Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1063

A year passed, so scary.

But Yang Ping was very calm. When the other party took the golden needle, he knew that this person might be the strongest he had ever seen, had his own world, knew the golden needle better, and was still a year ago.

Who the hell is she?

Yang Ping took a deep breath and was about to speak. The woman smiled and said, "I heard your inner voice, but it doesn\'t matter who I am. The important thing is that you inherited his blood, so you should continue to inherit his invincibility."


Yang Ping couldn\'t figure out why the woman told him these things and asked, "elder, are you talking about the body of Nine Yang? I have preliminarily mastered the essence and can soon understand the whole of Nine Yang divine fist."

The woman returned the gold needle to Yang Ping, shook her head and said, "the body of Nine Yang was just a good physique in those years. Your potential has not been developed, but you will understand it soon, but you need to pay a great price."

Yang Ping\'s heart sank. He didn\'t know how much it would cost.

"Go, it\'s a pure coincidence that you\'re here. And don\'t drive the golden needle casually. You can\'t meet it. If you\'re not lucky and meet me, no one can save you."

"I believe that one day you will inherit the tradition of the golden needle."

The voice was ethereal. Yang Ping only felt that he was dark in front of him. He left the small world and lay on the bed of the treasure Pavilion, but he was sure that he was still in the room. He felt that he had a dream before.

The old fisherman appeared in the room. After seeing Yang Ping, he was shocked and said, "where have you been before? I can\'t feel your breath."

Yang Ping wanted to tell the news of the mysterious woman, but he thought it over. The fisherman probably couldn\'t know, because a Jiazi represents too many.

"Well, since you don\'t want to say it, don\'t say it. You\'re fine. You almost scared me before. How can I tell your master if something happens to you." the old fisherman shook his head and saw Yang Ping\'s embarrassment. He was [email protected] ^^$

When the fisherman was ready to leave, he looked at Yang Ping and asked, "are you all right?"

Yang Ping was puzzled and examined his body. He was shocked to find that his body suddenly healed after using the gold needle. Moreover, he also felt that there was a power in his body that even he was afraid of. This power did not belong to him. Was it

Did she stay?

Yang Ping was shocked. He never thought that there were people so powerful in the world. I\'m afraid the old man couldn\'t plant other power seeds in his body. He felt that her power fit the gold needle and could provide the power drive of the gold needle, that is, the gold needle could be used without overdraft.

Three times.! $*!

Even if it was only once, Yang Ping felt incredible, and he could use it three times. He was in a high mood and didn\'t dare to imagine the power of the gold needle.

"That\'s right." Yang Ping was in a good mood and smiled.

The old fisherman nodded. As long as Yang Ping was fine, he didn\'t need to fight with Zhu Xue. He had informed Xuanji and made the worst plan.

"By the way, there\'s another thing for you to do. Since you\'re all right, I\'ll say it." the fisherman\'s face shook and told the story of China Airlines Group square again.

Yang Ping\'s face was gloomy and said, "boss Tao was hypnotized?"

The old fisherman smiled bitterly and said reluctantly, "I\'m afraid so. You must pay attention to a person when you go to explore. There is a beauty mole in the center of this woman\'s eyebrow, and she is particularly beautiful. People with weak will will will fall into her nightmare."

Yang Ping wondered, "is she very good?"

The fisherman shook his head and said, "just because it\'s old, I don\'t want to be an enemy. Anyway, you turn around and go when you see her, so as not to destroy our plan, right?"

Yang Ping smiled and said, "don\'t worry, I\'ll leave. But..." hesitated, stared at the fisherman, embarrassed him, and suddenly asked, "it can\'t be your old lover."

The old fisherman smoked at the corner of his mouth and said secretly that he would not dare to find her as a lover unless I was tired of living. NIMA was much better than me and killed me every minute. However, he wouldn\'t tell the truth. He patted Yang Ping on the shoulder and comforted him: "it\'s definitely not. She\'s your elder. You must be polite and don\'t conflict when you see her."

Yang Ping hurried to save people. Without much thought, he left the treasure Pavilion.

Looking at the back of him leaving, the old fisherman said helplessly: "I hope I will never meet him, but you are Xuanji\'s Apprentice. The chance of meeting him..."

Thinking of the woman\'s terror, the old fisherman trembled and sighed with deep concern. In fact, Yang Ping knew that the situation in Longcheng was even more severe, but the fisherman didn\'t say it. He felt that Yang Ping didn\'t have to bear it for the time being. Although the Yasheng realm was good, it was not a great saint after all.

Maybe Yang Ping can\'t participate in it until he reaches the realm of great sage.

Yang Ping followed Tao Chengqi\'s breath and borrowed the power of all living beings in Longcheng to find him in an amusement park. He saw Tao Chengqi playing with a little girl from a distance.

"Boss Tao\'s love can\'t spread, so he has time to play with the doll." the fisherman didn\'t say clearly about Tao Chengqi, but said he was controlled, but he didn\'t see Tao Chengqi. He was full of energy. There was only a little girl around him, and Yang Ping didn\'t take it seriously.

"Uncle, is it fun?" the little girl fell from the slide, grabbed Tao Chengqi\'s big hand and shook her way, "uncle, will you play with me?"

Tao Chengqi murmured, "play with the slide, play with the slide..." and then played with the little girl. Yang Ping was stunned. Unexpectedly, the cool peach boss had a childlike side.

"Boss Tao, yes."

When Tao Chengqi came down with the little girl, Yang Ping came forward, smiled and said, "honestly, is it your illegitimate daughter, otherwise how can you be so free."

Tao Chengqi murmured, "play with the slide, play with the slide..."

Yang Ping patted Tao Chengqi on the shoulder, smiled and scolded: "what to play, be honest, whose child is it? It\'s so cute."

When the little girl saw Yang Ping, her big eyes blinked and wondered. Yang Ping\'s breath was familiar but strange. She asked, "who are you?"

Yang Ping said with a smile, "I\'m your father\'s friend. You can call me uncle. What\'s your name? You look so beautiful."

The little girl smiled, shook her head and said, "mom said, don\'t reveal your name to strangers. It\'s very dangerous. Are you a bad person?"

Yang Ping chuckled and said, "of course not. Uncle is a great good man."

"But I don\'t think you are a good person." the little girl looked naive. Yes, Yang Ping couldn\'t cry or laugh. He touched the little girl\'s face and thought it was very fun.

The little girl looked discontented and cried, "don\'t touch my face. Uncle, he\'s a bad man."

Yang Ping was just about to speak. The peach blossom fell and the strong move of burying the flower attacked directly, which frightened Yang Ping to resist quickly. Although Tao Chengqi was not his opponent, the sudden attack still embarrassed Yang Ping.

He used his body to carry the attack of burying flowers. His shirt broke several holes. He cried discontentedly, "boss peach, what are you doing!"

"Beat the bad guys, beat the bad guys..."

Tao Chengqi murmured to himself. His eyes became darker and darker, and his strength gathered more and more. Finally, he reached the peak, emitting a terrible smell of saints.

Yang Ping finally found something wrong.

After opening the perspective eye, Yang Ping saw through the essence of the little girl and his face changed dramatically.