the spiritual world rotates and shows signs of recovery. The little one beside him seemed to feel the operation of the gold needle. His big eyes flashed a look of fear and keenly felt the danger of the gold needle.

Ke Yidao looked down at Yang Ping and hummed, "it\'s too late for you to regret now. I\'m going to break you up. Tell me your last words."

"Last time you sneaked in, you almost killed me. This time you came again. Do you think I\'m easy to bully?" Yang Ping put the little one behind him, got up and stared at Ke Yidao, and said in a deep voice, "it seems that if you don\'t kill one or two great saints, you think everyone can bully me, Yang Ping?"

During this time, Yang Ping felt weak and almost died by using gold needles several times. This time, with the backing, she was ready to make a big fight. First, she took Ke\'s knife to make an example.

The old fisherman hasn\'t shown any signs yet. Ke Yidao is relieved and makes direct moves to avoid long dreams. If the old fisherman doesn\'t keep his promise, isn\'t it a waste of opportunity.

Just when the old fisherman showed his kill and Yang Ping drove the golden needle, little bit poked his head out of his back, looked at Ke Yidao discontentedly and shouted, "don\'t bully my father."

Ke Yidao sneered, "well, you killed my son, and I\'ll kill your daughter, too. Let you feel the pain of losing your bones and flesh."

Yang Ping frowned and said, "little one, don\'t get excited. There\'s a father here. There will be no accident."

Little Bu nodded and stuck out his tongue at Ke Yidao, pretending to be ferocious, showing his existence, but he thought it was fun.

Ke took a knife.

A magic knife appeared in his hand, glowing with the ultimate killing opportunity. The magic knife seemed to have life. Ke Yidao drank a little and cleaved to Yang Ping.

Yang Ping felt the well-known crisis. It was this knife that almost killed him. If it weren\'t for the Tianmo hand and Tianmo scattered flowers inadvertently revealed by the princess of the magic gate, he might not be able to escape safely.

But now we can\'t use the ancient martial arts of the magic gate, because there is a little behind us.

He was ready to use the power of the golden needle to kill Ke once and for all. At the moment of Ke\'s knife, the corners of his mouth bent and showed a proud smile.

This knife is the peak and really reaches the realm of splitting the world with one knife.

Ke Yidao was so confident in this Dao that the tragic situation of Yang Ping being split in half appeared in his mind, showing a cold smile.

Tao Chengxi felt Ke Yidao\'s monstrous killing. He was frightened. He secretly said that the great sage realm was indeed beyond his imagination. He was instinctively afraid just by sensing the realm atmosphere.

Can Yang Ping escape?

Taochengxi has no confidence, because Yang pingdingduo can fight with the sage in the later stage, but in the face of the great sage realm, he can only be beaten, and even there is almost no escape.

It\'s terrible this time. The elder fisherman hasn\'t come back yet.

Yang Ping is in great trouble.

Tao Chengxi called the old fisherman with pain and shouted, "the magic knife of the magic door came to the treasure Pavilion. Please come back and support the old fisherman. Yang Ping is not an opponent."

The fisherman said calmly, "is Yang Ping\'s daughter there?"

Taochengxi was surprised. He was burning with anger. He also asked Yang Ping\'s daughter why, but said, "still there. Elder fisherman, please come back immediately to support the overall situation."

"Don\'t need me." who knows what the old fisherman said, which surprised taochengxi. "Some people will think it\'s a problem. I didn\'t expect Ke Yidao to seriously kill Yang Ping. Alas, he could have survived, but now it\'s estimated to be terrible."

Doodle doodle.

Listening to the busy tone on the other end of the phone, Tao Chengxi was puzzled. Secretly, the elder fisherman seemed to have great confidence in Yang Ping, but where did the confidence come from?

He turned to take a fancy to Zhushan. I\'m afraid only his wife can defeat the magic knife. No one else can. But will Mrs. Zhu leave because of Yang Ping?

Yang Ping gathered the strongest blow.

Suddenly, a petite figure ran between Ke Yidao and Yang Ping. The young face was angry and said, "why did you bully my father?"

Ke Yidao sneered, showing a disdainful smile. Looking at them was like looking at mole ants.

However, when Ke Yidao thought he could solve the problem one by one, he always felt that something was wrong with Xiaobu. It seemed that he had seen it somewhere, but he couldn\'t remember.

There is a special smell on the little girl, which can only be perceived by the Mahatma realm.

Fiercely, Ke Yidao seemed to think of something. Fiercely, his body trembled and cried, "no, are you... Impossible..."

With one knife, almost no damage was caused, and Ke Yidao\'s magic knife disappeared. A terrible weapon just disappeared.

Ke Yidao\'s pupils tightened, his mouth opened wide, and he shouted, "who are you?"

He finally saw the little one\'s true face and felt the anger and terrible breath in her body.

Ke Yidao trembled with fear.