Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1062

He seemed to have a dream. He came to a wonderful world through the strange passage of time and space. His eyes turned green. I don\'t remember how long he came here. Why are the huge trees towering like hills in front of him.

He fell under a big tree surrounded by ten people, and his feet stepped on the withered branches and leaves, making a wheezing sound that pulled him back to reality from shock.

Giant wood doesn\'t know what kind, similar to banyan, but I haven\'t seen such a huge banyan. Vines grow from the ground like giant hands wrapped around the trunk and sent into the sky. Under the huge wood, he looked very small, except that the sun above his head set mottled spots, reflecting that everything was real.

How did he come to the small world?

For the time being, Yang Ping became a small world, because he didn\'t know what was going on in the small world, and the roar of wild animals came out of the forest. A huge tiger with eyes on it rushed out and stared at him, ready to attack at any time. The tiger\'s claws are very sharp. It roared and dug a hole in the ground. The soil splashed and scattered all over the ground.


A vine penetrated from the tree like long hair and shot at the tiger. The tiger felt danger and instinctively retreated, but the vine was faster, and even pierced the tiger\'s body with an illusion of tearing space.

Yang Ping was surprised to find that the vine had the characteristics of sucking blood. The tiger became dry and fell to the ground less than a breath. The vine is like a blood vessel, and the blood essence follows the vine into the giant wood.

Then the forest became silent as if nothing had happened.

Yang Ping looked at the forest warily and felt that it was a dead land, and the giant wood was not a good thing, similar to cannibal flowers, but it seemed that he had seen it somewhere.

Suddenly, Yang Ping thought of the mysterious karst cave in Longcheng. Isn\'t the vine climbing on the rock wall the same as in front of him, but this forest is much wider than the mysterious karst cave. If the mysterious cave is a great saint level master, what about the whole forest?

He dared not imagine.

Dark clouds obscured.

The shadow shrouded, and the darkness came from a distance, drowning his body. Yang Ping saw an unforgettable scene. The forest moved, and all the giant trees opened their arms, just like a giant standing straight, as high as the sky.

He looked smaller and smaller.

Senlun shows a terrible momentum. He wants to compete with heaven, absorb sunshine and rain, and turn them into his own energy. Yang Ping keenly feels that the power absorbed by senlun every time is massive, which can not be measured by numbers. The good thing is the tsunami on the ocean. No matter how huge the ship encounters the sea roar, it will capsize in the sea.

So powerful!

Yang Ping sighed in his heart and murmured, "where did I come from? Although it is certain that it is the original world, the difference is unacceptable."

The forest quieted down after the giant wood absorbed the sun and rain.

He was in the forest and needed to find a way out, but no matter how powerful the forest was, he killed a powerful tiger without giving him a hand. It seemed that he was very afraid of something on Yang Ping.

The more powerful, the more fearful.

Yang Ping himself doesn\'t know that if he is a great saint, it is estimated that he has just entered the forest and turned back into nutrition and fertilizer.

He tried to move forward without being attacked.

When he walked out of the forest and spent two hours, he finally saw the scenery behind the forest. The previous fear and shock dissipated and turned into amazing.

This is a place that cannot be described in words. It is as beautiful as a dream.

If Tao Yuanming\'s story of the peach blossom garden is a yearning legend, then this place is thousands of times more beautiful than the peach blossom garden, because it is really a fairyland on earth.

The traffic is crisscross.

Yang Ping walked beside the field full of miraculous herbs. He had the illusion of being a hermit. The miraculous herbs in the field were rare medicinal materials in medical books. Only wild ginseng was found in Xiaoxing\'an Mountain outside. It was everywhere here. You can step on it with any foot. What\'s more, I don\'t know how many precious medicinal materials are in the endless medicine field.

He looked at everything around him with the eyes of appreciating works of art, and sighed in his heart that the world was so blessed.

"What\'s that?"

Yang Ping suddenly stopped and was shocked. His eyes locked on a nine turn Salvia miltiorrhiza. Then he was ecstatic and shouted, "one of the three flowers needed by old Mu unexpectedly appeared here."

Corpse flower, Sansheng flower, jiuzhuan Danshen flower, one of them impressively appeared in front of us.

Yang Ping is going to pick it. Jiuzhuan Danshen feels a crisis. Swish, it disappears into the soil. With a light sigh, his heart became more excited. The effect of jiuzhuan Salvia miltiorrhiza, which became essence, was even higher. It could be meat and bones of the living dead.

He tried to chase jiuzhuan Salvia miltiorrhiza, but jiuzhuan Salvia miltiorrhiza was very cunning, and the scattered perception here could not spread ten meters away, so it was very big to catch Nandu.

After spending a lot of energy, Yang Ping sat on the ground and gasped: "no, it\'s a great pressure on the body here. At the beginning, he didn\'t notice it. Once he uses his breath, it will consume rapidly and won\'t last long."

"If you can hold on for half an hour, you have got the essence of the body of Nine Yang."

Behind him came a dreamy voice. Yang Ping was not afraid of the sudden voice. He turned slowly, and then... He couldn\'t see anyone.

"I\'m here."

Yang Ping turned around again and finally saw the master of the voice. In short, the woman in front of you is not that kind of peerless beauty, but looks very ordinary. However, the more you look, the more beautiful you feel, just like people\'s fantasy. When you fantasize about the most beautiful woman, she will become the most beautiful one. If you have evil in your heart, she will become the source of evil.

She was right in front of her, smiled gently, then grabbed jiuzhuan Salvia miltiorrhiza from the soil and said, "you want jiuzhuan Salvia miltiorrhiza, take it."

Pick one from jiuzhuan Danshen and hand it to Yang Ping. The woman smiled and said, "don\'t wonder who I am. There\'s no need to think about it. If I want to be bad for you, I won\'t wait for you now."

"Who are you?"

Instead of picking up jiuzhuan Danshen flower, Yang Ping asked.

The woman asked, "is this important? The name is just a code. You and I are destined to come to my world, which is related to the things in your body."

Yang Ping trembled and looked at each other in horror.

The woman said with a smile, "really don\'t worry." she stretched out her hand and grabbed it. Then the golden pole in Yang Ping\'s mind appeared in the palm of her hand, shaking happily.

In Yang Ping\'s spiritual world, the golden pole is missing.

He looked at each other in horror.

A weapon that can destroy the devil\'s mind. He tried his best to drive the golden pole. He lay quietly in the palm of a woman\'s hand, and a woman can drive.

What the hell is going on?

A woman\'s palm is a gold needle.

"I didn\'t expect that we could meet in this way," the woman looked at the golden needle with nostalgic eyes and a sad smile on her mouth. "Time passed so quickly. In a twinkling of an eye."