Female CEO's Body Guard

Chapter 1060

The little girl is really cute. She is tied with two sheep horns. Her fleshy palm is holding ice cream. Her face is red. She feels that Tao Chengxi is paying attention and shows a shy smile.

No one will know that the little girl is dangerous.

But taochengxi found it, and the feeling is very obvious. Although the little girl is extremely cute, the Yin and cold gas emitted from her body is beyond imagination. The cold center of China Airlines square is the little girl.

The crowd had already dispersed.

Only taochengxi and the little girl are left.

Taochengxi walked to the little girl with firm steps and said indifferently, "I don\'t know where you come from, but I can\'t kill in Longcheng."

The little girl handed out the ice cream, blinked her big eyes and asked, "uncle, do you eat ice cream?"

Tao Chengxi sneered, "you think I\'ll let you go if you pretend to be poor?" then he slapped the ice cream and hummed, "get out of the dragon city. This is not where you demons and ghosts come from."

The little girl stared at the ice cream on the ground, pursed her mouth, her eyes flushed, and said wrongfully, "uncle, why do you lose it if you don\'t eat ice cream?"

Tao Chengxi narrowed his eyes and said unhappily, "I see when you can install it."

Bury flowers!

Tao Chengxi directly uses the killing move and the burial flower move, which is a unique skill created by him in the sub Saint realm. The Xuanji ancient martial arts is now promoted to the saint realm. After improving the burial flower, his attack power is improved to a higher level.

A total of 18 peach blossoms appeared on the top of the little girl\'s head, rotating rapidly and making a whistling air friction sound. Each peach blossom carries a sharp Qi force and can fall straight down at any time to cut the little girl in half.

The little girl didn\'t seem to see the strange peach blossoms floating above her head. Her eyes stayed on the melting ice cream and turned into a thick liquid in the sun. She cried loudly.

Tao Chengxi drank, "bury flowers!"

If you don\'t give the little girl any chance, taochengxi is not a fool. The more dangerous people are, the more defenseless they are. Although the little girl is very cute and pitiful, it\'s definitely not soft to kill. Are there few such things in the world?

In those days, Tao Chengxi almost died in the hands of a pair of mother and son because he had pity on them. After killing a man, he was not willing to cut down the roots.

The scars left on the chest are those left by the mother and son.

Therefore, taochengxi is pretending to be a poor person. Even the little girl in front of her didn\'t show a different behavior from ordinary people from beginning to end.

But being safe in his peach blossom field itself shows that she is terrible. The realm of saints, far from being suppressed, is as relaxed as before.

Eighteen peach blossoms fell.

Formed an ocean of peach blossoms.

More than eighteen peach blossoms, one peach blossom, one world.

The world collapses, peach blossoms reciprocate, and finally fall to the ground and die together. This is the true meaning of burying flowers and the profound meaning of Taocheng Xiwu road.

The power of burying flowers is great. Fortunately, all the people in the square were gone, otherwise the battle between the two would cause shock. Taochengxi has long used the array to shield the outside world. There are only two people left in the peach blossom field.

The little girl looked up, wiped away her tears, watched the peach blossom fall, bit her lips and said, "uncle, why do you waste my ice cream? You are a bad man."

The flowers were buried successfully.

The little girl\'s petite body was submerged in countless sharp peach blossom worlds.

Tao Chengxi breathed a sigh of relief. It is estimated that the little girl does not have much combat experience. His flower burial attack is generally a saint\'s initial state, not to mention a little girl.

As long as the little girl is seriously injured, he can eradicate it and solve a major hidden danger of Longcheng. Every time I see Yang Ping go out to fight, as the person of treasure Pavilion, Tao Chengxi is oppressed. This time, he finally gets a chance to fight.

"Yang Ping, I don\'t know you\'re fighting alone." Tao Chengxi smiled and sighed.

Peach blossoms disappeared. It was estimated that the little girl should be covered with blood. Tao Chengxi was ready for the second move, which was even worse than burying flowers, but his heart jumped wildly when he saw the little girl standing in the center of the scene unharmed.

He was so frightened that he couldn\'t believe it was true.

The little girl used her body to resist his burial flowers, but she was undamaged, subverting his cognition. How can someone\'s body in the world be able to resist his attack. What\'s more, even if the little girl cultivates strength in her womb, she won\'t surpass him.

But the reality is to hit the face.

Tao Chengxi stared at the little girl and confirmed that she was really all right. He took a breath of air conditioning. What is this.

The little girl stared at Tao Chengxi. Her pupils flashed resentful eyes and cried, "uncle, you are a bad man. My mother said all the bad guys are going to die."

"I\'ll kill you."

The little girl looked at taochengxi very seriously and said with her mouth.

Taochengxi snorted coldly, and the surrounding peach blossom field was compressed into a peach blossom defense array. It was a lot of peace of mind. With a peach blossom defense array, you can detect each other\'s attack 360 degrees without dead corners.

"Return my ice cream."

The little girl moved, took a small step and walked towards Taocheng river. Her pretty face was full of indignation. Taocheng River pulled a corner of peach blossom to stop it, but it didn\'t work in front of the little girl, just like rice paper falling into the water to dilute and smash.

Taochengxi\'s face changed slightly, and he used the field to stop it. Peach blossoms stood in front of the little girl, but he couldn\'t stop her. At this time, Tao Chengxi realized that the little girl was not easy to mess with.

"Bad guys."

The little girl waved her young fist and hit taochengxi. It seemed that the fist without attack was as if huaguduo was moving with the wind. She might rush to the ground at any time, clumsy and lovely.

Taochengxi is very vigilant and highly concerned.

But the little girl\'s fist didn\'t fall for a long time, or his predicted attack was different from reality. Immediately, Tao Chengxi suddenly thought it might be a misunderstanding.

The other party is really just a child.

Unexpectedly, Tao Chengxi felt guilty and embarrassed when he shot at a child. He had an impulse to die to apologize. In the face of such a lovely child, who can kill?

Previous experience and current state make yourself arrogant.

Life still needs to believe in truth, goodness and beauty.

Taochengxi smiled bitterly. The more he thought, the more reasonable it was. Then he removed the peach blossom field, removed the more powerful second move, and looked at the little girl lovingly.


The little girl punched taochengxi on the chest. He bowed his head, was stunned for a moment, then lost his smile, touched the little girl\'s head and said, "uncle is wrong. I\'ll buy you an ice cream later."

The little girl cheered, "uncle is very kind."

Finally, Tao Chengxi thought he deserved to die. How could he do it to a little girl? Just now he almost killed people. It\'s too much.

Guilt, shame, came to my heart.

Tao Chengxi\'s spiritual world is collapsing because his firm will of the sage is disappearing at an unimaginable speed. The most powerful thing for a saint is his will. Only by focusing on Tao and turning his ideas into a kind of Tao, can he condense into Tao fruit and become a saint.

The Tao fruit disappears and the mind collapses.

The sage came here.

The little girl\'s fist hit taochengxi\'s chest, just the part of her heart. There was no blood on the surface, but it was very dangerous inside.

Because taochengxi lost his self-consciousness.

He followed the little girl and went to the roadside ice cream shop. His eyes were confused and murmured, "ice cream, ice cream..."