Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1061

"Ice cream, ice cream..." Tao Chengxi followed the little girl and followed her, like a doll. The little girl smiled happily and resumed her innocence. She asked the boss for two, one for each.

Taochengxi seemed to return to his childhood, showing a pure smile.

The little girl said, "uncle, where are we going to play next?"

Tao Chengxi\'s expression was numb and said, "listen to you."

The little girl thought for a moment, clasped her head and said, "let\'s go to the playground. My mother said that there are many children in the playground. No one plays with me below. They are afraid of me."

Tao Chengxi said, "playground, playground..."

After a big one left, the old fisherman appeared in the center of China Airlines square, meditated for a moment, and then said in horror: "no, taochengxi is confused."

The old fisherman\'s face was gloomy. He felt the breath of the little girl. His pupils flashed a fear and asked, "do you feel it? She\'s coming."

"Those who should come will always come. It seems that the seal has been destroyed." Lord Helian appeared next to him, with a dignified face and sighed, "xuanjizi\'s seal has been destroyed. I\'m afraid the chaos in Longcheng will really come."

"Shall I inform him?"

The old fisherman shook his head, stopped talking and said with a bitter smile, "I\'m afraid it\'s difficult to notice. Now I\'ve lost contact with him. It\'s estimated that it\'s difficult in the South China Sea."

Lord Helian\'s eyes were complex and said, "the world is always full of struggle and intrigue. No one is aware of the real danger."

"People are selfish. Only those who can really be like xuanjizi can be regarded as saints. We... Have more heart than strength, but it\'s a pity that the heaven realm of the world can\'t work together, otherwise xuanjizi doesn\'t have to work so hard and watch the seal of the dragon city be destroyed, and there\'s nothing he can do."

Lord Helian vaguely knows what\'s going on in the South China Sea, but there\'s nothing he can do about it. Although they belong to the peak combat effectiveness in the great sage realm, they are not even qualified to participate in the South China Sea.

Seeing that the fisherman was about to stop talking, Helian mountain master smiled gently and said, "are you curious about why Yang Ping killed Xiao Shang and I can be so calm?"

The fisherman smiled bitterly and nodded. It is said that Xiao Shao was the biological son of Lord Helian. After a one night stand with the magic knife, he retired from the Jianghu and concentrated on studying the divination of wujialing.

Later, the unparalleled artifact appeared in Longcheng, and the Lord of Helian mountain came out of the mountain.

"He\'s not my son."

He Lianshan looked at the fisherman calmly, so that he didn\'t dare to look at each other. They had a lot of emotional disputes in those years. Although they were old and rare, and their appearance was not as correct as when they were young, they were not so calm about the world of mortals.

"Oh." the fisherman smiled and covered up his embarrassment. It seemed that Lord Helian specially explained to him, especially staring into his eyes.

"Forget it, whether you believe it or not, I didn\'t get too entangled with Ke Yidao. In those years, you were sorry for me first. Was I right?" Lord Helian smiled calmly. If it was an ordinary couple, she would be hysterical if she knew that the other party was cheating, but it was too long ago. She felt like smoke in the past.

"I......" the old fisherman remembered the love hate entanglement between the two in those years. The beginning and end of the two can be called a legend. At that time, due to the regulations of the sect and the opposition of his family, the inheritance between Xianyi sect and mountain leader Helian was not very good. Just because those legends were too dazzling to cover up their brilliance.

In fact, the Lord of Helian mountain and the old fisherman are very talented, otherwise they won\'t become great saints. Later, heaven and earth changed greatly, the golden world opened, and the mysterious and short end was a secret.

But the biggest mystery is that wujialing disappeared overnight, as if it had never existed.

There are only a few people left to support the inheritance of wujialing. You know, in those days, wujialing was known as the Holy Land killer. One person can hold up a sky. What is one room and two doors? It\'s just a local chicken and tile dog.

The glory of wujialing in those years, every Chinese under the door can\'t help but be proud. Old fishermen are no exception, and mountain Lord Helian is no exception.

"When I took the fishing rod, the master was gone." the old fisherman told the truth about the separation in those years and said with a bitter smile, "don\'t you also get the inheritance? It seems that there is a force in the dark that controls our destiny. Even Wu Jialing didn\'t escape. Maybe only Taoist Zun and Xuanji understand the secret of Wu Jialing\'s disappearance."

The Lord of Helian mountain showed his nostalgic eyes and said, "yes, fate is always suspended on people\'s heads. It\'s a double-edged sword."

"Thank you."

When they missed the past, the fisherman suddenly bent 90 degrees towards the Lord Helian, then got up and said seriously, "thank you very much."

Helian mountain master smiled and said, "isn\'t this what you want to see?"

The old fisherman blushed and hurriedly explained, "well... In fact, I don\'t want to embarrass you. If you don\'t want to participate..."

"Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world. Although wujialing is gone, we will eventually leave our inheritance. Although we can\'t control world events, the backbone of wujialing will never bend down, nor will the sky fall down."

Lord Helian looked at the sky with deep meaning and said in a deep voice.

"Mengji broke free from the seal."

The old fisherman was excited by the words of mountain leader Helian. Yes, Wu Jialing had gone against the sky and carried the world on his back. Xuanji Zi followed Wu Jialing\'s ancestral teachings and had not changed. Now he is facing it alone in the South China Sea. Isn\'t he also practicing it?

He quickly thought of Tao Chengxi and asked, "the little guy is not strong enough and is bewitched. His life may be in danger at any time. His heart is broken."

Lord Helian frowned and said, "Mengji is stronger than us. In those years, she was suppressed by Xuanji Zi because of love and hatred. For 20 years, the Blue Phoenix has gone, and there is another Mengji. Mengji\'s spiritual skills are superb. I don\'t know whether she has stepped into the realm of heaven in the past 20 years. She was one of the top ten great saints in those years. She can achieve heaven only by one step."

The old fisherman was awe inspiring. He thought of Mengji and was shocked. If Mengji broke the seal, he would have an enemy out of thin air. It is very unfavorable to the complex situation of Longcheng.

If Mengji achieves heaven, the dragon city must be over.

What they are most worried about is Mengji\'s realm and strength. If they still stay in the Mahatma realm, they may still have hope to deal with it. If it is the God, they can only ask Xuanji to come.

Only xuanjizi can hope to suppress Mengji in the realm of heaven.

"Where\'s Yang Ping?"

Helian mountain master pinched his fingers and suddenly turned pale. He was shocked and said, "I could still feel his existence just now. Now he disappeared silently."

The old fisherman felt a little slower and turned pale. He hurried to the treasure Pavilion: "you have to stand against Taocheng river. You can\'t deal with the little girl unless you have to. The little girl has a deep relationship with Mengji. Don\'t make Mengji angry, otherwise it will be very troublesome."

The old fisherman rushed back to the treasure house and opened the door. The room was empty.

"Where are the people?"

The old fisherman\'s face changes. If something happens to Yang Ping at this time, the problem will be big.

At the moment, Yang Ping fell into a half awake state, his body kept falling, his ears were full of harsh resentment, and even saints would die if their will was not firm enough.

In the dark, the space storm raged. Yang Ping was wrapped by a soft force and kept sinking to the 18th floor of hell. He came to the small world once again.