Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1064

He had long noticed that the little girl was unusual. Boss Tao\'s awesome character was controlled to obey and lose himself. Yang Ping felt it when he found that the two were playing happily, but he didn\'t scare the snake. He deliberately pretended not to know and came forward to talk.

But the attack of boss Tao forced Yang Ping to fight back.

So he wanted to see through the essence of the little girl and opened his perspective eyes. At first glance, he was fine. At first glance, his mind was shocked. Nima, the essence of a little girl is

average person.

Yang Ping can\'t imagine that the horror ability displayed by the little girl can hypnotize a saint. It is actually the physique of ordinary people. It is no different from others. The only difference is that the little girl is very cute and beautiful.

"Beat the bad guys, beat the bad guys..." boss Tao continued to attack. Yang Ping shouted angrily, "you\'re crazy. Wake up quickly."

Tao Chengqi was in a trance. He couldn\'t hear Yang Ping\'s cry and issued a storm attack. Yang Ping couldn\'t kill his opponent. Moreover, the ancient martial arts he knew were attack types. There was no imprisonment type, so he had to avoid for the time being.

Fortunately, Yang Ping found a chance. A big fist hit the peach into a strange halo and fell to the ground. Yang Ping imprisoned his strength, trapped him, and then looked at the little girl.

The little girl was indignant and said, "why tie up my uncle? You\'re a bad man."

Yang Ping sneered and hummed, "your uncle? Little, if he is your uncle, I will still be your father."

The little girl was stunned.

Looking at Yang Ping with dull eyes, the round little face showed a color of thinking. The little girl\'s eyes were confused, suddenly flashed and shouted, "Dad, you are my father."

Yang Ping peed and hurriedly said, "little boy, I\'m not your father. Don\'t yell."

The little girl came forward, hugged Yang Ping\'s trouser legs, shook and said, "Dad, how do you know my name is xiaobudian? My mother said that the person I can\'t hypnotize is my father."

"What a broken theory!"

Yang Ping scolded secretly in her heart and wanted to teach Xiaobu a lesson, but her father shouted one by one, and her whole body was soft. In particular, the little girl did not deliberately hypnotize others, but her body automatically triggered hypnosis for people who were hostile to herself.

Just now, Yang Ping showed hostility, felt a terrible spiritual force falling, and wanted to erode the spiritual world. Fortunately, with a golden needle protecting his body, that spiritual force was swallowed up.

The mental power of a little girl may be the most special he has ever seen, and the mental power may still be above himself. He can\'t imagine that the spiritual world of a little girl around the age of three is so powerful.

It doesn\'t make sense.

"Dad, I\'m hungry." the little one tooted his mouth, his big eyes flashed, and his eyes were about to cry.

Yang Ping showed a helpless expression and said, "little boy, I\'m really not your father. Don\'t call me father, okay?"

The little girl nodded in a serious way and said, "OK, Dad."


Yang Ping only couldn\'t do anything about the little one who didn\'t have the ability to attack actively, and felt that the little one was not bad. He had an idea. Pointing to the tied peach, he smiled and said, "can you untie the prohibition on your uncle? You\'re very sad when you become an idiot."

The little one wondered, "but my mother said that if it was a bad man, we should hypnotize him and enslave him."

Yang Ping\'s back was cold. He secretly said whose child this was. My mother\'s education was really a failure, so he continued to cajole: "there is a misunderstanding here. Your uncle is not a bad man, just a fool."

After a little thought, Lao Cheng shrugged and said, "since Dad said, I won\'t embarrass him. But my uncle will kill me when he wakes up, and my father will beat him for me."


In fact, Yang Ping can\'t do anything about Tao Chengqi\'s appearance. It\'s not impossible to break his spiritual power and crack xiaobit\'s hypnosis, but xiaobit has completely controlled Tao Chengqi, which collapsed his faith and almost fell out of the realm of saints.

The little one ran to Tao Chengqi, and a beauty mole suddenly appeared in the middle of the eyebrow. The beauty mole twinkled, emitted a red light, and disappeared into Tao Chengqi\'s body.

Tao Chengqi slowly opened his eyes, revealing a dazed color.

"I seem to have a dream."

Tao Chengqi\'s head hurt and his body was very uncomfortable. He was punched by Yang Ping and the bone frame was about to fall off. His eyes gradually became clear. When he saw the little spot, he screamed and sat on the ground.

He has a shadow over the little dot and instinctive fear.

Yang Ping couldn\'t help laughing when he saw Tao Chengqi\'s fear. Tao Chengqi naturally saw the gloating Yang Ping and shouted seriously: "hurry up, she\'s very dangerous and can\'t get close."

"Dad, uncle bullies me." Xiaobu holds Yang Ping\'s arm and says wrongly, "Xiaobu is not a bad person, but uncle is a bad person."


Tao Chengqi was so frightened that his chin almost fell to the ground and said in surprise, "Yang Ping, don\'t tell you that you are really her old father. I can\'t accept it in a short time."

Yang Ping smiled bitterly and said helplessly, "she insisted on recognizing me. I can\'t help it."

"You kill me."

Tao Chengqi is a saint. Although he is hypnotized and loses himself, his instinct is still there. He is very clear about the little bit\'s terror. He doesn\'t dare to look into her eyes and has lingering palpitations.

"I don\'t want to live anymore." after hearing Yang Ping\'s explanation, Tao Chengqi felt an impulse to die. NIMA, the big housekeeper of the grand treasure Pavilion, and the great master of the realm of saints, walked out of the dragon city and wandered in the Jianghu, but he was hypnotized by a small point and played the slide several times.

I don\'t want to live anymore.

Tao Chengqi is depressed.

"Dad, my uncle doesn\'t want to live. Do you want to help him?" little bit asked seriously. At the same time, the beauty mole in the middle of the eyebrow reappeared, which scared peach into a strange cry and terrified.

Yang Ping said with a smile, "don\'t be ridiculous. Your uncle doesn\'t want to die. He just complains."

"Oh." the little one returned to the original state, the beauty mole in the middle of the eyebrow disappeared, and then pulled Yang Ping and clamored to play the game.

Yang Ping smiled. He suddenly remembered the words of the old fisherman in his mind. He clicked in his heart. He said in a secret way, lying in a trough. The old fisherman was an animal. He didn\'t even let go of a three-year-old girl.

At that time, the old fisherman was serious. The expert in his mouth was estimated to be his cheap daughter. There was a beauty mole in the middle of his eyebrow, and his mental power was terrible.

I thought it was the old lover of the old fisherman. Now it seems that it is definitely not what the old fisherman said. It is likely that Xiaobu is the illegitimate daughter of the old fisherman.

The more Yang Ping thought about it, the more he felt possible. He hummed, "I\'m not ashamed. I dare not admit it. I despise you."

"Little one, shall I take you to a more interesting place?" Yang Ping knew it well and decided to let little one know his real father. No matter how the old fisherman didn\'t know him, he may feel old and embarrassed to admit it, but it doesn\'t matter. Just help yourself and do good things without leaving a name.

So Yang Ping took xiaobudian to the treasure Pavilion. Tao Chengqi followed him far behind. It seemed that he was very afraid of xiaobudian.

Treasure Pavilion, front yard.

The old fisherman was leisurely wiping the fishing rod. Tea was placed on the table next to him. After the three entered the door, he smiled and said, "Yang Ping, your efficiency is very high."

Turning around, the old fisherman was gratified. Yang Ping\'s physical recovery was further this time. It could indeed solve many problems and let him take a breath.

But at the moment when he saw him, the old fisherman\'s face changed wildly, flopped, fell to the ground and looked at him in horror.